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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
he didn't get hypericum after all...
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Yes.Patience on the part of the patient as well as the prescriber.

Merisel is back.Looks like he waited till he got sulphur.

I buy my books from BJAIN Publishers,New Delhi.There are many publishers in India,and they are so cheap,even by Indian standards.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
B. Jain was first I found but they did not have some books that I wanted and Mr Aggarwal had. His books are not only MUCH cheaper than here-but the selection is enormous.

Would there be the second sneezing in moisture in India?
Something irritates them.

Here in winter the air is very dry. How's in India?
Astra2012 2 decades ago
This is link to Aggarwal Book Centre

Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

Good to see the effect of Sulphur !!!

He should be benefitted by Sulph if he is better after Nux.

Lets hope for his speedy recovery.
magicure 2 decades ago
"Would there be the second sneezing in moisture in India?"

I couldn't make head and tail of your question.You sometimes really need a translator.

Winters are generally dry in India also.But,in certain hilly areas,it rains in winter.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

I am opening a seperate thread for you.We will discuss areas of mutual interst there.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
There are two threads already about sneezing , < rainy weather, in India.

Don't tell me you can't read minds!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
What is the first sneezing in moisture?

and the second sneezing in moisture?

I am still not clear.

'Me' is thrusting a great responsibility on me.I hope I can measureup to his expectations.

Incidentally,I was reading a book 'accurate homeopathy' by Dr.Sanjay Modi.Not yet gone through fully,but sounds interesting.

It more or less is in line with what Chris said earlier.
Keep dosing the patient with the choosen remedy,till you get a definite amel. or aggravation.

Let us see how 'Me' reacts to this strategy.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
VERY interesting!
Is this book from B.Jain? (contrary to what you think I like books a lot-but I'm also trying to keep my word --- speaking of which: dr.S. wrote that he hasn't got copies yet and I sent them on Nov.13 so he should by now-- I offered to send them again but he said no-i don't blame him--this is second time that i lost letter in nov 2004!).

I like this strategy esp now when waiting for the single dose of rhus to start working!
Does this guy have CLINICAL experience?

Two cases I mentioned:
1. extreme cold in moisture weather
2. remedy suggestion for allergic rhinitis

So you see I'm not completely out of my mind.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,

Good idea of starting a new thread.... We can discuss Homoeopathic philosophy as well.
magicure 2 decades ago
The book is available from


The author Dr.Sanjay Modi is a lecturer,and, his thoughts, are definitely worth having a look.

Dr.Leela recommended this book to somebody on Hpathy.

Try to get it.

One thought, which you also mentioned ,and which seems to be logical,is

Any number of doses you give till reaction sets in is construed to be a single dose.

This is not something which we are learning new,but,may be we are obsessed too much with the
'single' dose concept,and might not have paid much attention to it.

Let us see.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
that's what i said for Drosera!

I like when someone goes beyond "commonly accepted truths".

but a lecturer? author?
what about CLINICAL experience??
Astra2012 2 decades ago
He doesn't talk about his clinical experience.The back cover says he is a lecturer.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
yes, I also read this on the
"accurate hom." site: speaker and lecturer. So how he knows what works and what doesn't?

Books can be really dangerous when you rely on the wrong one.
Like crossing out remedies just because of thermals or thirst (remember Pulsatilla?)

It is better not to read some.
Astra2012 2 decades ago

you conclde too fast.! He gives lot of case studies by Kent and others in support of his assertions.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
ok. Who used multiple first dose? Whose cases does he talk about?

Talking about books I like Gunavante's "the amazing power of homeopathy-201 difficult cases" but actually you will nnot learn much from it.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I find the book very interesting.I will give you the essence sometime later.

Just a few thoughts from that book.

If a person is always chilly and that chilliness has remained the same even after the onset of disease,whether chronic or acute,it is not a symptom to be considered.

The concept that symtoms common to the disease are not to be considered are erraneous.The case of an ulcer,which is better after eating,though common to the disease,has to be considered for the choice of the medicine,as the better after eating is a change in him since the onset of the disease.

He deplores the proliferation of materia medica and reperteries based on various theories and so called clinical symtoms.

And the most challenging it of all

Acute disaeses--low potency,infrequent repetetion

Chronic problems--high potency,frequent repetetion.

Any thing which questions conventional wisdom,is worth thinking,and exploring.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
"Conventional wisdom" is rather a convenience than a wisdom.

I fully agree with

Acute disaeses--low potency,infrequent repetetion

Chronic problems--high potency,frequent repetetion.

I see this (although thinking about it: I never read it. So maybe he really is the first to put it on paper!)

It has a lot of sense! Acute diseases haven't gone deep yet: isn't the required minimal dose lower than when the disease becomes chronic?

It ALWAYS comes down to Hahnemann-the man was a genius!He experimented all his life and I'm sure would now too.

I agree: there are too many misleading MMs, repertories or other books and as I said: some books can be dangerous: like encyclopedia! I wouldn't accept all AR's references as reliable. And he didn't include some that I would (most of all-everything that Hahnemann wrote). Anyway: I use it with all this in mind.

And now thermals!
What you wrote here:

If a person is always chilly and that chilliness has remained the same even after the onset of disease,whether chronic or acute,it is not a symptom to be considered.

is what I asked doctorleela and couldn't understand why it is not reliable when it changes with disease (as I thought it should be more so).

I don't know if you realize this but in this sentence he kind of opposses the idea of constitutional remedy.(Like Hans Weitbrecht, and in a way I do too-however not in the same way as he does--I believe disease symptoms are always most important but you take in account "constitutionals" too)

About not taking symptoms common to disease when selecting the remedy I read in Andre Saine's (Canada) papers on multiple sclerosis. He kind of specializes in it and looks for particular symptoms, not the ones that are common. I think you do not completely ignore them but finding something uncommen increases your accuracy.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I will come back with more interesting things.The concepts are definitely worth discussing,particularly with you.!!

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have no idea why me-but I'm very glad it is- it's great. Seems that Modi is not just repeating what MOST said--but I always approach a new author with a lot of scepticism. This is the only way --we depend too much on books not to be picky.

(You are more enthusiastic. That makes me a wet blanket).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
He doesn't endorse the idea of constitutional remedy, or the individuality of the patient.

He says the 'change' after the onset of disease is the only criteria.

My comments.

If the person is different from average 'normal' since birth,can constitutional treatment correct this?

If that were to be the case,can homeopathy be the tool to convert all criminals in jails,to responsible individuals?

The book is definitely challenging the accepted notions,and making me think again.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Read this and come back.


bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
And another one


The book 'acuurate homeopathy' defends organon 21.Now see the opposite views.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Some homeopaths instead of sentences say numbers --where something can be found in Organon! Speaking about dogma.

All the points you found in Modi are great for discussion at hpathy.

About the last point:
in acute cases most often single low pot. worked best.I agree with him.

as to chronic diseases-i agree with high potencies.
Also with repeating--but within 24-36hrs. I have problem accepting repetition later. I know Chris said that she checks after a week, but your favorite GV recommends a month! And everyone says that repeating too soon turns cure into failure.

Gunavante described a cerebral hemmorrhage case which (after 7 years) got better after arnica 40M was given once a week!

So i read examples of repeating high potency in chronic cases -- but since all these readings contradict one another I'm going back to SH and he is against repeating too often-and says that after giving the remedy you may not notice any changes only after 20 days.

Also: Andre Saine who takes only difficult cases and specializes in MS said that in such cases you have to go to basics (SH, Lippe, Hering,Clarke,Allen etc) to be successful.

in science, math-there are solid truths mostly, only few holes which you research. In homeopathy are mostly holes-only very few solid truths--to make things worse maybe some not that true.

Proving and clinical data are mixed in all contemp. MM---but
I'd like to have clinical data divided into two groups:
1. accidental proving--i.e. snake bites you, you accidentaly take some poison etc

they belong to provings---and I'd like to have MM and rep. with them

2.someone takes his/her constitutional and gets cured from some ailment
I don't think these data are indicative of anything and shouldn't be in our books.
Astra2012 2 decades ago

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