The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Start Again, help me cure my son's autism
I have had some difficulty with homeopathy and have wasted a lot of time trying to help my son in the past. I dont want to self diagnose my son, but am trying to work with my homeopath. Its very slow and I feel unsure he is able to help me.In the meantime, will you try to help me, those who know about homeopathy? I have used biomedical interventions for over 3 years and to little effect, i was doing basically what the allopathic doctors were doing. I discovered homeopathy and I knew it was what my boy needed.
My boy is 5 years old he has a diagnosis of autism. I am taking homeopathy deadly serious and want to do it correctly, i believe homeopathy is going to cure my boy. I am willing to accept that I need help too and am doing all i can to help me, to help him.I am not going to allow him to be yet another statistic of more unhelped children. Its a travesty.
My Boy:
-born by terrible caesarian (3 weeks late)
-father left us when he was 2
-multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy and diabetes and heart trouble and alchoholism, violence, and mental illness in the family.
-likes ice cubes, ice cream
craves sweets all the time (dosent get them)
-sucks lemons
-had bad excema as young child
-had bad warts (now cleared)
-VERY hyperactive all the time
-cant focus
-hypotonia low muscle tone as child
-weak ankles
-back of shoulder blades sticking out from weakness of muscles
-terrible car accident when baby (whiplash only)traumatic
-always happy, not afraid, not anxious
-sensitive to crowds/noise
-used to sweat around his head as baby
-lots of fevers as baby
-drinks excessively
-loves outdoors
-pulls at his hair at the back of head
-long eyelashes
-pale skin, does not tan
-good sleeper
-good eater (used to be horrible picky eater though)
-teeth rotting
-lots of bronchial infections
-loves to jump and climb
-cant stand wearing clothes or shoes
-plays with genitals excessively
-lots of constipation as young child
-runs away from or screams at anything stressful (shouting, etc)
-loves praise
-loves to get out in car and around town/park
-eats paper
-lots of ear wax
(no ear infections)
-likes slapstick humour on tv
-throws himself down on ground to protest
-very tall child, well rounded
MOTHER: STRESSED during pregnancy,
MOTHER: hypothyroidism and arthritis
FATHER: bipolar
I dont know what 'constitution my boy is, and I dont know whether I should address those things like hyperactivity which is what I see daily and what stands out most about him, or - if i should be tackling him more holisticaly.
where to start? thank you people!!!!
helpinghim on 2009-04-13
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