The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss due to medicines
Hi everyone,I'm Archana. I've been suffering from severe hair loss for the past 8 years. I was in my Junior Intermediate (equivalent to 11th class) in a hostel for the first time. Due to improper eating and stress, I used to get severe headache or sometimes fall down unconscious. I went back home and consulted a doctor. Many tests were done and the reports came clear. I didn't have any serious problem except for the severe headache. I was prescribed 'ZEPTOL', which I had to use for 2 years. It was when my hairfall started. In an year after I stopped taking the medicine,the hair got better for a while and then fell again. Now it's got all the more worse, my hair can barely cover my scalp. I'm very depressed and so is my husband. I just can'think of anything else. I'd be grateful to you if you could please understand my situation and prescribe suitable medicine.
My information:
Name: Archana
Sex :Female
Age :25
Marital Status : married
Children : No
hairfall : all over the head, hairline is intact though.
Medicine that caused hair fall : ZEPTOL
plzzzhelp on 2007-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
china 30c twice daily for 15 days report stop zeptol
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Thank you very much for the prompt reply.
I used Zeptol for 2years and then completely stopped using it. I didn't use it for the past 6years. But my hair didn't grow back still, it's still the same and continuing to fall. Would you still suggest China 30c? I'll wait for your response. Thanks again.
I used Zeptol for 2years and then completely stopped using it. I didn't use it for the past 6years. But my hair didn't grow back still, it's still the same and continuing to fall. Would you still suggest China 30c? I'll wait for your response. Thanks again.
plzzzhelp last decade
Pls help me,doctor. My situation is getting worse everyday. Also, pls suggest something to grow hair, apart from stopping hairfall.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
plzzzhelp last decade
please take three doses of cantharis-30 only at an intrval of half hour each.donot repeat after taking after 10 days.
rssaini18 last decade
Are you sure that that drug caused your hair to fall? Are there other people with that reaction to Zeptol?
Stress also ay cause hairfall.
Stress also ay cause hairfall.
Astra2012 last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you all, for replying to me. I really appreciate your concern. But I find different suggestions here and don't have the knowledge sufficient to make a choice on my own. Could you please help me again? Thank you in advance.
plzzzhelp last decade
Hi all,
I've decided to go ahead with Arnica 6c. I'm in US now and I couldn't find it in liquid, but the pillets are available.
Please advice on what I can do. Thank you.
I've decided to go ahead with Arnica 6c. I'm in US now and I couldn't find it in liquid, but the pillets are available.
Please advice on what I can do. Thank you.
plzzzhelp last decade
Hi Doctors,
Please please respond.... I can't find Arnica 6c in liquid here in US, the pillets are available though. Pleae advise on what I can do. I'm desperately waiting...
Please please respond.... I can't find Arnica 6c in liquid here in US, the pillets are available though. Pleae advise on what I can do. I'm desperately waiting...
plzzzhelp last decade
Astra2012 last decade
If it is due to Zeptol, you may want to try this.
Scrape a lil from Zeptol and mix it with about 400 ml of water. Shake the bottle and take a spoonful out of this and mix it with 400 ml of water again and shake well. Repeat this process a few times. Finally success (process of shaking/ beating) the bottle atleast 50 times.
Then take a spoonful of this as a dose 2 times a day and observe.
Good luck.
Scrape a lil from Zeptol and mix it with about 400 ml of water. Shake the bottle and take a spoonful out of this and mix it with 400 ml of water again and shake well. Repeat this process a few times. Finally success (process of shaking/ beating) the bottle atleast 50 times.
Then take a spoonful of this as a dose 2 times a day and observe.
Good luck.
srisri last decade
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