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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Itching in ear

I am living in Jamshedpur, India.
Recently - by this i mean around a month or so, my ears started itching a lot. They get very dry. I put in Mullein oil, but it did not really help. neither did vaseline. Can anyone tell me what i can do now. Is this due to the weather or excessive use of mobile. I cant stop using this as mostly i am on the move n need to stay in contact with people due to my post in the company.
  Nkjaya on 2005-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali Carb is good for ears. One or two doses as needed. Probably a lower dose, under 200X. Also you may try some olive oil or light cooking oil of some sort with a qtip.

I also have dry/moist ears-depending on the time of the year. I use Psorinum once or twice a year. It is enough. I use oil in my ears. I live in desert conditions.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
As for the phone why not use a hands free earpiece? There are differing opinions about radio waves pentrating the head, maybe something to it?
Keep away from the aerial it might help.
I also agree with psorinum, but you would need to answer questions as to it suitability first, as there are many more remedies for this complaint.
parachute 2 decades ago
I have had the inner itch as well, I don't know about a cure or remedy so to speak, I am new to all of this, but I do know that I have tried taking a dropper and putting hydorgen peroxide in my ear and laying on my side for about 4 to 5 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day, for about 5 days, and it went away.
airlineamy 2 decades ago
I have not been able to take the medicine. but the itching may be dependent on the weather. These days it was cloudy and no itching at all. But airlineamy's idea is also good.
Will soon try something.
Nkjaya 2 decades ago
Thanks Sabra. Have taken 2 doses of Kali carb 30. Itching has subsided. Waiting for the third dose and will take only if needed. Thanks again.
Nkjaya 2 decades ago
I gave a single dose of Tell-30 for itching in the ear to many people. It worked upon almost everybody. I will rather say 90% cases.
pw3000 2 decades ago
Most people that are not homeopaths need a little more than "Tell" for information.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Tell means Tellurium. Clinically its biggest use is for Ear itching.
pw3000 2 decades ago
How about for tinnitus?
sunil 2 decades ago
Itching ear can be inner hair growth (check and see if there is any abnormal length hair growth and clip it way) or breaking away ear wax and dirt particles.Try using a vibrator of some sort and place it tightly against the ear for relief.It works great to itch the inner ear and relax the muscle.
EddieL last decade
Itching ear can be inner hair growth (check and see if there is any abnormal length hair growth and clip it way) or breaking away ear wax and dirt particles.Try using a vibrator of some sort and place it tightly against the ear for relief.It works great to itch the inner ear and relax the muscle.
EddieL last decade
Look up "trigger points" in google. The ear itch can actually be caused by tightness in the muscles of the face, i've just found this out after 5 years of thinking my ear is damaged. I cant beleive how much better it is now, after massaging the trigger points.
pinkangel last decade
My city has changed and I do not need to use my moblie so often now. As such my ear itching has fully gone. Just thought to let you all know about it.
Nkjaya last decade

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