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cat and uti
hope someone might give some cat maddie has had a uti problem for sometime. he eats raw meat diet for a year now and was doing fine. in oct. we moved from fl. to al. and i was feeding him canned sardines alot and his raw meat. he started going to the litter box and peeing very little and blood in his urine. also alot of mucus plugs??? anyway i started him on an herbal supplement that worked a little i then gave him cantharis 30c but after a few days of not having it symptoms came back. he is now taking uva ursi tincture but he has been off of it for 2 days and now he has these mucus plugs?/ back and well i am at my wits end. he is only well if i continue this herb any suggestions???
rana1968 on 2008-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if relpse--then re assess noting even closer look at what is occuring --symptoms -characteristics and such---what the age ?what treatment s cat have priro thios current complaint? what other things u notice seemingly not related to main complaint?
♡ John Stanton last decade
he is about 14yrs old. he was on science diet for years for crystal in urine and did ok. latter part of the year he got a bad infection on his tell that the vet perscribed antibotics for. 3rd round i did not give. i gave herbs/vitamins and got better. he lost weight but now has gained it all back. last couple of days not eating as well and it was today the he started with the bloody urine and mucas plugs?? he sleeps on my bed most of the time. and has always had a good appitite even with all this gong on. he like the heat and will often lay near the fire or gas heater. honestly the only difference is the move from florida to alabama. that is a big stress and then eating a lot of canned sardines. i cnt see anything else right now
rana1968 last decade
this age for cat -need be wise and not prscribe too deep--so as not over whelm -in way unable handle response to remedy---
what were exact symtpos back just prior to antibiotic prescription? how long exact been using raw meat?what type raw meat u using? how long sardines been used exactly? what amount liquid cat drinking?what changes in this aspect? flordia -to alabama--what exact weathr difference?
what were exact symtpos back just prior to antibiotic prescription? how long exact been using raw meat?what type raw meat u using? how long sardines been used exactly? what amount liquid cat drinking?what changes in this aspect? flordia -to alabama--what exact weathr difference?
♡ John Stanton last decade
1st urine copalint (antibiotics used) this occur in flordia or alabama? what exact date of this occurance?
♡ John Stanton last decade
started the raw meat diet in about march (middle) of 2007. we had recently lost our 20yr old cat to an accident.
maddie had gotten out side a few times and in to a fight and his tale nearest his bottom got pus filled. treated by the vet 3 timescan't remember what the anitbiotic was but they were not clearing the porblem up all the way. i gave him probiotics and raw milk and that is when i started the raw meet and bone diet. he was thin not eating,dull coat. but was better a few weeks after that. we did get a new kitten shortly after. they get along well. we moved to alabama from florida in oct. summers are about the same but we have fall and winters that are very cold not at all like fl. we just got a couple inches of snow last week. he loves the heat.
he eats mostly chicken it is cheapest. gizzards liver, sometimes pork and beef but mostly chicken. i was giving rabbit and salmon in fl. harder to get here. i would buy sardines in the can as a treat then when we moved the first few weeks we were here thye were eating sardines canned at least 5x week.and still there raw meat. but have not had any since nov.
I think he is drinking alot more since this problem. he actually pees outside the litter box. his butt hangs over never sits down i the litter box like my other maale cat. so lately when he pees it is alot of pee like maybe 1/4 cup. although i have not measured it. that is while he is taking the uva ursi.
he had a uti problem in 1999 2 around the same time and antibiotic treatment with catherter treatment. went to the science diet cd formula and never had problems after that.
i was having problem with a dog when i stumbled on the raw diet and so now all my animals eat that way. i must have done something wrong like to much sardines or something. i just can not get him past this. i have not taken him to the vet for this problem since moving here.
maddie had gotten out side a few times and in to a fight and his tale nearest his bottom got pus filled. treated by the vet 3 timescan't remember what the anitbiotic was but they were not clearing the porblem up all the way. i gave him probiotics and raw milk and that is when i started the raw meet and bone diet. he was thin not eating,dull coat. but was better a few weeks after that. we did get a new kitten shortly after. they get along well. we moved to alabama from florida in oct. summers are about the same but we have fall and winters that are very cold not at all like fl. we just got a couple inches of snow last week. he loves the heat.
he eats mostly chicken it is cheapest. gizzards liver, sometimes pork and beef but mostly chicken. i was giving rabbit and salmon in fl. harder to get here. i would buy sardines in the can as a treat then when we moved the first few weeks we were here thye were eating sardines canned at least 5x week.and still there raw meat. but have not had any since nov.
I think he is drinking alot more since this problem. he actually pees outside the litter box. his butt hangs over never sits down i the litter box like my other maale cat. so lately when he pees it is alot of pee like maybe 1/4 cup. although i have not measured it. that is while he is taking the uva ursi.
he had a uti problem in 1999 2 around the same time and antibiotic treatment with catherter treatment. went to the science diet cd formula and never had problems after that.
i was having problem with a dog when i stumbled on the raw diet and so now all my animals eat that way. i must have done something wrong like to much sardines or something. i just can not get him past this. i have not taken him to the vet for this problem since moving here.
rana1968 last decade
long term faulty diet will give trouble--years--til organic changes take place --as organic change occur so as functioning of associated organs and such---so diet change now wont reverse any organic changes that have taken place--but food appropriate for species is highly recomend--raw chicken fine --but red meat of chicken is prefrred as redder the better--fresh killis ideal--but rabbit ok--no pork for sure--wild rasied even better--as with free range foods--
now please restate--in exactness what r the Current excat symptoms occurring?
now please restate--in exactness what r the Current excat symptoms occurring?
♡ John Stanton last decade
going to the litter box frequently to pee with mucus plusgs or red tissue??? or clots??/ some blood in urine. he peed a good amount then the mucus things and bits o f bloody urine . then he would leave the litter box and come back a few minutes later and do the same thing. sometimes haveing the same thing or very little pee come out.
i then gave the uva ursi tinture with a little half /half he went to the litter box a few more times naow is sleeping on my bed. did go to the water bowl and drink a few times during that. is loving and affectionalte always and in the past does well as long as he is on one of these remidies.
i have read it is not good to give the uva ursi long term. he was on the uva ursie about 5 days this time and off 2 when the symtoms came back.
i am goning to bed now and will let you know how he is in the morning. thanks for your help
going to the litter box frequently to pee with mucus plusgs or red tissue??? or clots??/ some blood in urine. he peed a good amount then the mucus things and bits o f bloody urine . then he would leave the litter box and come back a few minutes later and do the same thing. sometimes haveing the same thing or very little pee come out.
i then gave the uva ursi tinture with a little half /half he went to the litter box a few more times naow is sleeping on my bed. did go to the water bowl and drink a few times during that. is loving and affectionalte always and in the past does well as long as he is on one of these remidies.
i have read it is not good to give the uva ursi long term. he was on the uva ursie about 5 days this time and off 2 when the symtoms came back.
i am goning to bed now and will let you know how he is in the morning. thanks for your help
rana1968 last decade
uva ursi--partial hooepathic--suppressive by specifc --chance ill pressed to other area --as long these symptos exist without meds to influence --then we have pure symtpoms to prescrbe upon---but as is right now-- we need sort which symptoms r affected /created by herb use--and which r not--best way to determine is no herbs or any other meds to observe and obtain true symptomms--other spheres of symptoms r helpful--anything that is observed--no mater how sall or seemingly unrelated---
♡ John Stanton last decade
i will forego the herb for a few days or however long is appropriate and see what we have.
i will forego the herb for a few days or however long is appropriate and see what we have.
rana1968 last decade
maddie ate raw chicken this morning and has been sleeeping most of the morning. will post tonight to see if any symptoms come back. usually the dose of uva ursi works quickly but have not given him any today. went to litter box and peed a lot . no visual blood ect. this morning.
no unusal behavior noticed. cuddled in bed with me before he ate and seems happy. was hungry and ate most of his food
will check back in later
no unusal behavior noticed. cuddled in bed with me before he ate and seems happy. was hungry and ate most of his food
will check back in later
rana1968 last decade
just an update. no more problems with my cat since the last dose of uva ursi. he is fine and the problem no longer excist!
rana1968 last decade
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