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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High fever

Hi, my son (6 years old) has high fever and running nose. What can I give him?
Thank you.
  fiona25 on 2009-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try the following salts:

Kali Mur-6x
Ferr. Phos-6x

Please buy this in powder form and mixed them each other and give two grain per dose 4 times a day.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
am 24 year old male. I was used to masturbate since I was 16 years old till i became 22 years old. I was used to masturbate twice or 3 times a week. Now I am in relation with a girl and we have intercourse 5 or 6 times. Each time I have faced problem of PE. I loose my sperms within 8-10 stroks after entering the vagina. My penis became so sensational that i loose some time only by few stroks of her hands.
Although i don't loose for a good time when i masturbate alone. i don't loose sperms during foreplay. but my urge to enter in vagina starts more and more high during foreplay.
We have discussed about it with each other and my girl is very helpful to me. Now she takes care that she touches the penis at the minimum.
We have tried 69 position during which I have lasted about 4 times longer then my normal ejaculation time.
but again when i enter the vagina i loose very early.

Is this is due to excess masturbation??

Can it be cured or can I have prolong my intercourse time?

Please help!!!!!

Earlier I have taken Lycopodium 200 4 drops twice a week for 4 months. Nothing has helped.
siya4sameer last decade
dear smeer,
pleas do not interrupt others mail come up with your own thread.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you.
fiona25 last decade

Please post your feed back after using medicine prescribed by dr mahfooz.some of the combinations prove very good and is worth replicating.More over cold with high fever need urgent attention of the physician.

mazharmhm last decade

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