The ABC Homeopathy Forum
15 month old separation anxiety!
this year has been full of changes for lucia - it is our sabbatical year, and we have spent it in 4 countries. she was very attached to 2 wonderful nannies, so emotionally everything was fine even if mom/dad had to work full time. when mom went to oxford for 3 weeks with a new nanny, lucia started to have a crying reflex when mom went out of the room in the morning (because she knew that at some point mom had to go to work) but would always calm down a few minutes after mom left home. now, however, we are in germany (a new language for the baby) and starting at the nursery, and lucia gets really distressed when it is time for her dad to leave (mom doesn't even attempt to drop her off, as that would be even more distressing). she appears to be sad the entire time that she is there (we are still on half-time at the nursery). she has also been ill in the past few days and therefore requiring extra comfort, but i wonder what we can do to help her in this transition phase! she is having similar issues with her new german babysitter - if she leaves the house with her to go to the playground it's normally ok, but if mom or dad leaves it is tragedy (last time she cried for the entire time before mom came home). lucia is normally a very spirited, social confident child (a calcarea carbonica constitution), not at all a frequent crier, strong-willed; she thrived with her various nannies and is used to having 2 parents who work full time. but this nursery thing is really taking us for a ride... please help![message edited by dolganov on Thu, 05 May 2011 09:53:58 BST]
dolganov on 2011-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her a single dose of Pulsatilla 200 (only one dose, not daily) and see how that affects in next 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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