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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Gray hair

I am 32 and have a lot of gray hair. what is freaking me out is that it seems to be increasing every day.
Some history -
I starting graying at around 20. But it was just a few hairs.
I had lymph node TB at 28 and was on medications for 6 months. i started seeing a dramatic increase in graying at that point and its been downhill since then.
i had a homepathy clinic near my home in bombay that had an oil that you could apply to the scalp. i was wondering if there was any medications that may help me.
i have no other problems to speak of. i am married with 2 kids. i have an aunt who grayed prematurely but i doubt it was this early.

My grandfather was a great believer in homepathy and he had tons of books and medicines and would do some self diagnosis. i have always found homepathy effective, so i would like to know if you have any ideas on what i could try? and with these medications what should i expect and how do you measure if its working?

  SmeetaM on 2008-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Smeeta
try (Bacilinum-1M) 2pills weekly for 4 week only then stop and after 6 weeks report me back,Ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
thanks Faisal. i will try this out. but what should i look for in 4 weeks?
SmeetaM last decade
i cannot find Bacilinum here. i have tried to find it. can you suggest an alternative please?
SmeetaM last decade
you can buy from this web site.
faisal qureshi last decade
Sorry i did not see your reply Faisal. The web site says its not available in the US.
SmeetaM last decade
proetection for grayness of hair&falling of hair
reena.mukesh last decade

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