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9 month old separation anxiety
My 9 month old has crying fits when I am gone if she is not with someone who has the right energy. She seems to prefer calm and quiet people. Sometimes she also does this with my husband. With him it is usually that she needs to go to sleep. She does this with me too if she wants to sleep and I am doing something like changing her diaper before the nap is to take place. She has been known to cry the entire time I am gone---one time a full 2 1/2 hours.I am going to be gone from her this Saturday for about 5 hours total and plan to be back for a short time in the middle of this time. My husband is out of town this weekend, so I carefully chose the morning babysitter and got not my first choice but I think someone who is calm and quiet enough for her needs. The afternoon person is someone she has cried with in the past. I am nervous too and probably need a remedy for separation anxiety as well! I just hate to have my baby cry for long periods if it can be helped.
I have thought about giving her the Bach remedy Mimulus. I am just learning about Bach remedies and homeopathics. I think the Bach remedies have been helpful for me and my son, but wonder if there is a homeopathic that may be more specific for her. I also have considered Pulsitilla.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
lmhoopes on 2005-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Linda, Bach RESCUE REMEDY. Half a dropper as needed.
This is definately a stage some go through that is so painful.
Have you tried CHAMOMILLA? This is good for cutting teeth and "can't be soothed" child. Nothing you do will change the dismay. The child can either be heart-broken or irritable.
Wind-up swings, and door jumpers.
Make very sure of who takes care of the child. Know them well. Dr Phil had a show on Nannys that was scary.
Maybe a blouse of yours that has been worn, ready for laundry, may be of help. Babies first recognized sense is the sense of smell. Sleep with her favorite toy so it will smell like you.
Please do not get the child used to perfume, it is not good for their future. Too many people becoming enviromental ill to chemicals.
Blessings, Sabra
This is definately a stage some go through that is so painful.
Have you tried CHAMOMILLA? This is good for cutting teeth and "can't be soothed" child. Nothing you do will change the dismay. The child can either be heart-broken or irritable.
Wind-up swings, and door jumpers.
Make very sure of who takes care of the child. Know them well. Dr Phil had a show on Nannys that was scary.
Maybe a blouse of yours that has been worn, ready for laundry, may be of help. Babies first recognized sense is the sense of smell. Sleep with her favorite toy so it will smell like you.
Please do not get the child used to perfume, it is not good for their future. Too many people becoming enviromental ill to chemicals.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks Sabra. I wondered about the chamomilla, too. It sounds like her--sometimes very angry and sometimes heartbroken.
I had to laugh about sleeping with her favorite toy. I think I am her favorite toy! But that is changing and she is broadening her horizons. I will think of something--clothing or blanket or sling that has my smell on it.
I had to laugh about sleeping with her favorite toy. I think I am her favorite toy! But that is changing and she is broadening her horizons. I will think of something--clothing or blanket or sling that has my smell on it.
lmhoopes 2 decades ago
Sabra, it just occurred to me that I will not be able to take the chamomilla and nurse her as I normally do since I won't be there. So I want to be sure I understand the method of dissolving the remedy in water. Do I take the child's dose and put it in water and have my niece who will be with her give it to her in a cup or dropper? How much water do I put it in?
lmhoopes 2 decades ago
Hi Linda,
Disolve one dose in a glass of (good) water or a purchased bottle of water. Stir/shake vigorously. Give half tps or one dropper full is one dose. (I am wondering where you get a "clean" dropper)? One dose, as needed, every hour for two times and then one every two hours.
If she does not calm within 4 or 5 doses, Cham. is not working well enough to continue.
This is really a hard time for all.
When you arrive home, do not act "poor baby" distressed, but glad to see her, laughing and happy. This will teach the laughing and happy arrival instead of laying a guilt trip on you.
Blessings, Sabra
Disolve one dose in a glass of (good) water or a purchased bottle of water. Stir/shake vigorously. Give half tps or one dropper full is one dose. (I am wondering where you get a "clean" dropper)? One dose, as needed, every hour for two times and then one every two hours.
If she does not calm within 4 or 5 doses, Cham. is not working well enough to continue.
This is really a hard time for all.
When you arrive home, do not act "poor baby" distressed, but glad to see her, laughing and happy. This will teach the laughing and happy arrival instead of laying a guilt trip on you.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks very much. Good idea about coming back happy. I tend to run up the steps all nervous and tense myself wondering how my time away has been for her. I think I will take some Rescue Remedy before I leave that day.
lmhoopes 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra, just wanted to let you know that the chamomilla was successful with my daughter. She started to have a crying fit after I'd been gone for about an hour and a half and my niece said the chamomilla worked in about ten minutes and my daughter fell asleep. Often there is no recovery from this, so I am thinking the chamomilla did its work. Thanks for the help. I think I can leave feeling less worried now.
lmhoopes 2 decades ago
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