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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

left shoulder + arm + neck pain

i have unusual stiffness in left arm left shoulder face left side it goes to jaw and left eye. some time is better but with cold weather it gets worse. i have this for over the year.
please advise. it also become worse with lifting some thing 5 lb or more
  mycosmos113 on 2008-03-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
rhus tox 200c twice daily for 7 days
akshaymohl last decade
Think of Spigelia 200

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
spigellia 2ooc

Dr Tahira last decade
Dear Dr.Tahira,
I mostly read your usefull suggestiona and comments in forum. My proble is not solved yet. I have pain in my neck at only one point just third or fourth vertibora whene i feel pain and press with my finger for some time i feel once pain and later relief. my pain start when i bow my head on table. as i work daily in office and suffering from this cofusing pain. Please help me . can i use spaigilia 200. i also feel and listen sound from my neck.
dilljan last decade
Dear dilljan,
plz give the reference of ur thread.i will visit it.

Dr Tahira last decade

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