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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi all, I am a 90% Sulphur person and I need some advise on how to take Sulphur for detox and skin (scalp) clarifying purposes.
Any help is much appreciated.
Many thanks, Betta
  bettag on 2009-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is your age?

you could start with 30c potency. 3 dose on a single day , but then wait for at least 2 weeks to see the results.
gumby last decade
I am 32 years old, female.
So you suggest 3 doses of 30c in one day and then wait?
bettag last decade
yes that is right.

However, you should consult a senior homeopath to confirm that Sulphur is your remedy.
gumby last decade
Thank you gumby, will do that.
bettag last decade

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