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Erectile Dysfunction



Posts about Erectile Dysfunction

Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Erectile dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5Erectile Dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

effects of smoking and erectile dysfunction

my 49 year old friend has suffered with ED for 1 year now. he does drink alcohol, at times in excess..and he did smoke for many years but has now quit for 2 weeks.

I have read here that arnica can help with erectile difficulties. My questions are...
1)in the case of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption which has caused ED, are these effects permanent, or can the penile vessels and blood flow repair themselves with time? and how much time might one expect to wait before pursuing other options?

2) please offer your homeopathic remedy for treating ED.

I should note that he has tried Cialis, with much success, however, a more natural and less costly apporoach is preferred.

thankyou in advance

  bettybeautiful on 2008-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nux vom 30c twice daily for 7 days then one garlic small to be engulfed with water daily in the morning with water for 60 days j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

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