The ABC Homeopathy Forum
acidity medicine
I am suffering from acidity since 2-3 months.I am taking ayurvedic medicine for that from ayurvedic doctor.He is saying that it will take 6 months to completely get cured.When I get acid attack,I feel burning sensation in upper right abdomen,weakness.when i take breath that time i feel heaviness in abdomen.I m taking ghee,green chillies (not red one),potato (sometimes potato paratha),milk,cereals (except toor daal),fruits.Please advice.I am thin person weight is 49,height 6 ft.I get nervous very easily.Please tell me what medicine shold i take to get early cure.My sexual drive is high.I masturbate 1-2 times daily.Please advice...abheshekk on 2007-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear patient
you may use ROBINIA-30 for acidity (5 drops in a little water after meal thrice a day)
dr. mahfooz
you may use ROBINIA-30 for acidity (5 drops in a little water after meal thrice a day)
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
ROBINIA will certainly help you and after getting relief in a few days, its better you take PHOSPHORUS 200C three doses on a single day.
thats all.
this will stop recurrance of the ailment and also give you an overall benifit.
thats all.
this will stop recurrance of the ailment and also give you an overall benifit.
♡ rishimba last decade
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