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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

finding a homeopathic doctor

Can anyone give me advice on finding a homeopathic doctor and an estimate on what they typically charge for consultations? I attempted to research remedies myself but I am uncertain and feel like a trained professional may be better able to pinpoint particular remedies. The field of homeopathy is completely new to me and it is a little bit intimidating because there are so many different remedies.
  joyinmotion on 2024-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is your issue??
drsajid 10 months ago
chronic constipation severe no urge
severe nicotine gum addiction
sugar addiction
severe memory problems (short term and long term memory)
liver nodule
severe muscle wasting 52 years old
frequent headaches
loss of thirst (never thirsty)
loss appetite
history of severe intestinal parasite infection
from drinking unclean water and food while camping
possible candida infection
isolating from social interactions
philosophical religious inclinations
always seeking deeper meaning and purpose
slow recovery from shock and trauma
hopelessness at times-some depression
difficulty engaging authentic relationships
distrusting others and self
intermittent fear of future disasters
difficulty with self-control
trouble setting boundaries with other people and self
people pleasing
.....Basically still in a physical body by the grace of
Jesus Yahsuah Christ. Still here for a purpose but too exhausted to discover it right now and unwilling to attempt to serve others while in the state I am in but I love other people from a far and I do connect with others but I keep them at a distance.
joyinmotion 10 months ago
And Insomnia.
I forgot that one
joyinmotion 10 months ago
Dear, my prescription for you.
Sulphur 200c. 1 dose weekly, 10 drops in little water , but take it before breakfast,
And from the next day of Sulphur,
You start taking Nux Vomica 30c, 5 drops in little water thrice a day for a week ,
After a week update about the conditions.
drsajid 10 months ago
After the camping incident I lost over 30 pounds. I used to exercise and lift weights but I finally realized that I couldnt do that anymore because I could not eat food or drink water for years. The medical doctors gaslighted me and told me there was nothing wrong with me. The exercise helped my mental state but getting back into it has been difficult because I am nutritionally deficient right now. I have since regained the weight after forcing myself to eat despite the physical pain this caused me. I might have been better off fasting and praying but people told me I should force myself to eat even though I wasnt hungry. The pain lasted for years and I despaired that I would ever get better but colon hydrotherapy and the kindness of Christians saved me.
joyinmotion 10 months ago
I forgot to add the blurry vision using reading glasses just to walk around and waking up from pounding headaches that I think are metabolic headaches.

I will try the sulphur and nux vomica and update in a week
joyinmotion 10 months ago
U take and report back.
drsajid 10 months ago
Okay Dr. Sajid. Thank you very much. I will order it now and be in touch with the results.
joyinmotion 10 months ago
drsajid 10 months ago
Since I started the sulphur and nux vomica I got walking pneumonia and took antibiotics. I am not sure if this will change my symptom update but since I started the homeopath constipation has been improved!!!!!! Blurry vision and glassy look to eyes, panic attacks at times interspersed with physical and emotional exhaustion, waking up with occipital headaches, extreme desire for nicotine gum is still an issue with intense craving to chew the stuff all day-when I try to quit I have fear and panic about retribution of sickness...fear that I will get throat Cncr, have broken teeth, etc. then this fear and panic makes me want to chew nicotine gum even though oddly the gum is causing the problem... This craving, tension and fear is ongoing and nonstop. Should I continue with the nux vomica? and take my second dose of sulphur on Thursday?
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Yes countinue the medicine
drsajid 9 months ago
I developed a bladder infection for which they put me on antibiotics. Im not sure the antibiotics are helping. My vision is still seriously blurry and I wear 1.25 reading glasses to just walk around and then I switch to 2.00 reading glasses to read. I am hopeful at times but alternate with an intense fear that a disaster is just around the corner. Just this vague sense of impending doom and upset like a death or something. This sense seems always there with me but sometimes I am able to ignore it and live in the present. Hopeless at times and also this lack of self will to take care of myself. Just doing things or eating things that are not healthy. I also failed to mention that I have achy joints and muscle wasting that started in 2015 but I usually just ignore that.
joyinmotion 9 months ago
I forgot to mention that I grind my teeth at night. I also feel gross like I dont want people to get close to me and I have halitosis
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Prescription for u is,
Arsenicum Album 30C:Take one dose in the morning and one in the evening for 3 days.Phosphoricum Acidum 30C:Take one dose in the afternoon for 3 days.
drsajid 9 months ago
Do I stop the other remedies of nux vomica and sulfur? And does it help you if I order from your website??
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Yes stop Nux and Sulphur
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay, I stopped the Nux and Sulph and started the arsenicum album one in am and one in the pm. Its very effective for curbing the craving for nicotine! But it does have me waking up 4 or five times at night. I only have one more day of it and then I will start the phosph acidum.... But the constipation returned so I wondered if I should start back on nux vom.
I wanted to update and also let you know that I have been doing professional colonics once or twice a week since 2015 when I had sudden onset severe constipation. I had a brief spell of jaundice as well....Since then I have seen visibly numerous thousands of worms and a great amount of threadworms, roundworms, distended abdomen, loss of appetite, teeth grinding (since childhood), and a ton of mucus in my stools. I know I have cleared out a great deal but I am wondering if there are still some tapeworms or something in there. I just wanted to update you and let you know these symptoms and also that the arsenicum really wakes me up at night. I thought that might be a clue that you might need to know.....
joyinmotion 9 months ago
And also I dropped 35 pounds and weighed only 100 pounds and completely lost my appetite for Years. I forced myself to eat even though it was painful. My appetite never fully came back but it steadily improved with taking the colonics and enemas.
joyinmotion 9 months ago
And thank you for helping me. The arsenicum is extremely helpful for addiction. You are a good doctor. I wish that I had found you years ago. I hope that many blessings come your way as a result of the work that you are doing.
joyinmotion 9 months ago
Thnx, i am happy that u feel better,
The next prescription for u is below, and pls follow as i advise,

Arsenicum Album 200C:Dosage: 2 pills,Timing: Twice a week (e.g., Monday and Thursday mornings)Calcarea Carbonica 200C:Dosage: 2 pills,Timing: Once a week (e.g., Sunday morning)
Natrum Muriaticum 6X:Dosage: 4 tablets,Timing: Twice daily (morning and evening)
[Edited by drsajid on 2024-06-04 17:44:48]
drsajid 9 months ago
Okay Dr. Sajid I will order and take these exactly as you suggest and report back in a few weeks or so. The other remedy I think I got confused and thought I was supposed to take the one for 3 days and then take the other for three days and not at the same time.....Anyway, I will let you know the results!
joyinmotion 9 months ago
I was feeling better but the headache has returned the last 4 nights. My sinuses feel stuffy this morning. I noticed a small amount of yellowish discharge in the corner of my eyes when I wake up in the mornings. I have intense deep itching deep in both of my ears relieved by qtip but I am often using the qtip. At times it feels like there is liquid draining out of my ear. Still have the vision issues which I am hopefully will clear up when I get the nicotine fully out of my system.
joyinmotion 8 months ago
And my emotions have been all over the place. At times hopeful and even and at other times totally hopeless and freaked out by everything. But I think this is normal since I am so toxic.
joyinmotion 8 months ago
Take Pulsatilla 30c, thrice a day for 5 days and update.
drsajid 8 months ago
Great! Thank you!!!!!!!!!
joyinmotion 8 months ago

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