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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Finding a remedy for this case... Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dilution glasses are a MUST for LMs, you can never dose an LM directly from a remedy bottle unless you are using olfaction.

There is a reason why the 5th edition gave way to the 6th edition of the organon which without doubt is the most consummate work, and that is because centesimals do not bear 'repetition to speed up cure' well unless you are limiting yourself to low potencies like 3 , 6, 12 or at most 30.
sameervermani last decade
The only modern prominent homeopath I trust with dosing is David Little, and he mentions about the restraint needed with repetition of 200c and above in many of his articles. The repeat IF NEEDED part is rarely used well by people while using centesimals in water. With LMs the requirement is not that strict. As long as the case is gradually moving in the right directon, and there are no accessory symptoms developing you can keep repeating them.

Of course a dilution glass is needed even with centesimals at times, but that is for less than 2~3% of the patients.
sameervermani last decade
:) What a joy it is to hear you say that, Sameer! :)

I have been studying David Little's internet course for the last year, obsessively. I have been studying it over and over again. I ask David tons of questions and he is incredibly kind and helpful.

Before you, he is the only homeopath I take seriously other than Hahnemann, Bonninghausen, Kent, Allen, and the old masters.

David's advice is the primary reason I am so hesitant to use the higher potencies as you see in my posts!
BeginningHomeopath last decade
I have finally read David's course in it's entirety several times and have read the Organon 6th edition and Chronic Diseases several times. I am now starting to read some of the old masters' MM's and other books. I have read almost nothing of anything modern about homeopathy at all. I am sticking to reading the old true masters.

I don't have any software and am choosing remedies by 10% using ABC's Remedy Finder, and 90% reading the old MM's.

The cases I've mentioned on this forum are my very first cases.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
This patient is still responding well to that 30c dose of Mez. He is regularly in a better mood and seems more hopeful. The improvements are noticeable to others, but the patient has little awareness of his own state. All of the improvements in this case are psychological. There haven't been any eruptions at all for him. I suppose we keep waiting.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Some follow up... 1 week later, this patient is still improving on the mental level, and is more optimistic, though no skin reeruptions have occurred.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
This is very good news. I think you should keep waiting.
sameervermani last decade
This case with Mez still continues to improve, and I still haven't needed to give another dose.

The psychological improvement is amazing, striking, and continuing. The patient has almost lost all of his pessimism and is more engaged and involved.

The first dose was a test dose of Mez in drops, and the second dose just afterward was a 1/2 teaspoon of 30c w/ dilution glass.

The patient is moderately unaware and doesn't notice much of the psychological improvement, which is evident to everyone else! The patient hasn't noticed any physical returns, but probably wouldn't notice if it wasn't dramatic. And it's only been about two months.
BeginningHomeopath last decade
Good to know.
sameervermani last decade
This patient still continues to improve and I haven't needed to give a second dose. The psychological symptoms are improving slowly, and the patient has no comments except that he exercises more.
BeginningHomeopath last decade

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