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4.5 yr old stuttering Page 2 of 2
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As an update, it's still the same as my last post. Her stuttering is still there slightly, and is worse when she's tired.
worriedmommy last decade
Hmm.. order Phosphorus LM1 and LM2 , oral liquid in 30 ml teat dropper bottle form. The link is below
Update me when you have the remedy with you. I will tell the dosing then.
Update me when you have the remedy with you. I will tell the dosing then.
sameervermani last decade
I'm not trying to be difficult, but is it possible that Phosphorus is very close to, but not quite the correct remedy? She definitely responds to it, but it has never completely gotten rid of the stuttering, just always minimized it.
worriedmommy last decade
That conclusion can only be made once further potencies of Phosphorus fail to give more benefit.
sameervermani last decade
I am simply concerned due to us having gone through three different potencies and all having yielded the same results.
worriedmommy last decade
hi..was going through your son who is 4.6 yrs has also started to stutter...was just curious to know if your daughter is cured of stuttering..if so,what did u follow..looking forward
mom of a boy last decade
Hi, mom of a boy-
This was interesting to read back through, as we haven't had an issue with this for so long.
While researching stuttering online, I came across several articles that said that having extremely low vitamin B levels can cause stuttering. Since we had no further improvement with the Phos., I found a high-quality vitamin B supplement that was made from real food. Her stuttering completely stopped within days of her regularly taking it. Her sleep also went back to normal.
She took the supplement every day for about a month, but when it ran out, I didn't hurry to get more. And then her stutter started to return a couple weeks later. We started the vitamin again, and it went away again.
My next question was: why are my daughter's vitamin B levels so low? Again I read thoroughly, and I found that some people with a gluten intolerance, or with celiac's disease, will react to gluten with abnormally low vitamin B levels. Once we removed wheat from her diet, we never had to supplement her vitamin B again.
Since then she consumes wheat sparingly, typically at friends' birthday parties, and it has not bothered her. She's a big 10 year old now, and hasn't stuttered in years. Until reading through this, I'd forgotten how bad her stutter had been.
This was interesting to read back through, as we haven't had an issue with this for so long.
While researching stuttering online, I came across several articles that said that having extremely low vitamin B levels can cause stuttering. Since we had no further improvement with the Phos., I found a high-quality vitamin B supplement that was made from real food. Her stuttering completely stopped within days of her regularly taking it. Her sleep also went back to normal.
She took the supplement every day for about a month, but when it ran out, I didn't hurry to get more. And then her stutter started to return a couple weeks later. We started the vitamin again, and it went away again.
My next question was: why are my daughter's vitamin B levels so low? Again I read thoroughly, and I found that some people with a gluten intolerance, or with celiac's disease, will react to gluten with abnormally low vitamin B levels. Once we removed wheat from her diet, we never had to supplement her vitamin B again.
Since then she consumes wheat sparingly, typically at friends' birthday parties, and it has not bothered her. She's a big 10 year old now, and hasn't stuttered in years. Until reading through this, I'd forgotten how bad her stutter had been.
worriedmommy last decade
Thanks for posting this.
I have some relatives with gluten allergy only it is mild. They avoid it
in a somewhat haphazard manner. But they always have low B vitamin
levels which affects other things and never could figure out why.
btw, do you remember the B product made out of food that you used?
I have some relatives with gluten allergy only it is mild. They avoid it
in a somewhat haphazard manner. But they always have low B vitamin
levels which affects other things and never could figure out why.
btw, do you remember the B product made out of food that you used?
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi, You'll not believe how happy I was to see your post..shall start with Megafoods B Complex right away..any dosage in particular I should keep in mind. Should this be given in the night? Where do you reside..
Thank you sooo much for responding. I hope this works for my son as well. I am been having sleepless nights..
Thank you sooo much for responding. I hope this works for my son as well. I am been having sleepless nights..
mom of a boy last decade
mom of a boy last decade
If your local health food store doesn't have it, you can purchase online from, or from many other online vendors.
She would typically take it in the morning with breakfast, but if we forgot then she would take it whenever we remembered. She took one vitamin per day.
Be sure to never make a big deal out of his stuttering. It is frustrating enough for him without thinking that perhaps he's bothering you as well. One of my good friends is a Speech Language Pathologist, and she says that most people whose stuttering continues into adulthood can trace it's becoming serious back to a time when a parent shouted something like 'will you just spit it out!'. She says to not finish words for your child, but rather to just wait for him to get unstuck. Oftentimes the child will rephrase to get around the word. Of course, if he gets too frustrated at one point, you can let him know that you know what he wants/meant.
I really hope the vitamin B works for you! I remember how stressful it was to have to go through. Prayer worked wonders to keep me calm.
She would typically take it in the morning with breakfast, but if we forgot then she would take it whenever we remembered. She took one vitamin per day.
Be sure to never make a big deal out of his stuttering. It is frustrating enough for him without thinking that perhaps he's bothering you as well. One of my good friends is a Speech Language Pathologist, and she says that most people whose stuttering continues into adulthood can trace it's becoming serious back to a time when a parent shouted something like 'will you just spit it out!'. She says to not finish words for your child, but rather to just wait for him to get unstuck. Oftentimes the child will rephrase to get around the word. Of course, if he gets too frustrated at one point, you can let him know that you know what he wants/meant.
I really hope the vitamin B works for you! I remember how stressful it was to have to go through. Prayer worked wonders to keep me calm.
worriedmommy last decade
worriedmommy last decade
To mom of a boy-
In the case of the B complex, this worked bc the B vitamins were not
being absorbed due to Wheat/gluten allergy. So you can have your
child skin tested to see if there is this allergy going on -this may
or may not be the problem with your child.
In the case of the B complex, this worked bc the B vitamins were not
being absorbed due to Wheat/gluten allergy. So you can have your
child skin tested to see if there is this allergy going on -this may
or may not be the problem with your child.
♡ simone717 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
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