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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help for chronic sinusitis Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
and do come back to report how you feel after about 7 to 10 days.

your report will decide the second prescription.
rishimba last decade
Do not notice an improvement for sinusitis. Please advise? Thank you.
shannonshannon last decade
please go higher.

take SEPIA 200C some three doses on a single day at 4 hours gap.

if there is no reaction, we will prescribe based on re-assessment of the case.
rishimba last decade
Thank you. I took a dose of sepia 200 last night and will let you know. Thanks again.
shannonshannon last decade
day 2 after taking the sepia 200C. not noticing a difference with my sinus congestion and fissure back (trying to drink water and take fibre though). Will continue to wait for a response to the sepia unless I hear from you.
Thank you.
shannonshannon last decade
Dear Shannon ,

I think lets continue with Natrum Mur 200c .

Please get it and inform .

Do not take it on your own .

Please also get a bottle of natural spring water .
vikas_grower last decade

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