The ABC Homeopathy Forum
homeopathic cure for epilepsy
I am having grandmal epilepsy and contolled with Phenytion/ Epitoin.I would be thankful if somebody can help me to get homeopathic curessua74 on 2005-01-25
kateB 2 decades ago
It is a very individualized medicine and each person is a different "case" even if allopathic diagnosis is the same. However it is not the case for on-line treatment but requires close management AFTER taking the remedy.
You nedd to go to a professional (and possibly experienced) homeopath.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
pw3000 2 decades ago
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Homeopathy is the art of guessing.
pw3000 2 decades ago
But there is something like "educated gueess" which increases your chances of getting it right.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
The about two medicines I recommended are the most probable medicines and I also mentioned that this is just the begining point to observe the patient.
pw3000 2 decades ago
(homeopathy depends very much on homeopath-it could be that "educated" professionals aren't that good in selecting the remedy and on-line guess is much better --but they would (should) provide close monitoring after admiistering the remedy-which is not that close on-line).
I witnessed the cure of epilepsy with a single dose of Bothrops 10M-which unlike str and bell is not listed in any reps or MM for it-it has been selected after long interview. After you know your patients better YOUR chance increase.
There is one thing though-both ssua74 and kateB might not go to the profesional homeopath after all (from various reasons) and on-line is the ONLY chance for them to use homeopathy.
Our discussion seems to scare them away.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
EPILEPSY (grand mal) -- Absinth., Æth., Agar., Am. br., Amyl, Arg. n., Art. v., Ars., Aster., Atrop., Aur. br., Avena, Bell., Bor., Bufo, Calc. ars., Calc. c., Calc. p., Camph., Can. ind., Caust., Cic. mac., Cic., Cim., Cocc., Con., Cupr. ac., Cupr. m., Ferr. cy., Ferr. p., Gels., Glon., Hep., Hydroc. ac., Hyos., Ign., Illic., Indigo, Irid., Kali Br., Kali cy., Kali m., Kali p., Lach., Mag. c., Mag. p., Meli., Methyl. bl., Nit. ac., Nux v., Ænanthe, Op., strus, Passifl., Phos., Picrot., Plumb. m., Psor., Salam., Santon., Sec., Sil., Solan. c., Spiræa, Stram., Strych., Sul., Sumb., Tar. h., Tub., Val., Verb., Viscum, Zinc. cy., Zinc. v., Zizia.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
passkey 2 decades ago
kateB 2 decades ago
ashish chauhan last decade
I have a rabbit that suffers from epilepsy. Do you think it would be best for her to take homeopathy, rather than other medication?
Her fits are not so dramatic as human fits, but she is extremely distressed while having them... and I don't belive in putting her down because of them.
Her fits last around 20-30 seconds, she doesn't stiffen or fall down..
She has what can only be described as a 'panic attack'..
Screeching.. drooling.. loss control of her bladder, very hard, harsh running around in her cage, hitting the side of the walls, her eyes twitch, and her eye muscle pops out(Known as a cherry eye), she calms within a few seconds..
If someone could post any tips or advice, Id be very grateful, Thanks.
CleoJo last decade
pobox 9800 gmail . com
It is regarding my 12 yo.
rimal last decade
I am wondering about your current condition?
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 03 Jun 2011 00:46:05 BST]
♡ nawazkhan last decade
jjjrfj last decade
1.Whether he prefers warm surroundings i.e. whether he likes to be covered or he prefers cold surroundings and open air.
2.whether he has a mild disposition or an irritable disposition. How is his attitude towards his friends and relatives?
3.What physical problems, if any does he have.
4.At what time he feels better and at what time does he feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc.
5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting his problems.
6.How is his thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?
7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.
8.Whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still.
9. What are his favorite food items and what are his aversions.
10. Please describe the sequence of events from the point he starts getting the seizure attack up to the point at which his attack is over.
♡ kadwa last decade
1.) He prefers cool surroundings
2.) He used to have a very active and mild disposition, now he can be very irritable and mean toward family and friends.
3.) None that are known
4.) He feels better in the morning
5.) I really can't say, they happen all through out the day as far as I know. I have been told by his mother that he refuses to drink water, milk and juice which is a problem in itself
6.) He loves cold drinks, but not water he only drinks fruit punch. I can't get the mother to understand the importance of nutrition.
7.) Normal
8.) He prefers to move around, he loves to play when he can
9.) Chicken nuggets and fries. He doesnt like anything vegetable or fruit related really.
10.) Staring seizures he just stares off in space for a maximum of 30 seconds, sometimes shorter. There is another type of seizure he gets where he pulls his chin to his chest for a maximum of 30 seconds. And twice he has fallen during a seizure but no convulsions. When the seizure is over he goes back to normal, whatever he was doing before he resumes it as if nothing happened.
jjjrfj last decade
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 20 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
jjjrfj last decade
You should not continue on your own, please report back.
[message edited by kadwa on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 06:43:36 BST]
♡ kadwa last decade
jjjrfj last decade
I treat her with completely natural supplements and home remedies.She is taking the following once daily:
1/2 cap of Calms Forte
Super EPA-360EPA/240 DHA
Magnesium Citrate 200mg
Besides those we use:
Hylands Migraine Headache Relief-1 dissolving tablet after her complex partials (rapid eye blinking/unresponsive/pale and she get severe headaches after these.
Also Melatonin 5mg (started with 2.5mg) with the bigger ones and before bed at night.She will also ask for them during the day if she's feeling overwhelmed.
She also takes benadryl as needed bc she has severe allergies.
These alt. meds. are working VERY well for her.The weird thing I have noticed with her is her motion sickness brings on seizures and I tried 1/2 a childs dose of dramamine on the 1st visit to her new nuro. and she went nuts!She was super aggressive and violent.She actually bit her car-seat seat belt and was completely un-consolable.I will NEVER give her that again.Has anyone else noticed and problems with otc meds. complicating EP or causing out of character behavior??
I hope the list I've given that's working for her can help others.
Goodnight and Good Luck to All.
God Bless
Karie and Peanut
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kkennard last decade
Many thanks for your fruitful post. Please describe her convulsions frequency and the duration? What other EP symptoms are there?
What homoeopathy remedies are you using on daily basis?
[message edited by nawazkhan on Wed, 05 Oct 2011 13:56:47 BST]
♡ nawazkhan last decade
1/2 cap of Calms Forte
Super EPA-360EPA/240 DHA
Magnesium Citrate 200mg
Besides those we use:
Hylands Migraine Headache Relief-1 dissolving tablet after her complex partials (rapid eye blinking/unresponsive/pale and she get severe headaches after these.
She has been extremely aggressive for the last week bc I had to stop her daily meds due to a car accident had the 25th.I have post-concussion syndrome and memory problems.We restarted meds last night.
Her complex partial sz symptoms are rapid eye blinking,with sudden stop in motion.She gets migraines afterward and will usually cry/scream and become very clingy.I give her the hylands migraine tablet after the bigger ones and she sleeps for about an hour.In a typical week (while medicated) she has 0-2 complex partials and very few absences.Before the meds she was having over 20 absences a day and 5-10 comp/parts a week.She is very motion sick and we noticed car travel and motion including photosensitivity bring on the complex partials within 60 seconds.So I usually give her a whole calms forte tablet before travel that will last longer than 15mins and a migraine tablet 15mins into the trip.I've had to stop many times and lay her on a blanket outside during and after the CP's to stop them and allow her to recover.I also noticed dramamine makes her VERY aggressive and out of control.I tried a half childrens dose of dramamine once and won't ever do it again!She is not an aggressive child at all.She was biting the car seat straps,hitting,kicking and screaming inconsolably for an hour.It was awful!I actually heard from another mother dramamine did the same thing to her EP son.After the first day and a half off of her meds her behavior and sz activity increased dramatically and was an amazing response.So glad I am capable of regaining her daily meds!! Hope this helps.
kkennard last decade
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