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Mental symptoms: I think all the time, instead of act! Page 2 of 7

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Let the patient speak....
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'please take some inputs from other homeopaths what they have to say about baryta.'


Even Rishi has not endorsed your choice of Baryta Carb ....

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
You are funny :)

Bending everyone's statements to your own personal gains :)

Rishi was making a point about repetition of Bar-C. Do not create mis-understandings for everyone :)
sameervermani last decade
Let the patient speak.....!!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj and Sameer,

Thank you both. Can someone advise if it is okay to try both the Baryta Carb and Aurum Metallicum? I assume they would have to be spaced apart.

I know that Sameer recommends Baryta Carb and I agree this should be tried. Sameer I need to place that order now, what form of the 200C do I need? Pellets, liquid, etc.? There are some important matches in the Baryta mental symptoms that I see. I see it also is useful if hair is thinning in the front (that's me too). :)

I also read through Pankaj's suggestion to choose between Aurum Metallicum and Nux Vomica. Pankaj, looking at the two, I'm very sure that Aurum Metallicum is right for me, as I was surprised at the number of symptom matches. Thank you. I was surprised you suggested Aurum Met because I had looked at the Aurum Met page several times in the last few weeks with a strong feeling that that was an important remedy for me.

Pankaj, what dosage of Aurum Met do you suggest? And what form (pellets, liquid, etc.)?

I'm sorry to confuse this issue, but when I posted my two main symptoms, I posted the two that were bothering me the most. I actually have many symptoms (almost all are mental) for the past several years. Some of them, like timidity and a mild obsessive-compulsive symptom, I even have memories of them since being a small child. I am also confused and mentally tired with abstract thoughts but at the same time I have many many ideas... Sometimes the ideas don't stop. I have also undergone fears, unwanted thoughts, mild hallucinations, anxiety... But most of those last symptoms have ended. With great effort and trying many things I have actually ended some of my symptoms. But my life is still not turned around so I posted my original question.

My symptoms and the level of each symptom changes constantly (sometimes hour by hour, sometimes every several days)! It's amazing how unpredictable and hard to describe my 'condition' is. When people ask me to describe what is wrong with me it is very difficult because it's a somewhat different answer from time to time.

When I was 13 I had a small log dropped on the very top of my head. I had to get a few stitches at the hospital. It was a very bad accident. I always wondered if it didn't effect me in some subtle way, and I find it very suspicious that my symptoms today (I am 33 now) are almost all 'in my head.'

About five years ago I was beginning to feel my mental health decline. I had read about the supposed benefits of drinking a lot of water to cure (or at least help) almost any illness. So one day I drank a number of gallons of water all very quickly. I instantly became sick. That was the start of this 'acute' phase of my mental problems. Before that it was kind of lurking in the background my whole life, but after the water it came to the fore and I haven't gotten nothing done for years. I feel like my brain is trying desperately to stop me from acting or living in the real world. I am always thinking, thinking, thinking. I suspect this is because my head/brain literally needs physical help. Maybe this is the brain's way of asking for attention?

I chose the two symptoms in my original post not just because they were really bothering me (believe me, they are awful) but because if I fix them, I feel I would then have the power to fix everything else in time. I also did not reveal everything because I am bashful about my condition. Timidity is one of my symptoms remember. :)

I am happy to share all details of my condition if it helps, just tell me any questions you have. I'm sorry if I confused you or wasted any time, I only wanted to be considerate.

By the way I had a heavy metals test done a few years ago if anyone cares to know which metals I am positive for I will tell you.

If it makes any difference I am also definitely vata dosha and sweets are my downfall food.

Thanks guys! I am looking forward to your answer.

- Will
Crimsoncloak last decade

I thank you for understanding the passions that some members feel about their convictions, and not letting it put you off.

Pankaj, Sammer

Once again, you both think that the other hand is clapping alone. As I read it, you both made light comments which the other chose to take personally. There's some people you can joke with and some you can't; recognising the difference is hard online, but no less important than in real life.

Happy Easter / Holi,
moderator last decade
Hi Crimsoncloak

It is very difficult to zero in on a correct medicine online for problems like yours due to the obvious limitations of a forum set up.

However even a partially indicated remedy can nudge you towards cure.

But it is not advisable to take two remedies together.

There is a power out and I will continue after the power is resumed.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Crimsoncloak,
Thanks for the long narration...was needed.

If you decide to take Aurum Met...take it in 200c potency.

Murthy is right...in your case better to try one med at a time.

Would like to read feed back in due course.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am back. :-)

Read more about both Aurum.met and Baryta carb in various materia medicas. Each authour deals with the remedy differently and brings out some important aspects others have not touched.

You can read most of the MMs that matter here.


http://www.farmaciasantantonio.it/Homeoint/clarke/index.htm ....



These four are enough for a start. Don't worry about the symptoms that you don't have. Look for a match for those which you have. Choose the one which seems to be a closer fit.

Do this exercise first and let us know which remedy you think fits you and more importantly tell us why do you think so.

We will guide you further after getting your feedback.

All the best.

gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Will,

As I see it, your dominant miasm is without a doubt NOT syphilis.

Aur. is a predominantly an anti-syphilitic remedy. The totality below is not at all pointing to syphilis.

Also, on reading the materia medica, every patient feels he has some symptoms of the remedy, but that does not mean it IS the correct remedy. If you have to go study the materia medica yourself, I recommend reading only Kent, or Margaret tyler or Coulter.
There is also a good one on personality profiles by ..I think.. Douglas Gibson..

However, I would like to point out the Aurum patient is far from being timid. He is as intimidating as they get and he loves death (ofcourse that would be there in a predominantly ant-syphilitic remedy)

The following is the essence of Aur. , see it yourself

The aur. profile:

RELIEVED BY THOUGHT OF SUICIDE - 'the exquisite relief of death'.
SUICIDAL IMPULSES BY JUMPING FROM A HEIGHT or driving at break- neck speeds in a car, with an impulse to turn into oncoming traffic.


Your profile below:


like timidity and a mild obsessive-compulsive symptom, I even have memories of them since being a small child. I am also confused and mentally tired with abstract thoughts but at the same time I have many many ideas... Sometimes the ideas don't stop. I have also undergone fears, unwanted thoughts, mild hallucinations, anxiety
Fear of criticism, rejection, etc. -- not so much by family and friends, but it's terrible with strangers or people I don't know well.
In fact it's downright crippling because my job is in phone sales, and I can't get anything done.
It's not just in a sales situation, but any situation where I could possibly be criticized, like sitting at a traffic light, I can't look at the person next to me even for a moment, without extreme difficulty.


As I see this, it is not even indicated by any stretch of imagination :)

sameervermani last decade
Now this is from Kent's repertory:

Mind ;Delusion;criticised, that she is : Bar-c., laur., plb., rhus-r.

Mind ; fear; strangers, of : Ambr., bar-c., carb-v., caust., cupr., lach., stram., thuj.

TIMIDITY : Acon., aloe., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., anac., ang., arn., ars-i., ars., aur., Bar-c., bell., bor., bry., Calc-s., Calc., canth., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chin-a., chin., coca., cocc., coff., con., croc., crot-h., cupr., daph., Gels., graph., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-ar., kali-br., Kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., laur., lil-t., Lyc., mag-c., manc., merc., mur-ac., nat-a., Nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., op., Petr., Phos., plat., Plb., puls., ran-b., rhus-t., sec., Sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stram., sul-ac., Sulph., tab., verat., zinc.

Now, the ONLY medicine that covers all three of your symptoms above is Bar-C.

I leave the decision to you.

If someone can justify their choice of Aur. here even remotely I would be very surprised :)

sameervermani last decade
This is from Constantine Hering's condensed materia medica about Baryta Carb.

► Memory deficient
► * Forget ; in the middle of speech the most familiar words fail him.
► Great mental and bodily weakness, childishness ; old people.
► Child does not want to play, but sits in the corner doing nothing.
► Sadness, dejection of spirits, grief over trifles.
►* Dread of men, of strangers ; imagines she is being laughed at or criticised, hence so fearful she will not look up.
► Solicitude ; about his future ;* about domestic affairs.
►* Irresolute, constantly changing his mind.
► Loss of self-confidence ; desponding ; pusillanimous.
►* sudden ebullitions of anger, but coupled with cowardice.
► Thinking of one's complaints makes them worse.
► Thinks his legs are cut off and he is walking on his knees.

Just for your information.

Good luck

sameervermani last decade
Please see the symptom

'►* Dread of men, of strangers ; imagines she is being laughed at or criticised, hence so fearful she will not look up.

in the above description. That is what you said you do at a traffic light. Such symptoms are like worth their weight in gold as they are the core delusions.

sameervermani last decade
This is from Boericke about Bar-C

Mind.--Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute. Lost confidence in himself. Senile dementia. Confusion. Bashful. Aversion to strangers. Childish; grief over trifles.

And this is about Aurum by Boericke

Mind.--Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound despondency, with increased blood pressure, with thorough disgust of life, and thoughts of suicide. Talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death. Peevish and vehement at least contradiction. Anthropophobia. Mental derangements. Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply. Cannot do things fast enough. Oversensitiveness; (Staph) to noise, excitement, confusion.

It is anybody's guess which one matches you more closely

sameervermani last decade
Let the patient analyse and come back...enough inputs have been given to him.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Run your symptoms on the ABC homeopathic software.

Let us see what 'pops up' as an answer.

Go to the Remedy Grid and let me know names of top three choices with percentages for each (given at the bottom of the table).

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I just wanted to let you know I am still here, but I am taking everyone's suggestions and researching them. Just to let you know if it seems like a long time between replies.

Pankaj, I am working on the Remedy Finder right now... I got only part way through before becoming curious enough to try selecting a medicine. It told me Lachesis. There are certainly some symptom matches there but I'm not sure that 'feels' like me. But like I said I did not finish doing the whole process yet. I will report back shortly.

- Will
Crimsoncloak last decade
Hello Will,

I would recommend reading remedy profiles of remedies and not just using Remedy Finders or repertories. Stand alone symptoms can be there in many remedies but you have to fit the one which fits the core personality.

I hope you did read the stuff I wrote above.

Good luck in your research,
sameervermani last decade
Correction: read 'personality' profiles not 'remedy' profiles.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Will,

At the end of a Remedy Finder (when the result pops up)...there is a Remedy Grid.

Click on it and it will show you a chart.

Pick up the first three meds in that chart. At the bottom of the chart you will find percentages against each med.....pl. give the names of the meds and the percentage for each.

That will help me to analyse your case better.

Don't get disturbed / perturbed by people who want to push their prescription down your gullet at the 'point of a gun' !!

Keep your cool and analyse your case..... that is the best way.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I just justified my prescription using reliable sources like Kent and Boericke and Constantine Hering, and ofcourse others are free to do so.

But ofcourse, baseless ones cannot be justified :)

Will , I encourage you to read personality profiles of Nux. and Aur. and analyze . I am sure you will come to the right conclusion yourself. Keep your cool as another member has suggested :)

sameervermani last decade
The Remedy Finder Software has been made on the basis of wisdom from the same books.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Please justify Aur. or Nux. if you can ..even remotely :)

Don't say 'let the patient speak' as a shield to hide behind.

Since this argument started you have not ( and I suspect you cannot) made a single point to support your prescription. It shows the frivolousness of it. You are just digressing into petty games to draw the attention from the issue at hand, i.e. justifying Aur. and Nux... do not argue just tell us why you think Aur. and Nux. are indicated...

Do it if you can :) I am waiting for your justification...
sameervermani last decade
ok, here is the first finished grid (hopefully this posts ok). please note that i am not 100% confident i used the Remedy Finder all that well this first time. i may do it once more. but this is what i got:

Crimsoncloak last decade
Once again, there is obvious blatant mis-guiding of patients going on here in which I have no interest.

Using softwares to solve complex chronic mental ailments is something which is totally going to lead to wrong results. There is a limit to the subjectivity of a repertory even when used by a human being and let alone a software repertory.

Why don't you buy a good book on personality profiles of constitutional remedies and read that ?

sameervermani last decade
sorry, that didn't seem to work. i don't know why, and i can't edit it either.

i will summate. the top remedies were (in order):
nux v

i have a few thoughts. one is, again, i am not too confident i used the Remedy Finder well and i may do it again. sometimes the symptoms are difficult to understand.

however, i find it very curious that ars was picked as the top remedy. as you know i have had this mental derangement for many years. in 2002 i got a heavy metals test. i was told to suspect mercury poisoning, and indeed i had unsafe levels of mercury (and nickel and other metals), but the largest quantity was of *arsenic*! so i was surprised to see arsenic listed as the #1 remedy.

also i see aur listed. even though it is #9 i don't think that is representative of aur's importance. for one thing the percentages are all pretty close (ars is 35% and aur is 31%) and the grid i have assumes all symptoms are equal. they most certainly are not. i entered a lot of symptoms in the Remedy Finder that, when i look at the results screen, i think to myself, 'why did i enter that?' :) so i have a hunch the aur is still a strong remedy for me (i have looked at the symptoms list several times).

to give you an idea of how close the percentages are, here they are in order: 35% 31% 32% 31% 30% 30% 32% 30% 29% 29% 31% 27%. again i think the grid needs to be weighted and i should remove a certain percentage of the symptoms i entered, as they no longer seem accurate.

i was surprised to see nux v in there as i read it and while there are a few symptom matches the overall character does not seem to fit me at all.

sulph... there are definitely some matches, but some definite mismatches also. also, a lady who was a homeopath prescribed me sulph a few years ago when she heard that i had a mental derangement and was told of the head injury at 13. i actually have sulph here in the house from a few years ago. 200c, 1m, 10m, cm... i have taken them *all* (i started at 200c and went up every few weeks i think it was)... it didn't seem to really do much to me. of course my mental state was much worse then, so it's possible it contributed in a way that wasn't obvious to me.

- will

i will try the remedy grid once more but i won't be surprised if it doesn't work...
Crimsoncloak last decade

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