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Posts about Autism

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eyelashes in Autism

Is there any eye lashes signifance in Autism . I read one i mail in which one doctor asked about eyelashes length
in this forum.
  lucky123 on 2008-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I was wondering the same thing as my grandson who is autistic and my friends grandson who is autistic have the same beautiful eyes with thick long lashes.
gladge last decade
It is not signficant in Autism, but it might be important in selection of a remedy for any person - specifically our medicine Tuberculinim. Patients needing that remedy *might* present with very long eyelashes.

When taking a physical characteristic like that to make a prescription, the rest of the case must also justify it. So the person must be Tuberculinum in other ways as well.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Wow. People I know with Autism or are Aspie also have thick lashes. They also have the same type of skin that never gets cold.
Daniellie last decade

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