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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acid Reflux after gallbladder surgery


I have developed severe constant acid reflux 24/7 since my gallbladder surgery 2 months ago. I have no appetite, feel full all the time. I feel like there is a ball of lead in my belly and throat. Lots of mucus. Lots of saliva. Sore throat, ears itch. I'm desparte/ :(
  Elisabeth on 2009-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Bio-Combination bc-25 sold by all homeo medicine manufacturers like schwabe, reckeweg etc and availbale at all homeo stores.

Its composition is
Natrum Phos 3x
Natrum Sulph 3x
Silicea 12x
in equal proportion.

Take 4 tablets thrice a day for one month.
kadwa last decade
Hi Please give the present symptoms of your
1. Appetite
2. Thirst
3. Desires &aversions in food
4. sleeping position
5. Dreams
6. Mood
7. Worries
8. Fears
9. Confidence level
10. Thermal state(whether you can tolerate summer/cold)
Dr.K.Sembian last decade
Hi Please give the present symptoms of your
1. Appetite
Poor. Sometimes, I feel hungry but mostly my stomah feels full. No nausea or vomiting.
2. Thirst
Not very thirsty, but I drink a lot of water just because.
3. Desires &aversions in food
I'm craving carbs and fats at this time.
4. sleeping position
I try to sleep on my back. Bed is elevated some and I use a special pillow.
5. Dreams
Right now, I don't seem to be recalling my dreams. but in the past, vivid, bizarre ones, not nightmares.
6. Mood
Very depressed, anxious, despondent,
7. Worries
I feel like I'm slowly starving to death. I worry about what will happen with my horses if I die, who will pay the bills (I do have a husband). I mostly worry about what is wrong with me.
8. Fears
I fear I'm dying a slow painful death. I fear vomiting. I fear losing control of my life.
9. Confidence level
Mid level, I'd say
10. Thermal state(whether you can tolerate summer/cold)
I can't tolerate extreme heat or any kind of cold. The house has to be at least 73 degrees but even with that, I might still be cold. I like heat but if I'm outside and it's to hot, I get weak feeling. I LOVE being by the ocean. It lifts my mood.
Elisabeth last decade
I want to add that I think I'm pre diabetic. So I've cut down on my carbs. I'm very skinny. 5'8' down to 110lbs. I've lost about 25lbs in the last 2 years due to the gallbladder issues and now this post gallbladder surgery. I force myself to eat. I don't eat junk food, no soda's, no spicy stuff except a little wasabi. I'm craving food in general. I feel like there is hunger underneath the full feeling in my stomach. It feels like there is something in there pressing on my LES. I have the taste of sweet/sourness all the time. And a feeling of a lump at the base of my throat.
I'm working with a homeopath but she has not helped yet. She had me taking Ars. then swithced it to Ars/china.
Elisabeth last decade
One more thing. I did take 2 doses of Nat Phos yesterday and one dose of Nat sulph. My last dose of Ars/China was a week ago. (1 dose 30c)
Elisabeth last decade
I made a mistake. Here's the remedies I took.
Nat Phos & Mag Phos - both 6x

Sorry for the confusion. (This is my state of mind)
Elisabeth last decade
Just hoping for an answer. Do you need any more information?

Elisabeth last decade
Try aloe vera juice. Take it regularly for 1 month and see whether it works. You may buy any fairly priced aloe vera juice from your local market. The particulars about the application of aloe vera juice are given for your reference. The company that has given these particulars sells aloe vera juice as kumari sar.

Dosage of Aloe vera Juice :

Kumari Saar should be taken twice daily. 1 tbsp in the morning and evening, with equal water.


The nutritious ingredients of Aloe-Vera can be divided into the following groups.


It is rich in most vitamins like Vitamin D, A (The antioxidant beta-carotene), C and E and even traces of B12, one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin.


Several of these biochemical catalysts aid digestion by breaking down fat and sugars when taken orally. Kumari Saar (The Aloe Vera juice) contains Lipases and proteases which break down foods and aid digestion. It also contains bradykinase, which helps to reduce excessive inflammation and pain when applied to the skin.

Even though minerals and trace elements are only needed in very small quantities, they are essential for the proper functioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways. Our preparation Kumari Saar is rich in these minerals.

Salicylic Acid

It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, blood thinning properties.


Known as mucopolysaccharides, they enhance the immune system and help to detoxify. In topical preparations, the sugars are also the main moisturisers. These polysaccharides also regularize the glucose metabolism, thus are very helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.


There are twelve of these Phenolic compounds which are found exclusive in the plant sap. In small quantities, they aid absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract and have anti-microbial and pain killing effects. The important ones are the pain killers Aloin and Emodin. They also are anti-bacterial and anti-viral.


It gives Aloe Vera a singular penetrative effect so the other ingredients are absorbed through the skin.


They have cleansing, and antiseptic properties, acting powerfully against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts.

Fatty Acids

Cholesterol, Campesterol, ß.Sisosterol and Jupeol. These four plant steroids found in Aloe Vera are important anti-inflammatory agents.

Amino acids

The body needs 22 amino acids – Kumari Saar provides 20 of these. More importantly, it provides 7 out of the 8 essential amino acids which the body itself cannot synthesize.


Acute and Chronic Constipation
Hyper acidity, Ulcers
Skin problems like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Hyper pigmentation.
Liver dysfunction
Diabetes and it's complications
Gout, Osteo-arthritis, other inflammatory joint conditions.
Premature falling and graying of hair.
Fatigue, loss of energy.
Blurred vision due to age.
Wounds and Chronic ulcers/sores.
kadwa last decade

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