The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Snake remedies
Hi All,Wich one of all of the snake remedies shows a personality more fearfull and shy?
I would like some input here.!!
♥ Albert on 2008-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Why so focussed upon the Just Snake Remedies.
Many other things must be considered, like obesity, food preferences, age, past, and future dreams etc. to find a remedy.
Many other things must be considered, like obesity, food preferences, age, past, and future dreams etc. to find a remedy.
♡ girilal last decade
Hi girilal! thank you for replying. My question is biassed about snake remedies because all symptoms are pointing to lachesis, esp. mind rubrics.And after tried it in several potencies, theres no changes.
If you or other could add light to my original question, would be great.
If you or other could add light to my original question, would be great.
♡ Albert last decade
(Loves amusement & Great contradiction)
1. Frivolous
2. Desires amusement
3. Playful
4. Aversion to study
5. Desires to travel
6. Desires to wander
7. Living in contradiction
8. Love and Hate very strongly
9. Joking and sarcastic personality
10. No sense of duty
11. Wants to show that he is rich. Keeps up the appearances.
They can be very immoderate, but they also have very much self-control
He drinks lots of alcohol and suddenly followed by a period of absolutely non-drinking.
She can trust someone completely and at the same time be very suspicious.
Argentum Nitricum When Sick stays in bed and makes loud noise and complains a lot.
Opium When sick, he does not care in the beginning but later on gets very serious
Lachesis When sick she shuns bed, cant even sit. Complains a lot and makes troubles to the people around her.
Psorinum Desires to stay in bed all the time, Complains a lot and makes troubles to the people around her.
Hyocyamus and Lachesis both: Very Inquisitive (Wants to go to the bottom of the things)
(Loves amusement & Great contradiction)
1. Frivolous
2. Desires amusement
3. Playful
4. Aversion to study
5. Desires to travel
6. Desires to wander
7. Living in contradiction
8. Love and Hate very strongly
9. Joking and sarcastic personality
10. No sense of duty
11. Wants to show that he is rich. Keeps up the appearances.
They can be very immoderate, but they also have very much self-control
He drinks lots of alcohol and suddenly followed by a period of absolutely non-drinking.
She can trust someone completely and at the same time be very suspicious.
Argentum Nitricum When Sick stays in bed and makes loud noise and complains a lot.
Opium When sick, he does not care in the beginning but later on gets very serious
Lachesis When sick she shuns bed, cant even sit. Complains a lot and makes troubles to the people around her.
Psorinum Desires to stay in bed all the time, Complains a lot and makes troubles to the people around her.
Hyocyamus and Lachesis both: Very Inquisitive (Wants to go to the bottom of the things)
♡ girilal last decade
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