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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erection Problem!!

Dear Doctors,

My problem is listed in the below points. I request your help in prescribing the right remedy and dosage:

1) My erections are very short lived, ranging from a few seconds to 3 - 4 minutes. This is during foreplay or normal excitation, not intercourse. If I enter the vagina, then I ejaculate very early (pre-mature ejaculation. Both these problems are fixed if I take a small dose of Viagra before the act but I don't plan to take Viagra for the rest of my life.

2) During foreplay I get a normal erection but just as I'm about to go further and remove the clothes etc, the erection just drops!! Just like that, and it doesn't come back again for a long time

3) I have no problems in getting an erection, but maintaining it is a big issue

4) I have a history of masturbation, have tried various styles, one included rubbing my penis against the bed, so this might have caused some issue with it, not sure, but this should not be the case since everything is ok if I take Viagra

5) I have been smoking marijuana for the last few years, in fact I discovered this erection problem after I had started to smoke marijuana (grass) and was also on hair loss medication at that time (Finasteride / Finax). I immediately stopped Finasteride but continued to smoke grass uptil recently.

6) I used to get regular cold / sore throat infections uptil last year, when I started regular pranayam, since then the cold and all has been absolutely ok.

Main problem is that my erections are very short lived and it just dies down during foreplay, it's very embarrassing for me in front of my girlfriend. I don't want to take Viagra for the rest of my life.....please advise a suitable remedy and dosage
  RishiRishi on 2008-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Few other important things I should mention:

1) I take more salt than normal in my food and sometimes more sugar than normal in tea. I don't crave sweets etc but like fizzy drinks like Coke, Pepsi etc

2) I used to get colds easily earlier, this is ok since the past 1 - 2 years coz I've been doing pranayaam

3) I have hair loss and greying hair, a receding hair line and thinning of hair from the front and top of scalp

4) I have a bit of fat around my stomach, have a tendency to gain weight if I eat too much, but weight is under control, i otherwise have an athletic body

5) I have normal testosterone and other hormone levels (got it checked) and all other body functions apart from liver are fine (liver Gamma and APT values are a little high)

Please suggest a remedy to increase erection time so that the erection doesn't die down even before we remove clothes for penetration....hope you understand that this is a serious matter
RishiRishi last decade
I also frequently snore loudly while asleep....otherwise I have no breathing problem or anything
RishiRishi last decade
Thought I'll give as much info as possible, so giving responses to standard questions below:

# State of mind (including fears, anxieties, attitudes etc.)
----I usually get anxious about cleanliness, safety, about avoiding infections from people and sometimes get hyper about it...

# Colour and consistency and regularity of your stool
----Stool is absolutely fine, I got it tested and it's 100% normal, yellowish in colour and consistent, comes in the morning everyday within half an hour of me waking up

# What makes a particular symptom feel worse or better?
----The erection problem (erection dying down suddenly) seems worse when I'm wet or in water, for example in a bathtub

# Where exactly is each problem located?
---Penis of course :)

# When did symptoms first occur, and what bought them on?
----First it occurred in 2003, when I was about to make love to my girlfriend, during foreplay I got an erection and just as I was about to take her and my clothes off, it suddenly died down, god I was so embarrassed. This thing re-occurred later and happens most of the times now unless I take Viagra

# Your sleep pattern
----I generally sleep well, easily 8 - 10 hours, sometimes even more. Find it difficult to get up early morning and also sleep late at night

# What are you sensitive to (i.e. light, cold, heat, drafts, touch, criticism etc.)
----Very sensitive to criticism, also to excessive hot and tropical climate, can't stand sweat and pungent smell. My sense of smell is stronger than normal people and it's a negative thing to have in a country like India, where most people do not take care of personal hygiene. I'm sometimes sensitive to light and cold too but I think that's normal, it's not anything which stands out as a symptom.
RishiRishi last decade
take NUX VOM 30C two doses a day for 2 to 3 days only.

wait for a week and then, if the symptoms dont start getting cured, you can start with PHOSPHORUS 200C one dose every week for some weeks.
rishimba last decade
Thank you Doctor. Just one clarification, how do I take NUX VOM 30C and PHOSPHORUS 200C (if NUX VOM doesn't work). I mean do I take this in liquid drops directly on the tongue or do I take it in the form of globules? 8 - 10 globules for a dose?
RishiRishi last decade
take some 3 drops in some 20 ml of water.

or if you buy pilluls, take 5 nos. under the tongue without crushing them. just chew.

no food or water 1 hour before or after the dose.
rishimba last decade
Thanks again.

I had recently tried Yohimbimine Q solution (few drops per day for 2 days) and Agnus Cactus (5 - 6 globules per day for 2 days) and my erection issue seemed to have got worse!! I had these medicines day before yesterday and yesterday. Do you suggest that I give a break for a few days before taking NUX VOM 30C???

Sorry to have taken remedies without consulting anyone, I know this is not correct that's why I came to this forum to take advice.
RishiRishi last decade
Please advise if it's ok if I start NUX VOM 30C from today itself, without giving any gap between this one and the remedies I tried earlier i.e. Yohimbimine Q solution and Agnus Cactus
RishiRishi last decade
I've started NUX VOM 30C yesterday, have taken two doses of 5 big globules (round sugar pills) till now, one last evening and one just now in the morning.

Will keep you updated on my progress. Please let me know if there is something else I should know :) Thank you
RishiRishi last decade
Dear Doctors / RishiMBA,

How soon will I be able to see improvements? It's been a day and a half since I started NUX VOM 30C (3 doses till now)
RishiRishi last decade
about 3 weeks.after taking a few doses of phosphorus.
rishimba last decade
Dear RishiMBA,

Ok so should I now stop NUX VOM 30C doses and start Phosphorus 200C one dose per week as you had advised?

Also, is this common at my age, I am 28? (erection dying down quickly and suddenly during foreplay or when otherwise excited) and have patients got cured from this condition from Homeo remedies before?
RishiRishi last decade
Dear Doctor/s,

I have completed 3 days of NUX VOM 30C (2 doses per day) and as suggested by Dr RishiMBA, I will go in for Phosphorus 200C once weekly.

I had one clarification to ask in case of Phosphorus. Recently I had got a complete health check up done and the Liver Function Test had shown some problems, like high values for ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (APT) and GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT)..the values for GLUTAMIC-OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE (GOT) and GLUTAMIC-PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE (GPT) were also slightly high. My cholosterol levels were also on the higher side at 205, the doctor said it's because of the Liver Function itself as the APT and GGT values are high. He just advised me to walk half an hour a day and said that no medicine is required at this stage.

My question is, should I be using the remedy Phosphorus 200C (for my erectile issue, that erection doesn't stay and goes away suddenly during foreplay or when I'm excited otherwise) given that my Liver Function Test has shown the above abnormalities?

Please advise on this urgently. Looking forward to your response.
RishiRishi last decade
I highly advise to try Extagen. It is the best product which helps me with erection.
Blodeuyn last decade
Hi Blodeuyn,

Can you please tell me more about Extagen? What is it's common name, where can I buy it from? What are the beneficial effects...

Thanks in advance for your help!! Really appreciate it.

RishiRishi last decade
Extagen is a herb supplement. I ordered it through the web. The result was the returning my erection. I didn't notice any side effects.
Blodeuyn last decade

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