The ABC Homeopathy Forum
5-year old separation anxiety
Our five-year old daughter has in the last few weeks, really given us a hard time about being dropped off at preschool because I think she thinks that we won't pick her up. Once there, she seems to do pretty well. The teacher says that she asks quite frequently about when her mommy might pick her up.hoseman on 2005-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
She is old enough to be taught the time. Surely by now she knows her numbers??
Depending on the clock at the school, teach her the big hand and the hours, so she can keep track and feel like she has a little control in her life. If she does well, surprise her with a little watch for herself. They are so cute and cheap nowdays.
What kind of little girl is she? Her preferences and dislikes. How does she sleep and play with others? Eating habits. Tell us about your little girl.
If she actually needs a remedy this is the only way we can choose for you.
Blessings, Sabra
Depending on the clock at the school, teach her the big hand and the hours, so she can keep track and feel like she has a little control in her life. If she does well, surprise her with a little watch for herself. They are so cute and cheap nowdays.
What kind of little girl is she? Her preferences and dislikes. How does she sleep and play with others? Eating habits. Tell us about your little girl.
If she actually needs a remedy this is the only way we can choose for you.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
We will look into the clock thing and see if that helps.
As far as her personality, etc., she is a very energetic girl. She can be a little too competitive at times. She likes to be more of a inhouse kid. Her younger brother (2.5 yrs.) is a total outside child. She is into crafts, her dolls, swimming, and has a couple of favorite tv videos that she likes to watch. Her dislikes are going to bed (since birth), taking naps (since 3 months old) and losing. As far as sleeping, when she does finally retire for the evening, 50% of time she is out until morning and doesn't want to get up. The other 50% of time, she will either wake up with nightmare or come into our room and sleep with us and not want to get up in morning. She plays really well with others with the exception of other kids coming to our house and in her mind, playing roughly with her toys. She is very socialible and loves to be with people of all ages.
She is getting better about eating. There was a stage when all she wanted was lollypops, hot dogs, and mac and cheese. She is beginning to eat more "normal" meals such as pasta, meatloaf, and chicken with vegetables and rice.
She very sharp. You cannot put anything past her and she remembers everything. She is watched by her paternal grandmother. She loves being with her "bama".
We just feel so bad because this has never been a problem and all of the sudden...
As far as her personality, etc., she is a very energetic girl. She can be a little too competitive at times. She likes to be more of a inhouse kid. Her younger brother (2.5 yrs.) is a total outside child. She is into crafts, her dolls, swimming, and has a couple of favorite tv videos that she likes to watch. Her dislikes are going to bed (since birth), taking naps (since 3 months old) and losing. As far as sleeping, when she does finally retire for the evening, 50% of time she is out until morning and doesn't want to get up. The other 50% of time, she will either wake up with nightmare or come into our room and sleep with us and not want to get up in morning. She plays really well with others with the exception of other kids coming to our house and in her mind, playing roughly with her toys. She is very socialible and loves to be with people of all ages.
She is getting better about eating. There was a stage when all she wanted was lollypops, hot dogs, and mac and cheese. She is beginning to eat more "normal" meals such as pasta, meatloaf, and chicken with vegetables and rice.
She very sharp. You cannot put anything past her and she remembers everything. She is watched by her paternal grandmother. She loves being with her "bama".
We just feel so bad because this has never been a problem and all of the sudden...
hoseman 2 decades ago
As she is a very competitive child, she may think she will not be able to compete with the other children or something will be asked of her that she cannot live up to. She may be as frightened of school as your leaving her there. Seems this will pass.
She is also a bit controlling, but this is also because she thinks she must be "best." She likes being best.
As you are aware of this, please talk to her of being relaxed about things, even being a little lazy at certain times. Explain that many things will take care of themselves and do not need to be helped. "The Grass Grows by itself." (book)
In other words, by your description, she may be going toward becoming a perfectionist. It is a hard, stressful life for the perfectionist.
If she continues to do the nightmares and insist on sleeping (not!) in your bed, give one dose of STRAMONIUM 200X. This is for the high tension, manic, mental types. Do not think I am judging her, I am seeing her possible future by your description.
She is too old to sleep with you. Not healthy. Just an observation, not written in stone.
Blessings, Sabra
She is also a bit controlling, but this is also because she thinks she must be "best." She likes being best.
As you are aware of this, please talk to her of being relaxed about things, even being a little lazy at certain times. Explain that many things will take care of themselves and do not need to be helped. "The Grass Grows by itself." (book)
In other words, by your description, she may be going toward becoming a perfectionist. It is a hard, stressful life for the perfectionist.
If she continues to do the nightmares and insist on sleeping (not!) in your bed, give one dose of STRAMONIUM 200X. This is for the high tension, manic, mental types. Do not think I am judging her, I am seeing her possible future by your description.
She is too old to sleep with you. Not healthy. Just an observation, not written in stone.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Meant to add, "Bama" is to remain Bama. Grandmas are a different kind of influence and are valuable as such. Even the older ideals are good to be mixed in with the new. Gives more flexability, more open mind.
Even my Mother-in-Law that was a bit of a problem for me, was a good grandma to my boys. Of course, I was a bit of a problem to her!!
Blessings, Sabra
Even my Mother-in-Law that was a bit of a problem for me, was a good grandma to my boys. Of course, I was a bit of a problem to her!!
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
i need help with my 5 year old. first when we had to take her to school the first 3 weeks she screamed and cried but after that she was fine and still is. she loves school.
Well recently me and my husbadn joined her in dance with her cousin and she was fine the first 2 weeks there but now she keeps saying that she doesn't want to go. she says that she knows she will cry and miss us ( me and her brother). i have tried everything i can think of to get her to go. i would like for her to do this since we paid our money for it. I would like her to go willingly and not screaming and crying and making a scene ( like last week). i was wondering if you had any ideas of what i should do to try and get her to go. what will help her get over it. like i siad she is fine in school. it is dance and anything else we try to put her in.
Thank you, april
Well recently me and my husbadn joined her in dance with her cousin and she was fine the first 2 weeks there but now she keeps saying that she doesn't want to go. she says that she knows she will cry and miss us ( me and her brother). i have tried everything i can think of to get her to go. i would like for her to do this since we paid our money for it. I would like her to go willingly and not screaming and crying and making a scene ( like last week). i was wondering if you had any ideas of what i should do to try and get her to go. what will help her get over it. like i siad she is fine in school. it is dance and anything else we try to put her in.
Thank you, april
albknbajb last decade
I need help
My story is very simular to hoseman My daughter has always been very outgoing and just a natural joy for life. When she started kindergarden this year she did not want to go she cried every day, she finally settled down and now all of a sudden she is complaining of stomach pain. screaming and breaking my heart, I have taken her to many doctors she has had bloodwork, urine tests, xrays, and they said they cannot see anything. what frustrated us the most is 1 minute she will be crying in pain and the next minute dancing and playing around. I say ok if you are feeling better lets put on our shoes and go back to school, guess what her tummy is sore again. I cannot leave her side or she will start to cry and say her tummy is sore. We talk about school and how she feels and she replies I like school. She also has a 2.5 yr old brother, she is energetic competivie, eats well, plays well with others went to preschool no problem she would run in and say " bye mom" "you can go now". I have been home with her her whole life and I look after 2 smaller children. For 7 days straight this has been going on and she wont go to school. When I force her to go, I get a call from the school nurse saying to come and pick her up she is very sick. when I pick her up she seems sick but when we leave the school ahhhhh she is miracusly better. I told her if she is too sick to go to school , then she must stay in bed. and she does sometimes she gives a fight and says she is better.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Help
My story is very simular to hoseman My daughter has always been very outgoing and just a natural joy for life. When she started kindergarden this year she did not want to go she cried every day, she finally settled down and now all of a sudden she is complaining of stomach pain. screaming and breaking my heart, I have taken her to many doctors she has had bloodwork, urine tests, xrays, and they said they cannot see anything. what frustrated us the most is 1 minute she will be crying in pain and the next minute dancing and playing around. I say ok if you are feeling better lets put on our shoes and go back to school, guess what her tummy is sore again. I cannot leave her side or she will start to cry and say her tummy is sore. We talk about school and how she feels and she replies I like school. She also has a 2.5 yr old brother, she is energetic competivie, eats well, plays well with others went to preschool no problem she would run in and say " bye mom" "you can go now". I have been home with her her whole life and I look after 2 smaller children. For 7 days straight this has been going on and she wont go to school. When I force her to go, I get a call from the school nurse saying to come and pick her up she is very sick. when I pick her up she seems sick but when we leave the school ahhhhh she is miracusly better. I told her if she is too sick to go to school , then she must stay in bed. and she does sometimes she gives a fight and says she is better.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Help
ackcnc last decade
Try camomilla 30 c 3 times a day for 4 days - wait and see the difference and report.
new2town last decade
what is camomilla?
ackcnc last decade
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