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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Another try to mt chronic throat problem. Help please Page 12 of 13

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hehe :)

sameervermani last decade
Ok, Silica 30C 3 doses in a day, at what interval?

Another question. If there are 3 (or 4) miasms, are there a serie of remedies belonging to every single miasm?i.e. my miasm belongs to Tubercolus, then Silica is one of the remedies belonging to this miasm?

Then, curing by miasm remedies is another 'part' of homeopathy?
is the best way to cure chronic diseases?

Joaquín last decade
Space them by 3 hours.

Silica is multi-miasmatic (i.e. it can hit multiple miasms) , but it is one of the few remedies we have for the 'Tubercular miasm' which seems to be the dominant miasm or the most active miasm in your case.

Miasmatic consideration helps us eradicate the root cause of chronic diseases.

Perhaps, Dr. Organon can explain more.
sameervermani last decade
What would be the difference between taking in half hour or 3 hours intervals?
Joaquín last decade
Hi Pankaj,

I've your read miasm post, what are you refering to in my case? I mean, in your theory of layers, how would it be applicate in my case?

Please explain

Joaquín last decade
Dear Joaquin,
The other guys are too eager to help you.

Let them finsih...if they don't succeed....will take over.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I've been following this thread and wanted to point out something that I think is important in this case that I have not seen anyone comment on. The first time I read the pts questionnaire posted on pg 4 of this thread I noticed 2 life events that the pt said affected this illness.

Here's the quote:

'My problem is recurrent rhinopharyngitis (or so called by physicians). It began 16 years ago approx. when I started University. At the beginning I thought it was a normal thing, because everybody has sore throat sometimes, but one day climbing a mountain with my friends (it was cold and snowing) I could see how all of them overtake me going to peak, even two who used to smoke very often. I felt there was not enough air for me. The next day I was on bed with fever and with infection in my throat.
I thought ok, it was cold, I sweat (because I sweat very easily, even in winter), then I catched a cold.
In this period I passed all autumn-winter seasons with a simple pullover, now I must wear a coat, a scarf, gloves and I know, more or less, when I will fall ill again.'
'Owing to this allergic tests, a doctor sent a vaccine, but at third dose my body reacted worse than before (approx 9 years ago).'

He says that this started 16 yrs ago when he began college. Then he says that it got worse 9 yrs ago when he was given a vaccine (allergy shot?), the 3rd in a series.
Cordial last decade
Joaquin, can you say more about what happened to you 16 yrs ago? Did you get a series of vaccinations or anything to attend collge? Something happened to you at that time to cause your health to decline. It is even possible that it was merely the stress of moving away from home or of studying for classes. Another possibility is the climate or other environmental factors like the building you slept in or spent a lot of time in. Think about it a little.

It appears that the worsening of your condition may have occured 9 yrs ago when you received a 'vaccination' was this a series of allergy shots? These are commonly used by classical allergists to treat allergies. Some say they work; some say otherwise. Some say they increase their health problems.

These major life/health changing events should be important to those working on your case.
Cordial last decade
Hi Dr. Organon,

I tried to connect your new forum, but it doesn't work. I would like to be in contact with you.

Anyway, I've read deeply Materia Medica about Nitric acid and Silicea. I have enough from both, perhaps more of Nitr Acid.
2 questions:
- What's the different between taking a dose in half hour or 3 hours intervals? (I stated in a prior post)
- If I begin takin Silicea, later should I change to Nit Ac likely?

Now, I take Calc Fl as I reported before.

My surgeon give me no other chance that surgery. He says it's impossible to cure a hernia.

Please advice. Thanks. I really trust in your opinion

Joaquín last decade
Orgeno...In one of the posts.....some one called you 'arrogant' mate.....

Look for the medicine for that...for your self.

As per your own words you are very capable.....
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sameer, Murthy can you help me?

I note Dr. Organon is not welcome anymore in this forum.
Personally, I think he was in the right way in my case. But now I don't have opportunity to interact with him.

Please, if you have some idea I'll be here to read it.


Joaquín last decade
Dear Joaquin,

My recommendation was Silicea 30C, and I think Dr. Organon also agreed with the same.

Taking it as 3 doses 3 hour apart is a gentler way, than taking 3, 30C doses spaced at half hour.

All discussions here are pointless if you finally don't take the remedy. You have to take it to see if it works.

We can only tell if Nit-ac is needed later after you take Sil. No one here can predict the exact course of an illness or the sequence of remedies needed. Part of homeopathy is about careful observation and not prejudicing your self to pre-conceived 'planned' remedies.

sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sammer,

I agree with you. But I still want to see if Calc Fl has any effect on my hernia, before trying Sil 30C.

I hope you don't disappear from this forum, like other people do.
Joaquín last decade
Okay, good luck !
sameervermani last decade
Hi Joaquin

This is the risk you have to face when being treated on the net. The prescriber may disappear/ be forced to leave due to hundred and one reasons.

Finally, it is patients like you who are in the middle of treatment who are going to suffer.

I understand you are in touch with a homeopath. can you discuss these remedy suggestions with him? Better still, if you can make him read this thread, by taking a print out to him.

He has seen you, and observed you. We didn't. It really makes a lot of difference for homeopathic prescribing.

One thing is for sure. Your hernia is not going to diappear in a week ot two. Even with correct medicines ,it is going to take time.

Think about continuing with your present homeopath. You can always discuss the progress of the caase here.

gavinimurthy last decade

fortunately are you still here. Just yesterday or Tuesday I posted I foun a good place to know about homeopathy. Now I must say, I'm disappointed. Really was Dr. Organon so bad? I don't think so. Actually I think he was quite good.
You are completely right. For a chronic problem is greater the risk than benefit trying to cure on the net.

I'm not sure that my hernia disappears.

By the way, I'm every day learning and reading about homeopathy. Perhaps the way to go with my chronic problem is by miasms, I shall discuss with my homeopath.

If I consult 100 homeopaths I'll have 100 diagnostics/prescriptions, perhaps some of them will agree, perhaps not.

From time to time I'will have a look at this forum.

Thanks a lot for your help Murthy.

Joaquín last decade
Hi Joaquin,

'Dr' Organon was suspended for the way he addressed other members. I make no judgement as to his effectiveness as a homeopath, merely that his presence here was not going to keep the peace.

He joined with a series of different email addresses, so I have no idea which, if any, he looks at. You can contact him through his site:


Best Wishes,
moderator last decade
Hi Simon,

thanks, but this site doesn't work.

I must say that, in my opinion, the most dangerous is a bad prescription to a patient who is looking for help and normally is desperated, than some sentences or attacks. It's easy to see who in this forum has knowledge about homeopathy and takes care of patient and who hasn't.

About homeopathic philosophy, theory you can discuss all you want, but when it comes to people's health, you can not be playing.


Joaquín last decade
You asked me to help.
I am watching this thread every day and reading every post.
Will step in at an appropriate time.

Post more details about your hernia problem.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'Man is deriving innumerable benefits from Nature and enjoying the amenities provided by it in various ways. But what is the gratitude he is offering to Nature and God? Man is forgetting the Divine who is the Sole Provider of everything. This is the reason for his falling prey to various difficulties and calamities. While he is receiving countless benefits from Providence , he is offering nothing in return to Nature or God. This shows how unnatural and heartless man's behaviour is. When we are enjoined to return good for evil, how unbecoming is it to fail even to return good for good? Man should learn the great lesson Nature is trying to teach him - the lesson of doing service with no expectation of return.'

Sai Baba

Dear Joaquin,

Whether one believes in Sai Baba or not, this is the truth of life.

And I am a follower of Sai Baba.

If you are not satisfied with the advice given by others, I will come back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Please avoid bringing up yet another controversy by bringing up Sai Baba once again.

You were restrained in that aspect for a long time and please keep it that way.

This site won't miss these teachings I believe. There are many sites for propagating the teachings of Babas.

gavinimurthy last decade
If you don't like such posts ...you can ignore them and move on to the next.

Some people like them coz they are able to understand the belief pattern you 'are coming from' !!

Dr.Beek is also posting his belief patterns here. He thinks a man will not fall sick if he forgives others for their mistakes. (See his latest post from...Alexthink).

As per his theory....you are in the high risk zone....if you have to find faults with every post.

For your own sake ...ignore a few things in life...

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
The concluding remark from Alexthink in that post:

I repeat over and over again: man was given a brain for a reason, not for decoration. Think about what is said here and draw your own conclusions. Forgive your stresses – it isn’t necessary to go chasing after whoever you think is the cause of your troubles, look inside.
Forgiveness is the key.

PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Organon, Sameer and Murthy arrived at same opinion with my case. Good explanations and with no attacks each others. They show a very good knowledge in homeopathics.

Read this:
J. asks: 'I'm grateful for your words. You care about the patient. Are you really a Doctor? What's your occupation Dr. Organon?'
Dr.O answ:'Thank you, and I think this should be the only concern of anyone who practices medicine, regardless of which kind. Hah, no, I am not an actual allopathic doctor, the name was just the first which came to me, and is supposed to be somewhat tongue in cheek, although I do intend to qualify in this area also, as part of my overall education.

I am actually a practicing Homoeopath by occupation.'

This was posted above.

I won't trust in any forum, when it be related to people's health.


Joaquín last decade
Dear Joaquin and all others who are reading this thread,

It is easy to pick up the basic teachings of homeopathy from books and then cut and paste them here.
A lot is available on the net.

Many new comers here get impressed with that kind of stuff.

The typical reaction is 'Ah ha! These guys are quite knowledgeable about what they are dealing in !'

But....but...when it comes to actually handling peoples problems ....many of those people lack experience....and fumble with the cases.

That is what is happening here.

Talking of concensus in selecting the remedy ....one is reminded of the well known joke:

7 brothers of varying heights ventured to cross a river. The river water level was 5 ft from the river bed. Whereas the average height of the brothers was 5 ft 6 inches.

So the eldest said 'fine !...lets go ahead'.

When they crossed over..... to their utter dismay.....they discovered that three brothers were missing.

Don't rely on averages all the time !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr. Sunny Bakshi is a well known homeopath and a well qualified homeopath in New Delhi.

He has earned a lot of awards and medals for his skills in homeopathy. Those are diiplayed in his clinic in NDSE, New Delhi.

He is the owner of Baksons... a well known manufacturer of homeo meds.

If a patient visits his clinic, he / she is first interviewed by a full fledged qualified BHMS homeopathic doctor (junior).....who makes a detailed report on the patient's problem and suggestions for the med(s) to be given.

Then the patient has to wait. When his /her turn comes.... he /she is taken to
Dr. Sunny Bakshi.

Many times Dr. Bakshi changes the recommendation of the med(s) and is seen guiding his junior doctors about the change.

This is just to let you know that.... fully qualified doctors also make mistakes.

There is no substitute for experience. Mere knowledge of books is not enough.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.