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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hlp autism

My son is 3y11m old nas beeen diagnosed with autism hi is doing homeopaty treatment is it good enough or need to be changed.Barita Carb Zincum Staphisagria Calcarea Carbonica and Thuya Occidental.
My son stopped speaking,dressing,folowing orders,undurstand the speach,recognise his name Hi started rotating toys liking every thing spinning sheking hands pushing his head on the floor,clyming skreeming .Al so we went back on nappies agayn from a mont hi was fully poty trayned.His walking changed hi is walking like a babys.
Could you please help me I have read that there is a terapy for autistic kids.
Thank you in advanse.
Hi sleeps at night
  rali76 on 2008-11-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
from your words it seems that your son suddenly started getting autistic symptoms and earlier he as doing alright !!

what was happening in his life when he started getting these symptoms.

is it an effect of some mental shock or some vaccination or after effect of a disease??
rishimba last decade
First i would like to appologies for my english.Thank you for your reply im glad that somebody is concern.MY son was born later 9 days in durty water.Hi was very quiet grouing hi started walking when hi was 16m fisicly well not sick often and good appetite when hi was 18m we had problem passing hearing test but we did not beleived them cos hi was acting when called.I found very difficult to poty trained him also.But in the same time hi was dressing his self and hi was dealing with his shoes alone going to the toilet alone bringing his disshes to be washed and undurstanding aur speach fully.We had terrible family issu and then all started Hi got flue with high T very often refuse to eat get skiny with bleu sirkles under his eyes starded slowly all new him for 2-3m hi started to loose his ability one by one and replacing with srange others.from one day to next hi started rotatihg toys instead of using them in function,skreeming with anger craing and next laugh,lay on the floor naw with head pushing towar it,srange face grimas with flapping hend and noise with his legs I remember naw hi was doing something like siping cofee till naw also 2 weeks ago we went back on panpers.I brout him to clinic here diagnose was DPD autism.I have started treatment my self cos here i was told it is for life.I put hin on GFCF diet,Omega3,6,9 Vitamins B1,B12,B6 Folic accide probiotics Zink vit.C,and Clerejil also BUT wich of this HOU LONG?do i have to make a break hou much of every thing.But because aur phsihologs and phsihiatres send me home with the words work with him and bring him back year later i took every thing in my hends and organise speach terapy and kenese terapi but for naw not big improovment but I know it is early so naw i need Homeoterapy cos i see it is working very well with his emune sistem but im not shure if my homeopat is awere that there is a treatment for autistic kids i have asked hur and she was surprised .Sory for my long letter thank you for your pashion ant time to reed it.I beleive my son will be back to me again probably with your help or help from people wich beleive in angels.All the best to you.Thanks again.
rali76 last decade

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