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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

a few questions about arnica

hello, i'm new and have recently become interested in homeopathy. i have used arnica for joint pain before, but only for a day or two at a time.
but i have many more problems than that. first of all, the joint pain seems to come and go, at times it is almost debilitating. i have had a blood test to determine the reason but it produced no results.
i also have serious spleen problems as it seems to always be swollen. i also occasionally have pain in my liver. the list does go on but these are my most serious symptoms.
i have tried before with arnica 30c capsules for my spleen and it does seem to help but i am unsure about taking it long term.
i have recently tried Cinchona Officinalis 30c capsules, 3 times a day but it almost seems to do more harm than good. perhaps it's just a sign that it's working.
i'm really not sure which of these two remedies is going to be best for me, and what is a safe dose to take for an extended period of time. my biggest question is, would it be safe to combine the two?
  satur9 on 2008-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
CEANOTHUS-30 ( 5 drops per dose thrice a day) is useful for spleen problems.
However you need blood tests such as HVC, Lipidprofile it seems to be liver problems.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i have had blood tests for my spleen before. though i'm not sure what they checked for the results came up negative. i have seen multiple doctors for all of my problems but most of them remain unexplained.
i am trying to find a remedy that will target all of my symptoms. spleen, liver and joint pain, congestion, lung pain and tightness in chest, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, aversion to cold foods and dairy products. general dullness of mind and body.
i am a female, 23 years old. these symptoms started coming one by one a couple of years ago. most are pretty much constant but a couple seem to pop up every few months or so.
satur9 last decade
sorry for the double post, but i've been taking the cinchona officinalis for about 3 days now and my joint pain is really starting to act up. apparently this is a good sign, but should i stop taking it now, or continue?
still wondering if i can take arnica along with it :)
satur9 last decade
well the cinchona officinalis was really starting to agitate all of my symptoms and put me in a fair deal of pain, so i have gone down to a liquid dose. i admit i don't really know what i'm doing but i put 4 capsules in a bottle of water and i've been shaking it up, and taking a small drink twice a day for the last two days. joint pain has gone away and spleen is back to its typical annoying self.
i'm starting to feel like a mad scientist here, just doing guess work as i have not had much input from anyone. it was starting to get kind of scary with the cinchona as all of the things that have been bugging me all started acting up at once. it may have been a good sign but i don't want to harm myself.
am i on the right track? should i go back to taking 3 30c capsules three times a day? or keep it up with the liquid dose? can i throw some arnica in the mix? need input!
satur9 last decade

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