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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst

My husband got Pilonidal Cyst 4 months back, and went to doctor he opened the wound and its drained and after few days after 90% drainage the cyst closed doctor suggested the cyst has to heal inside out but the cyst is closing before healing inside & drainage stopped and again we went to the doctor and he re-opened it ....its like after 90% drainage the cyst is closing and growing back and its going like that..Had 4 flareups so far.Now the cyst still there about 5-10% and its not completely gone, and we are thinking about using some homeopathic medicine for it for the permanent solution.

I have read the different doses of silicea and other medicines but still don't know how to proceed which medicine is helpful in cyst reduction, and if there is any pain what need to be taken?Advice please

Thanks in Advance
  sahisahi on 2007-10-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try Myristica S 200 daily one dose morning empty stomach till getting cure..

dr deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear sahisahi,

Silicia for pilonidal cyst is considered to be useful remedy but the dr. sharma has also selected another remedy Myristica -200 which is also a dependable remedy. First please try this for a week as advised by dr. sharma and report.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
dr. mahfooz,
silicea is a also good remedy but it is taking more time than the myristica to recover from this type of cyst...

silicea is a slow and myristica is fast....

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
If 200c fails to relieve try 6c or lower.

The more physical is the condition, the better to use lower potencies.

The recorded cures of the suppuration process by Myristica Sebifera are from lower potencies.

Lower potencies have one more advantage that they are relatively safe to be used long term.

gavinimurthy last decade
dr. sharma,

I too have the same experience. I 100% agree with you.

dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks for all your advices I will follow ur advice and will get back to you.

Thank again.
sahisahi last decade

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