The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please help find consittutional remedy for chronic symptoms
Hi,I've had chronic physical/mental symptoms for several years which I'll try to describe using the questionnaire I've seen used in other postings. The only things the conventional doctors could find (a few years ago) is mildly hypothyroid and stomach acid deficiency. I've used diet and herbal medicine, and a little homeopathy before and have certainly made progress, but still have a ways to go.
Male, age 22
1. Describe your main suffering? and 2. What other physical sufferings do you have?
I'm combining the two because I don't have one 'main' issue, many that are annoying. I'll try to describe them in order of how bad they tend to be.
Digestive weakness and sensitivity. Centered around underneath my right rib cage, I think has to do with liver because liver herbs affect it, gallbladder ones don't, however it sometimes spreads downward and/or over to the left side. Sensation of heart beating in that area, especially after eating and on resting.
Other sensitivities, to environmental chemicals, mold, etc, no typical allergic reactions such as sneezing, they more directly affect my nervous system.
Weakness and soreness of muscles, especially near shoulders, hips, heavy feeling in hips and legs, weak lower legs, aggravated by walking up stairs or hills, stiff shoulders.
When exposed to cold, certain areas of my body get icy cold while others aren't, which include my extremities (especially my feet), my knees, elbows, nose, pretty much any place where the bone/tendon/cartilage is more at the surface.
Shortness of breath, most noticeable with exertion but the insufficiency is always there, worse after eating especially after dinner.
Rapid heartbeat easily with exertion, sometimes after eating, often at the same time as respiratory symptoms, when resting not after eating though it's much slower. I do have a heart murmur, but it's small enough that doctors called it 'innocent'.
Headaches, usually mild, used to get stronger ones more often when younger, centered typically at the top of the head.
Tingling feelings of nerves, most often in feet, especially the soles, sometimes spreading to other areas inlcuding upper body, head.
Low back pain, comes and goes, doesn't seem to do much with the use on those muscles, neck stiffness.
Soreness in the kidney area, walking especially with certain shoes aggravates.
My energy level is less than I'd like, but I think it's more to do with the digestive weakness and other symptoms sucking away my energy than it being intrinsically low.
3. Mental symptoms
Anxiety is my biggest mental symptom, it's less than it used to be but still a major problem. However it is mostly only about certain things, all in the human sphere, having to do with other people. I have not much anxiety about natural things, animals, insects, etc. but great social anxiety, I just don't fit in well, I do have friends but there's a lot of other people who I just don't 'click' with, and a certain minority that I feel much anxiety just in their presence. The anxiety aggravates many of the physical symptoms too.
Although I don't think I'm a natural introvert, I like people and want to become more socially comfortable, but I feel more connected to nature than to humanity and society.
Another thing I deal with is a 'brain fog', although I often have good memory I also forget things more for no apparent reason, and often have great difficulty concentrating, while at other times pretty clear concentration.
My mind races sometimes, even if at the same time I can't concentrate on other things. Sometimes it's just on some random topic I'm into but other times it keeps coming back to socially embarrasing/shameful moments that I totally don't want to dwell on.
I am not overly depression-prone, although I do certainly have episodes, but in general I remain some hope even when I'm down and the anxiety is way worse than any depression.
I am also sometimes, though not always, feel quite irritable, my social anxiety keeps me from acting it out on most people, only those I know best do I show it to.
Although the anxiety aggravates some physical symptoms, ironically it can if not too bad ameliorate others such as the weakness fellings by adding energy to my system.
4. How do I feel at my worst?
I have a combination of most of the physical and mental symptoms I listed above.
5. When did it all start? I've had some of these symptoms as far back as I can remember, I remember getting more as a teenager, but it wasn't until four years ago, when I went to college, I went for a year and then dropped out, that it got bad, pretty much continually over the course of the year. It's better now than three years ago.
6. Which time of the day am I worst?
That's a hard question because it's variable and different symptoms are worse at differnt times. The digestive symptoms are worst after eating dinner, so are the respiratory and heartbeat. The nerve symptoms however are often worse in late morning through afternoon, sometimes I feel best on first waking, other times weak and drowsy.
7. What aggravates your symptoms?
Bothe heat and cold, but they aggravate different ones, the heat tends to aggravate the digestive and heart, especially in the sun, but in general I'm more sensitive to cold. It gives me chills, the parts of my body getting icy cold that I described, and I feel weaker in the cold.
Sitting in a chair aggravates my muscular and nervous symptoms, my body would rather be straight whether it's lying down or standing up.
8. External stimuli
Yes, change of place affects me a great deal, I've alteady described my chemical sensitivites but there are some places I go where I feel better/more energetic/less of certain symptoms as soon as I get there, and feel the same way every time I go back, I haven't ever been able to generalize that only knowe that certain places have certain 'energies'
9. Weather
As I mentioned above, different symptoms are affected differently by different weather, warm/moderate temperatures and moderate/fairly high humidity seem best, but even though hot weather aggravates some symptoms, I generally feel best during the summer when cold is not an issue because the cold is harder on me. Dry air aggravates my nervous issues, I generally prefer more humid but humidity indoors is problematic because I'm quite sensitive to indoor molds.
10. General mental set-up
I mentioned the generals on question 4 but I'll answer the specifics. Thunderstorms do definately affect me, my anxiety can worsen, although I don't have a specific fear of thunderstorms, just if I happen to have anxiety for other reasons it can worsen. However, I also feel energized by the storms and my concentration as well as many physical symptoms are better before and aat the beginning of a thunderstorm.
Consolation - it tends to actually make me feel worse if I'm at a bad time.
Sensitivity - already discussed that, yes, very sensivtive
typical habit - Not one I can think of at this time but I know I have some like anyone and would think of it if asked specifically.
How I feel about people - I'm not married, I have pretty good relations with my family although I'm not living near them presently. I have some good friends which I'm grateful for because I've had other times where that hasn't been the case, I still have trouble relating to them sometimes, like when someone's having a hard time I don't really know what to say other than suggestions to help them but sometimes that's not what they're looking for.
11. Fears and Dreams
I have the social issues I described above, I'd call them anxieties more than fears, although there is overlap. As for dreams, they often are hectic, chasing etc but very rarely actual nightmnares. Two strange types of dreams I get sometimes are one type where something that would be horrible if it were actually happeining in real life, but in the dream either I don't care or it actually gives me excitement and pleasure. I also have another weird type of dream in which a song (different each time but always somewhat sad/melancholy sort) gets stuck in my head, and it makes be cry uncontrollably and then wake up (the crying was only in the dream, I don't have any tears when I wake up) The same song would never give anything close to that reaction in real life.
12. Food items
I avoid some things because of sensitivities, such as food additives. I tend to be averse to salt although occasionally crave it. Plain milk I'm a bit averse to but not a lot. I crave differnt things at different times, but the most common strong cravings are bread and peanut butter (although my body doesn't like either one very much) apples and certain other fruits, pasta, that's all I can think of right now.
13. Thirst
Sometimes it gets excessive, although more of the time it is more normal, it gets excessive most often if I eat certain things that disagree with my body, a few hours later.
14. Hunger
It often is high, although my weak digestive system often can't handle the amount of food I'm hungry for. Other times it's more moderate, but never low for significant periods of time.
15. Food which my body can't stand
Food additives are the worst. Bread, but not other wheat as much. Milk, especially if cold, and any cold food especailly if it's both heavy and cold, cold starches and proteins aggravate. Chocolate, and hard cheeses in quantity too. My digestion is veryh sensive so I just listed the worst offenders I can think of. I have no actual allergies, allergy tests are negative, just sensitivities.
16. Sweat
Sometimes I don;t hardly sweat at all and sometimes I sweat a lot, typically with exertion I won't sweat for a while and then suddenly sweat, then less again. The armpits especially get it when it happens, but also the entirety of my torso.
17. Bowel Movement/Stool Type
It tends to be loose and light colored, but it varies. I go at least ones a day but also have many false alarms where I think I have to go but then don't. I have a lot of tension there in certain situations, if someone else is around as in a public restroom for either urination or stool, my muscles tend to tighten up and I have trouble going.
18. Sleep
My sleep is better than it used to be, I used to have many nights where I couldn't fall asleep for hours because my mind was racing and I couldn't calm down, it still happens sometimes on a lesser scale. Even though a little earlier I thought I was very tired.
I also don't sleep well toward morning, it's totally different then, I'm relaxed but just typically sleep shallowly after 5 or 6 with constant waking.
Sexual desires?
I haven't had much luck in realtionships. My desires aren't extreme but I do wish I did better socially.
20. Peculiar sensations
My most common and annoying one is a sensation at the front of my throat around the adam's apple area, it only comes sometimes, but it's like a feeling like something's caught or inflamed in there, with exertion it sometimes can intensify to a feeling of heart beating in that spot.
21. I have avoided taking any prescription medications. I have used plenty of herbal medicine, I can go into more detail about that if you'd like. As for homeopathy, I have used Nux Vomica 6C and 30X on a friend's recommendation for my digestive issues, and it did help with that and my energy levels and some with other symptoms, but it also aggravated others such as cold sensitivity and as I looked more into homeopathy I realized it wasn't my constitutional fit anyway, but I still occasionally take a dose if my digestion/respiration/heart palpitions feels particularly bad, and it can help them signifacantly.
22. Major Diseases in the Family
Most of my family have been fairly healthy until they got older, at least nothing severe enough to get on conventional doctors radar. Glaucoma runs on one side of my family. My grandfather had cancer but nobody else I know of.
23. How Do I look like?
I'm tall (6'4'') average 150 lbs (quite skinny, especially in the arms), and I can't gain much weight at all, I normally gain a little in the winter and then lose it in the summer. My hair is brown, dry ( I have dandruff), thick, and somewhat curly (It was straight as a kid and early teenager and then turned curly over the course of a few years). My skin is darker than most in my family but still pretty average white person, with a reddish tint especially on the face.
Thank you for reading this and I'd appreciate any advice you could give. I will answer more questions if you have any.
Quercus on 2008-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I've been doing more searching on remedies recently, I didn't mention any specific remedies before do any of you experts think I could be a Causticum? I was wondering before if I was one of the Natrums, specifically Natrum Carbonicum, but I didn't fit all the symptoms, then today I came across the Causticum description and it seems to fit me even better. Some characteristics I didn't mention before because I didn't even think of are that I am strongly an idealist and react strongly to injustice, I have trouble even seeing any sort of news without strong emotional reaction. I didn't even realize those were the types of things listed under remedies but sure enough there they were listed under causticum.
Quercus last decade
Dear Quercus,
Would you describe your temperament as mild and yielding ?
Do you at times tend to have CONVICTIONS WHICH you DO NOT ARGUE, even seeming to acquiesce to another's viewpoint though internally keeping your own view ?
Any fear of public speaking ?
Ever felt scared of pointed objects ?
Would you describe your temperament as mild and yielding ?
Do you at times tend to have CONVICTIONS WHICH you DO NOT ARGUE, even seeming to acquiesce to another's viewpoint though internally keeping your own view ?
Any fear of public speaking ?
Ever felt scared of pointed objects ?
sameervermani last decade
Some people think I am mild and yielding, I am around people who I'm not comfortable around, but if I'm comfortable around someone I show much more of my real feelings, which I'm kind of tense and irritable.
The same thing about the convictions, yes I do have strong convictions about certain things, and I argue them a lot with certain people, people who I feel are willing to listen, with other people I just shut up if I think arguing with them would make me uncomfortable.
Yes I do have a fear of public speaking, not much of it though if I have a set script I'm reading off, I have a lot of it if I'm expected to speak spontaneously because I often do not have the right words to articulate the concept I want to say and end up sttutering, repeating myself etc. and people not understanding me. Especially a more abstract concept I might have it in my head but I don't tend to think in words about such things so have trouble saying it to anyone.
I've never had any strong fear of pointed objects, I guess I have enough of one to be sure to be careful with knives, etc.
The same thing about the convictions, yes I do have strong convictions about certain things, and I argue them a lot with certain people, people who I feel are willing to listen, with other people I just shut up if I think arguing with them would make me uncomfortable.
Yes I do have a fear of public speaking, not much of it though if I have a set script I'm reading off, I have a lot of it if I'm expected to speak spontaneously because I often do not have the right words to articulate the concept I want to say and end up sttutering, repeating myself etc. and people not understanding me. Especially a more abstract concept I might have it in my head but I don't tend to think in words about such things so have trouble saying it to anyone.
I've never had any strong fear of pointed objects, I guess I have enough of one to be sure to be careful with knives, etc.
Quercus last decade
I realize I should mention reactions I've had to a few other homeopathic remedies I've taken, I mentioned about the Nux Vomica above but there's a few others, some I've only ever taken once, and I've reacted to all of them, positively or negatively to a certain extent.
Lycopodium - took that several times a few years ago on recommendation, I think it was 12x, it felt calming to mental and certain digestive and nervous symptoms but worsened others, particularly the weakness feelings, effects never lasted more than 2-3 days.
Arnica - 30c - I once took that, after a fall I thought might bruise, it didn't, but the side effects were worse than any bruise would have been. They lasted several weeks, I had more heart fluttering symptoms, much more sensitive to heat but less to cold. Certain strange nerve feelings I don't remember now as it was a year ago.
Sulphur - I once took a dose of that, I forget what potency, anyway it improved many of the nervous symptoms, the chill and sensitivity to cold, but dramatically worsened the digestive/liver and heat sensitivity, a few days later I took a dose of Nux Vomica and felt much better.
Lycopodium - took that several times a few years ago on recommendation, I think it was 12x, it felt calming to mental and certain digestive and nervous symptoms but worsened others, particularly the weakness feelings, effects never lasted more than 2-3 days.
Arnica - 30c - I once took that, after a fall I thought might bruise, it didn't, but the side effects were worse than any bruise would have been. They lasted several weeks, I had more heart fluttering symptoms, much more sensitive to heat but less to cold. Certain strange nerve feelings I don't remember now as it was a year ago.
Sulphur - I once took a dose of that, I forget what potency, anyway it improved many of the nervous symptoms, the chill and sensitivity to cold, but dramatically worsened the digestive/liver and heat sensitivity, a few days later I took a dose of Nux Vomica and felt much better.
Quercus last decade
More clarification about the questions above. Actually, the time I'm most likely to get over my timidness id if someone touches on my 'pet issues' that I consider important, I still will unfortunately yield if they seem too intimidating, but I'm much less likely to with an issue I consider important while I would easily yield about trivial things to the same person.
Quercus last decade
Okay, so we are going to try some Lycopodium again, this time in the 30c potency.
Just 1 dose, to be taken as follows. Dissolve 2 pellets in 100 ml spring water, and take 1 spoon from there.
Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.
Let me know in 5 days after this dose.
Just 1 dose, to be taken as follows. Dissolve 2 pellets in 100 ml spring water, and take 1 spoon from there.
Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr before and 1 hr after the dose.
Let me know in 5 days after this dose.
sameervermani last decade
I have ordered the remedy, it should be here in a few days, however I think I should wait to take it because form this Friday on I'll be travelling to two different places the next two weeks and since I'm sensitive to changes in place I think I would not be able to accurately gauge the effects of the remedy if I took it right before I left, and also it would be better to be back here if I get negative side effects. I will be back for a while after the 23rd of the month and take it then.
I will describe in more detail what happened the last time I took lycopodium, it was almost two years ago so I don't remember everything, but each time I took a dose , my circulation improved, I felt less anxious, my digestion was still weak but the point of congestion under the ribs I described earlier was not sharp and seemed to 'disperse'. However overall I didn't feel any better because I felt weaker, the feelings of heaviness in my extremities increased for a few days, and although I was less anxious I felt a bit despondent, not to the extreme but it was annoying.
I still do wonder and want to ask if you think causticum would at some point in time in the future be beneficial, because the more I've read about it the more it seems to fit, I know I have lycopodium traits too, but in reading the psychological profile of causticum in Philip Bailey's 'Homeopathic Psychology', he says there's both more extroverted and more introverted, anxious typed, and the latter seems to describe me almost perfectly, including such things I didn;t mention before as a sense of foreboding about the future, which is something I relatively constantly have, and also many of the physicals, including things I didn't mention before such as eye symptoms, floaters in the eyes, I do sometimes get warts on my feet, ear wax accumulation (I never like to put my ears underwater because it will clog them up and I'll have hearing difficulties, I sometimes get them other times too especially in the morning.
I will describe in more detail what happened the last time I took lycopodium, it was almost two years ago so I don't remember everything, but each time I took a dose , my circulation improved, I felt less anxious, my digestion was still weak but the point of congestion under the ribs I described earlier was not sharp and seemed to 'disperse'. However overall I didn't feel any better because I felt weaker, the feelings of heaviness in my extremities increased for a few days, and although I was less anxious I felt a bit despondent, not to the extreme but it was annoying.
I still do wonder and want to ask if you think causticum would at some point in time in the future be beneficial, because the more I've read about it the more it seems to fit, I know I have lycopodium traits too, but in reading the psychological profile of causticum in Philip Bailey's 'Homeopathic Psychology', he says there's both more extroverted and more introverted, anxious typed, and the latter seems to describe me almost perfectly, including such things I didn;t mention before as a sense of foreboding about the future, which is something I relatively constantly have, and also many of the physicals, including things I didn't mention before such as eye symptoms, floaters in the eyes, I do sometimes get warts on my feet, ear wax accumulation (I never like to put my ears underwater because it will clog them up and I'll have hearing difficulties, I sometimes get them other times too especially in the morning.
Quercus last decade
As of now, I do not see the need for Causticum.
sameervermani last decade
I took the Lycopodium 30c as you prescribed five days ago on the evening of October 24, and I have had generally positive results with some aggravations, today I felt better than I have in quite a while, it seems the positives are definately winning out.
In general, what improved the most has been my physical symptoms in the upper body. The soreness and congestion in the liver area has gone down pretty much each day, as well as all digestive symptoms, and today it was less than half the usual. The same applies with the soreness of the kidney area, gone down a lot almost immediately after taking the remedy. The environmental sensitivity is also significantly less, the best it's been since before all these issues began. My shoulder stiffness pretty much disappeared within the first day. My energy level has also been higher the last two days or so, after feeling a bit tired and out of it during periods of the first few days after taking the remedy.
THe physical symptoms from the lower back down had more aggravation, not an extreme amount but noticeable, but that seems to be lifting now. The heavy feeling in the legs and hips, cold feet and knees, and lower back discomfort was worse, but now seems to be getting better again.
The chills were initially better, then worse for several days, today I started out chilly and then was unusually warm. The tingling feelings were increased in the legs and feet, not anywhere else, that also seems to be calming down now.
Something I've dealt with a long time but I don't think I mentioned it before because I don't think about it much because it hasn't been too bad for a while is ear ringing, I mention it now because for certain brief periods since taking the remedy, more in the first few days, it has gotten aggravated, still no more than a nuisance, but I thought I should mention it.
As far as mental symptoms, there has been general improvement too with the exception of aggravations that came and went the first two days or so but no later. The changes in my mental state itself haven't been as dramatic as some of the physical symptom improvements, but the one thing that has is that my emotions don't seem to be affecting my physical state as much as they were before, I may feel stressed but it doesn't make my heart jump or give me the jitters nearly as much for example. I can function better given the same mental state.
I know the remedy is still changing things around a good deal, thank you for your willingness to help people online such as this. Should I order any higher potencies of Lycopodium to have them ready for a later time?
In general, what improved the most has been my physical symptoms in the upper body. The soreness and congestion in the liver area has gone down pretty much each day, as well as all digestive symptoms, and today it was less than half the usual. The same applies with the soreness of the kidney area, gone down a lot almost immediately after taking the remedy. The environmental sensitivity is also significantly less, the best it's been since before all these issues began. My shoulder stiffness pretty much disappeared within the first day. My energy level has also been higher the last two days or so, after feeling a bit tired and out of it during periods of the first few days after taking the remedy.
THe physical symptoms from the lower back down had more aggravation, not an extreme amount but noticeable, but that seems to be lifting now. The heavy feeling in the legs and hips, cold feet and knees, and lower back discomfort was worse, but now seems to be getting better again.
The chills were initially better, then worse for several days, today I started out chilly and then was unusually warm. The tingling feelings were increased in the legs and feet, not anywhere else, that also seems to be calming down now.
Something I've dealt with a long time but I don't think I mentioned it before because I don't think about it much because it hasn't been too bad for a while is ear ringing, I mention it now because for certain brief periods since taking the remedy, more in the first few days, it has gotten aggravated, still no more than a nuisance, but I thought I should mention it.
As far as mental symptoms, there has been general improvement too with the exception of aggravations that came and went the first two days or so but no later. The changes in my mental state itself haven't been as dramatic as some of the physical symptom improvements, but the one thing that has is that my emotions don't seem to be affecting my physical state as much as they were before, I may feel stressed but it doesn't make my heart jump or give me the jitters nearly as much for example. I can function better given the same mental state.
I know the remedy is still changing things around a good deal, thank you for your willingness to help people online such as this. Should I order any higher potencies of Lycopodium to have them ready for a later time?
Quercus last decade
Dear Qeurcus,
This was an excellent response, and we will wait for as long as remedy is changing things. I do not expect the response to stop before 3 to 4 weeks.
However, you can order Lycopodium 200c, but do not take it without talking to me, as 1 early repetition will spoil all the progress made so far.
So, update me in 10 days from now.
This was an excellent response, and we will wait for as long as remedy is changing things. I do not expect the response to stop before 3 to 4 weeks.
However, you can order Lycopodium 200c, but do not take it without talking to me, as 1 early repetition will spoil all the progress made so far.
So, update me in 10 days from now.
sameervermani last decade
I wonder if a prescription of too many repetitions may have been what made Lycopodium not work for me two years ago, it was also a lower potency, 12x, but at first it helped a lot but then actually started to make me worse. I will update in ten more days.
Quercus last decade
It sounds as though you may have Celiac disease. The treatment for Celiac is a complete elimination of gluten from your diet. No meds, no expensive remedies. I have it and I'll tell you it's not easy but VERY worth it if you have the disease.
desertzen last decade
Desertzen, three years ago when the digestive symptoms first got bad I was tested for celiac disease, it was negative although I did have some antibodies to gluten. Even though I didn't have celiac, acting on the advice of others who claimed gluten can be a major problem for non-celiacs as well, I eliminated all gluten from my diet for over a month as well as eliminating other common allergens for shorter periods. I noticed some differences but eliminating gluten did not make my condition significantly better, so I started eating it again. I do have some reaction to bread as I posted above, I think it's more likely the yeast as some sourdough breads and other wheat forms such as pasta don't make the same reaction.
Quercus last decade
Okay, now I'll post my update, it's been ten days since my last update. Unfortunately, many of the physical symptoms that improved so much on the five day update have worsened again. The congestion/tenderness in the liver area has returned to mostly but not quite the same intensity as before the dose. I have also been feeling mild discomfort in other parts of the intestinal tract that I hadn't been feeling before the dose, although I have had this symptom stronger in the past.
The soreness in the kidney area has returned too although taken a different character, not as bad and not aggravated by the same motions.
My environmental sensitivites have gottern worse again but still better than before the dose.
The shoulder stiffness has not come back except very mild. However, the lower body symptoms that were initially aggravated have come back to a more normal level, although they never have improved. I still am feeling heavy feelings in my legs, hips, buttocks, weak knees, sore lower back, and cold knees and feet.
For a few days after the last update when I mentioned the aggravation of the chills earlier, I actually had the opposite, feeling heat, not a pleasant warmth but heat, from after breakfast through after dinner especially with any physical activity but ot other times too, but never at night or when I first wake up, I always tend toward chilly at those times. However that didn't last, my chills are about to what they were before the dose now.
The mental symptoms are a different picture though. Although I've had the genereal ups and downs with them as well as the physical symptoms, they have been significantly better than nprmal since the last update. My anxiety levels are lower, the same situations trigger the anxiety less. I find myself not dwelling on the symptoms as much. The brain fog has maybe gotten a bit less but not changed a whole lot.
Overall, the physical symptoms (of the upper body) are markedly worse than the last update, although still maybe a bit better than before I took the dose, although that may be wishful thinking. The mental improvements were more modest but do seem to have lasted to this point. however I don't think I can have a lot more mental improvements without the physical symptoms getting better too. That's because at this point a lot of my anxiety goes toward my physical symptoms, I never have except for brief depressing moments given up hope but I'm, despite my anxiety, an ambitious person mentally (except when I fall into the brain fog) who loves to do physical work, but when my body doesn't cooperate I feel like on one hand I want to explode with energy but then can't do that. As a child I was often hyperactive, although I also loved (and still do) reading, listening to music and mental activities I could only do those for a time, and strenuous physical activity was always my release, I always had pretty similar mental symptoms but didn't really consider them much of a problem until teh physical issues started to restrict my ability to relieve anxiety through fast paced physical activity.
P.S. I thought I should tell you about some features I think may be important but I didn't mention at first. None of these were affected by the Lycopodium dose.
I haven't gotten any sinificant colds in years, even if I'm feeling horrible for other reasons. I occasionally get a little sniffle, congestion and cough. I am frequently around others with colds but nevr catch them. When I was younger I did get a bit more colds but not that many. I haven't gotten any significant fever in probably ten years.
I have many small moles on my body, especially my arms but some on other spots. I also have several small birthmarks, lighter color than the moles, and alto a birthmark on my head that causes me to have a small grey hair spot that I've had since I was a small child.
The soreness in the kidney area has returned too although taken a different character, not as bad and not aggravated by the same motions.
My environmental sensitivites have gottern worse again but still better than before the dose.
The shoulder stiffness has not come back except very mild. However, the lower body symptoms that were initially aggravated have come back to a more normal level, although they never have improved. I still am feeling heavy feelings in my legs, hips, buttocks, weak knees, sore lower back, and cold knees and feet.
For a few days after the last update when I mentioned the aggravation of the chills earlier, I actually had the opposite, feeling heat, not a pleasant warmth but heat, from after breakfast through after dinner especially with any physical activity but ot other times too, but never at night or when I first wake up, I always tend toward chilly at those times. However that didn't last, my chills are about to what they were before the dose now.
The mental symptoms are a different picture though. Although I've had the genereal ups and downs with them as well as the physical symptoms, they have been significantly better than nprmal since the last update. My anxiety levels are lower, the same situations trigger the anxiety less. I find myself not dwelling on the symptoms as much. The brain fog has maybe gotten a bit less but not changed a whole lot.
Overall, the physical symptoms (of the upper body) are markedly worse than the last update, although still maybe a bit better than before I took the dose, although that may be wishful thinking. The mental improvements were more modest but do seem to have lasted to this point. however I don't think I can have a lot more mental improvements without the physical symptoms getting better too. That's because at this point a lot of my anxiety goes toward my physical symptoms, I never have except for brief depressing moments given up hope but I'm, despite my anxiety, an ambitious person mentally (except when I fall into the brain fog) who loves to do physical work, but when my body doesn't cooperate I feel like on one hand I want to explode with energy but then can't do that. As a child I was often hyperactive, although I also loved (and still do) reading, listening to music and mental activities I could only do those for a time, and strenuous physical activity was always my release, I always had pretty similar mental symptoms but didn't really consider them much of a problem until teh physical issues started to restrict my ability to relieve anxiety through fast paced physical activity.
P.S. I thought I should tell you about some features I think may be important but I didn't mention at first. None of these were affected by the Lycopodium dose.
I haven't gotten any sinificant colds in years, even if I'm feeling horrible for other reasons. I occasionally get a little sniffle, congestion and cough. I am frequently around others with colds but nevr catch them. When I was younger I did get a bit more colds but not that many. I haven't gotten any significant fever in probably ten years.
I have many small moles on my body, especially my arms but some on other spots. I also have several small birthmarks, lighter color than the moles, and alto a birthmark on my head that causes me to have a small grey hair spot that I've had since I was a small child.
Quercus last decade
Please take a single Lycopodium 200c dose.
Dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml spring water, and take 1 tablespoon from there. Do not repeat.
Update in 10 days.
Dissolve 2 pellets in 120 ml spring water, and take 1 tablespoon from there. Do not repeat.
Update in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
I took the Lycopodium 200c on the evening of 11/10, ten days ago. There have certainly been changes caused by the remedy, but some are positive and others negative, and I think overall my level of health is pretty similar to before I took the remedy, maybe slightly better but not much. I'll detail the changes.
Physical symptoms first. The changes were not as dramatic as after the 30c dose, but longer lasting. Like the 30c dose, many upper body symptoms improved, the respiratory and heart especially, but just in the last two days or so they have been getting worse. The digestive symptoms were never really improved from this dose. The congestion sensations in the liver area have changed character, not as sharp but have spread to include on and off mild pain in much of my lower digestive tract. Recently they have also been accompanied by stiffness and some pain in my jawbone. I have had jaw issues before, but before this Lycopodium dose I hadn't had those troubles in probably two years.
I'm tolerating some foods better but others worse, and having different cravings and aversions. One striking example is onions and garlic. I have always loved them, but large amounts upset my digestion, however this past week I have had a strong craving for them but also benn aggravated by much smaller amounts than before.
Some of my environmental sensitivities are better, but it didn't affect them as much as the 30c dose did.
The soreness in the kidney area wasn't much affected by this dose, unlike the 30c dose. My lower back hasn't been troubling me much recently though.
As for the chilliness, I felt an unusual warmth that first evening and for two or three evenings afterward (not during the day), but that didn't reoccur and except for that the chilliness has actually been a bit worse. My circulation to the feet and knees is a bit better though.
As for the lower body symptoms, those were made a bit worse by the remedy, not as dramatically as the 30c dose aggravation, but it's lasted longer. The lycopodium has never helped these symptoms. They do have a bit of a different character now though. I feel a sort of disconnect of my legs from the rest of my body, and the heaviness feeling of before, it feels almost as though they, especially around the hips, are 'waterlogged' even though I know that isn't the case, and also that they all my lower extremities are 'brittle'. If I put my finger to my knee and move it I can feel a mild creaking sensation.
As far as the mental symptoms, the anxiety is improved, although still there. I don't seem to feel as worked up about a lot of things. However, I now feel a bit depressed, and still no significant increase in confidence.
The brain fog is still pretty much unchanged. I was hoping the lycopodium would affect this area more, but I still have pretty similar symptoms. I have ideas and then can't put them into words very well while talking, writing is much easier because I have time to think. I start sentences and then sometimes can't finish them. This makes my anxiety in social situations worse because I know it will happen, but I don't necessarily consider it a nervous symptom as it happens whether or not I an anxious and the improvement in the anxiety hasn't helped this symptom, just made me more likely to go ahead and talk anyway even though it's going to happen.
It may help you to know more of how many of these mental symptoms began. As a child growing up I was picked on a ton until I finally shut myself off from most people and only let them see what I wanted them to see. Even though I'm in very different external circumstances now, I still have this irrational instinct that tells me that if people, even my friends, really knew the real me they wouldn't like me or even be disgusted.
Anyway, I'm kind of disappointed in my reaction to the remedy, and in the last two or three days have been losing some of the positive changes while keeping more of the negative. Does this mean it's not the right remedy and a new one will be needed?
Physical symptoms first. The changes were not as dramatic as after the 30c dose, but longer lasting. Like the 30c dose, many upper body symptoms improved, the respiratory and heart especially, but just in the last two days or so they have been getting worse. The digestive symptoms were never really improved from this dose. The congestion sensations in the liver area have changed character, not as sharp but have spread to include on and off mild pain in much of my lower digestive tract. Recently they have also been accompanied by stiffness and some pain in my jawbone. I have had jaw issues before, but before this Lycopodium dose I hadn't had those troubles in probably two years.
I'm tolerating some foods better but others worse, and having different cravings and aversions. One striking example is onions and garlic. I have always loved them, but large amounts upset my digestion, however this past week I have had a strong craving for them but also benn aggravated by much smaller amounts than before.
Some of my environmental sensitivities are better, but it didn't affect them as much as the 30c dose did.
The soreness in the kidney area wasn't much affected by this dose, unlike the 30c dose. My lower back hasn't been troubling me much recently though.
As for the chilliness, I felt an unusual warmth that first evening and for two or three evenings afterward (not during the day), but that didn't reoccur and except for that the chilliness has actually been a bit worse. My circulation to the feet and knees is a bit better though.
As for the lower body symptoms, those were made a bit worse by the remedy, not as dramatically as the 30c dose aggravation, but it's lasted longer. The lycopodium has never helped these symptoms. They do have a bit of a different character now though. I feel a sort of disconnect of my legs from the rest of my body, and the heaviness feeling of before, it feels almost as though they, especially around the hips, are 'waterlogged' even though I know that isn't the case, and also that they all my lower extremities are 'brittle'. If I put my finger to my knee and move it I can feel a mild creaking sensation.
As far as the mental symptoms, the anxiety is improved, although still there. I don't seem to feel as worked up about a lot of things. However, I now feel a bit depressed, and still no significant increase in confidence.
The brain fog is still pretty much unchanged. I was hoping the lycopodium would affect this area more, but I still have pretty similar symptoms. I have ideas and then can't put them into words very well while talking, writing is much easier because I have time to think. I start sentences and then sometimes can't finish them. This makes my anxiety in social situations worse because I know it will happen, but I don't necessarily consider it a nervous symptom as it happens whether or not I an anxious and the improvement in the anxiety hasn't helped this symptom, just made me more likely to go ahead and talk anyway even though it's going to happen.
It may help you to know more of how many of these mental symptoms began. As a child growing up I was picked on a ton until I finally shut myself off from most people and only let them see what I wanted them to see. Even though I'm in very different external circumstances now, I still have this irrational instinct that tells me that if people, even my friends, really knew the real me they wouldn't like me or even be disgusted.
Anyway, I'm kind of disappointed in my reaction to the remedy, and in the last two or three days have been losing some of the positive changes while keeping more of the negative. Does this mean it's not the right remedy and a new one will be needed?
Quercus last decade
Oh, I forgot to mention the sensation that I had in my adam's apple area of my throat. It's still happening but at different times. Exertion hasn't been triggereing it, but I've been getting it mildly for ten minutes or so most nights before I fall asleep.
Thanks again for taking the time to work with me on this, I know I'm often long-winded in writing.
Thanks again for taking the time to work with me on this, I know I'm often long-winded in writing.
Quercus last decade
Something else i haven't mentioned before, I am prone to ringworm on my skin, particularly on and near my neck. I get rid of them with topical herbal treatments but they keep reoccuring.
Quercus last decade
Update, in the last two days the changes brought about by the Lycopodium dose have mostly but not completely reverted to pre-dose symptoms.
Quercus last decade
this would mean we need to move to a different remedy. please give me a few days, as i am traveling right now.
i will analyze this as soon as possible.
i will analyze this as soon as possible.
sameervermani last decade
Another thing to consider, I often feel a sense of 'separation' mentally, like there's part of me living my life and having these symptoms and part of me watching on. I sometimes have dreams that reflect this, where I'm either just an observer watching things going on or actually watching myself while at the same time participating.
Quercus last decade
An update, all the changes brought by the dose are now, with the exception of a bit of mental change remaining, similar to how they were before the first Lycopodium dose, the 30c one.
Quercus last decade
Dear Quercus,
Please take a single dose of
THUJA 200c as follows:
Dissolve 2 pellets in 100 ml water, stir and take a teaspoon from there JUST ONCE.
Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr after and 1 hr before the dose.
Report in 1 week after the dose.
Please take a single dose of
THUJA 200c as follows:
Dissolve 2 pellets in 100 ml water, stir and take a teaspoon from there JUST ONCE.
Nothing should enter the mouth 1 hr after and 1 hr before the dose.
Report in 1 week after the dose.
sameervermani last decade
I took the Thuja 200c remedy dose one week ago today. It has had a lot of effects, but it's a bit hard to explain them because some have been very variable, I have had short periods of feeling better than in quite some time, and other times of aggravations, some of which remind me of periods in the past I've been through.
One thing I noticed soon after taking the remedy is that it seemed to reinvigorate my nervous system giving me more energy to work with, but also more feelings of 'blockages', which I'll try to explain with the other symptoms.
The chilliness has had significant improvement, although I've had certain times when it's come on strong, usually after exposure to something I'm sensitive to, but even then the chills seem more superficial. That's one of the best improvements I've had, other things are more like symptoms and sensations changing character.
I have been sweating more, but in bursts, not all the time.
The feeling in my legs of brittleness has pretty much disappeared (it was worst as an aggravation form the Lycopodium anyway, but the Thuja got rid of what was left) unfortunately my legs in general aren't feeling any better, it's just changed to a soreness feeling, they're not able to keep up with the physical activity I want to do and end up getting sudden brief soreness, not long lasting unless I push it too hard though.
My environmental sensitivities have been aggravated, worse in the first few days but still somewhat now, in the first few days I was getting many sudden brief headaches from exposures which would also get better soon afterward.
The congestion sensation in the liver area got worse for several days, starting about two days after taking the remedy, and not just after eating, some other times too. The last two days or so it hasn't been as sharp but still more than before the remedy, also accompanied by a warm sensation in that area that wasn't there before.
The respiratory symptoms are also mixed. For a few days I was coughing up some mucus, and the breathing would be easier sometimes, especially when outside, but then other times it's worse.
The heart palpitations haven't changes that much, I do seem to feel some difference in that area but it's hard to describe. My circulation has been worse at times and better at others.
My shoulders have been a bit more tense.
As for mental symptoms, they have changed somewhat, but again it's hard to describe some of it. I feel more anxiety on one level, but on another it feels more superficial, maybe like there's less deep tension, however I have been very mentally changeable recently and have felt spells of nervousness, despair, anger, as well as feeling pretty good at other times.
I've had more trouble concentrating on mental tasks, feeling spacey and wanting to move onto something else more quickly.
My food cravings have definately changed. I'm not averse to salt anymore, in fact craving it although not too strongly. I've had lower appetite in general. Fats aren't appealing to me much, other things are still changing.
Although I do feel my mind is working quicker in bursts, the feelings of brain fog have come and gone and in some instances significantly worse than before. The times of not being able to think of the right word are not any less often.
I know there have been more changes than this but I can't think of them right now, I should have wrote them down. I'll post any important ones I think of later.
One thing I noticed soon after taking the remedy is that it seemed to reinvigorate my nervous system giving me more energy to work with, but also more feelings of 'blockages', which I'll try to explain with the other symptoms.
The chilliness has had significant improvement, although I've had certain times when it's come on strong, usually after exposure to something I'm sensitive to, but even then the chills seem more superficial. That's one of the best improvements I've had, other things are more like symptoms and sensations changing character.
I have been sweating more, but in bursts, not all the time.
The feeling in my legs of brittleness has pretty much disappeared (it was worst as an aggravation form the Lycopodium anyway, but the Thuja got rid of what was left) unfortunately my legs in general aren't feeling any better, it's just changed to a soreness feeling, they're not able to keep up with the physical activity I want to do and end up getting sudden brief soreness, not long lasting unless I push it too hard though.
My environmental sensitivities have been aggravated, worse in the first few days but still somewhat now, in the first few days I was getting many sudden brief headaches from exposures which would also get better soon afterward.
The congestion sensation in the liver area got worse for several days, starting about two days after taking the remedy, and not just after eating, some other times too. The last two days or so it hasn't been as sharp but still more than before the remedy, also accompanied by a warm sensation in that area that wasn't there before.
The respiratory symptoms are also mixed. For a few days I was coughing up some mucus, and the breathing would be easier sometimes, especially when outside, but then other times it's worse.
The heart palpitations haven't changes that much, I do seem to feel some difference in that area but it's hard to describe. My circulation has been worse at times and better at others.
My shoulders have been a bit more tense.
As for mental symptoms, they have changed somewhat, but again it's hard to describe some of it. I feel more anxiety on one level, but on another it feels more superficial, maybe like there's less deep tension, however I have been very mentally changeable recently and have felt spells of nervousness, despair, anger, as well as feeling pretty good at other times.
I've had more trouble concentrating on mental tasks, feeling spacey and wanting to move onto something else more quickly.
My food cravings have definately changed. I'm not averse to salt anymore, in fact craving it although not too strongly. I've had lower appetite in general. Fats aren't appealing to me much, other things are still changing.
Although I do feel my mind is working quicker in bursts, the feelings of brain fog have come and gone and in some instances significantly worse than before. The times of not being able to think of the right word are not any less often.
I know there have been more changes than this but I can't think of them right now, I should have wrote them down. I'll post any important ones I think of later.
Quercus last decade
I thought of something else already I didn't mention, the low back symptoms have gotten worse, no severe pain but discomfort, and also extending to the gluteus muscles and around the hips.
Also, I have been craving chocolate strongly, I don't eat much of it because it tends to worsen my symptoms, even types without much sugar so I think it's the chocolate itself, and my craving for bread is still as strong as ever, it seems to be possibly the most entrenched and hard to change of my food cravings/aversions.
Also, I have been craving chocolate strongly, I don't eat much of it because it tends to worsen my symptoms, even types without much sugar so I think it's the chocolate itself, and my craving for bread is still as strong as ever, it seems to be possibly the most entrenched and hard to change of my food cravings/aversions.
Quercus last decade
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