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Attn Dr.Neil: Extreme anger & Insomnia

Dear Dr.Neil

Please go through my case and help me in managing my anger

Age: 31
Colour of Eye: Black
Colour of Skin: Fair
Colour of Hair: Black
Texture of Skin in general: Very smooth

1. Describe your main problem with the physical discomfort caused because of them.

Main problem is fits of anger which I get quite often. When I am angry I loose all my senses and utter words which can hurt the person very deeply. I also tend to get violent at times and also thrash people around me. I really want to get rid of this anger as I feel I will lose my loved ones very soon if i won't mend my ways. I really dont mean to hurt anyone but its just that i don't have control over myself.

The same is accompanied by insomnia which I can experience for many years now. Its not that I am not sleeping at all. Its just that my sleep is not deep.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

Have problem with my knee joints they are very stiff and at times it happens that its tough to get up while I am sitting though its very very rare.

Also suffering from bad digestion at times i.e. loose motions accompanied by vomitings

Tooth decay i.e Cavities in lower jaw at right side

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

As already stated my main sufferings are anger. One more thing is that I am in the habit of procrastinating things and when it forms a pile of tasks I feel frustrated and it leads to anger.

4 What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

I become very violent and abusive. I dont care what I say and to whom I say

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

I have been like this since my teenage. I am not sure but I may connect it to financial constraints in the family.When it started it was because I kept on thinking and thinking about the various issues in my life. At the age of 20 I got selected for armed forces and shouldered the responsibilities of the family and had to take care of my family needs and siblings education (I had no father to look after the financial needs of the family). I feel I sacrificed all the pleasures of life at that stage and kept very meagre amount for myself and sent everything for my mom and siblings. I also felt at times that I gave up my ambitions in life just because of financial burdens on the family. But that was then as now everyone is well settled and by Gods grace my family has flourished very well. I am happy in all aspects of life but this problem hasn't left me

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

Generally I am a very happy go lucky kind of person and there is no time of day when i am at worst

7. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?


8. Any disposition to take cold?

No I dont take cold easily. Infact I cant stand heat.I prefer everything chilled be it water, drinks or my room. I sweat a lot even in very mild temperature.

9. How does the tongue look like? Colour, coatings if any, wet/dry, furrowings if any.

Nothing as such but I have extraordinary thirst.

10. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

Cold weather

11. How are your bodily discharges like? Sweat, urine, faeces.

Sweat is excessive. Urine and stool are normal.

12. Any history of flatulence/constipation/diarrhea?

None but there are loose motions at times when i eat anything road side or not so hygeinic. Can say digestion is not upto mark

13. Describe your general mental set up?

Very impatient (if I sow a plant I check it daily whether it has grown even a bit), impulsive, childish, innocent, amiable, intelligent conversation, throughout topper in academics, ambitious, very very homely. Cant see anyone in pain. Highly emotional. Tend to procrastinate the things. Short tempered.

- Which all of the following best describe you

• Extrovert, Outgoing, Friendly, Moody, Headstrong, Agreeable, Changeable, Easily offended, Lazy, Over sensitive

- You feel better in company or better alone?

Better in company

- Do you have any fear of being watched at or poisoned?


- Does thinking about your condition makes it worse or makes it better?

I feel guilty about how much I have hurt those who love me

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

Nothing much

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?


- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?


- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?


- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

I love my family a lot and i am a family man. Relationship is extremely cordial with everyone except on occasions when i loose my senses. The same happens in my marital life as well but I repent and seek forgiveness. Fortunately I am pardoned for all my misbehaviour but I know it won't last for long if I won't change. Thats why now I am really worried about it

14. What are your fears and do you find any patterns in your dreams?

Nothing of that sort

15. Is their any guilt that you have been suffering from for a long time?

When I look back there are many instances where i have hurt others and I really feel bad about them. Also my anger leads me to situations where more such guilts are accumulated on and off.

16. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

I like to have fried fatty crispy food mainly north indian punjabi and mughlai stuff. In all I can say i crave for rich food. Also loves sweets

17. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

More than normal

18. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?


19. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

Not allergic to anything particular. But sometimes heavy food especially street side kind of things give me indigestion problems

20. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

Dont sleep really well. I do go to bed early but most of the time I am in second degree of slumber. Its not satisfactory. Posture is generally straight on my back

21. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

Me and my wife are not staying at the same place but whenever we meet I would say my sex life is quite healthy and I am happy about it. But there are times when I do yearn for it and distance plays the culprit

22. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

I have not been taking any medicines as such. Generally I avoid medicines and take them only as last resort. Dont take any medicine even in case of flu or viral and let it surpass on its own. Was a smoker for last ten years but quit the same recently.

23. What major diseases are running in your family? Try to bring in the history of your parents as well as your parents’ parents-maternal as well as paternal.

Arthritis, Blood pressure, Kidney problem

24. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance

I am very tall 6 ft 3 inches, fair complexion, flawless skin, athletic built and am considered to be extra ordinarily good looking

Thanks so much
  jovial2306 on 2009-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
So What makes the soldier angry .
vikas_grower last decade
Thanks Vikas.

There is nothing in particular which makes me angry. Anything not going my way, to some extent nature of my (have seen two hostile postings), sometimes when a lot of tasks pile up and there is huge pressure on me. I feel I am not good at handling pressure. Even at work my subordinates are so afraid of me coz of my known mood swings and anger. No one dares to utter a word in front of me as I give very strict punishments. So there is nothing in particular its just that I want everything to be smooth and functioning my way and if its not then i loose my temper
jovial2306 last decade

Please answer the following:

-Please explain' 'most of the time, I am in a second degree of slumber'. What exactly goes on in your head then, can you listen to people talking around you?

-You have mentioned that you sweat a lot. Is there any specific part where you sweat the most? Is the sweat pungent/sour smelling? Is it worse at some time in the day or when interacting with people?

-How do you feel in wet weather?

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Following are the answers to your questions:

1. unwarranted thoughts keep on coming and going, wide range of thoughts, plans . mind is clutttered with lots of thoughts. I cant listen to people/ objects around me

2. Sweating mainly on face and palms

3. I feel good in wet weather. I mean I like rains
jovial2306 last decade
Any dream patterns?

Niel Madhavan last decade
Is the sweat pungent/sour smelling? Is it worse at some time in the day or when interacting with people?

Niel Madhavan last decade
You look like Lycopodium to me.

Just a suggestion to Neil.
gumby last decade
Dear Gumby thanks a lot for your suggestion but you suggested on another thread thats lyco is not in good relation with family whereas its just opposite for me. But you also said lyco is boastful which to certain degree I am. Few things more I would like to add is that I have got two type of personalities which are at extremes. Most of the time I am happy cheerful child like person. My mom and wife say you will never grow up and I really enjoy that. I dont have any ego hassles or pride. Very easy going in nature and happy for others. Not at all jealous of anyone.

Now answers to Dr.Neils questions:

1. No set pattern of dreams. Infact I dont even remember my dreams.

2. Sweat is a bit sour. Its not at any particular time and it has nothing to do with interaction with people. I am very confident man, best in my unit in giving presentations and public speaking. Not at all nervous in company or by anything. No stage fear or naything of such sort
jovial2306 last decade
Neil and Gumby

The brave soldier Seems to be Nux Vomica constitution/
vikas_grower last decade
Hi Jovial

Let me think over your case a little more and get back tommorow evening.

Best wishes and warm regards

Niel Madhavan last decade
Dear Soldier ,

Any sensitivity to noise , odours , light or music .

Do u alternately suffer from diarrhoea and constipation

Do u feel nauseous on getting up in morning , any bad taste in mouth .
vikas_grower last decade
Dear Vikas

1. Any sensitivity to noise , odours , light or music .


2. Do u alternately suffer from diarrhoea and constipation


3. Do u feel nauseous on getting up in morning , any bad taste in mouth .

jovial2306 last decade
Lyco can have different personalities, not all lyco are the same.

The most important thing is the totality of symptoms.

A lyco can be childish from heart as mostly he has a inferiority complex or had a complex when he was young. To cover the complex he mostly becomes boastful and jolly. He loves company of people and on the oppositie also likes to stay alone in a room , again dreads to be completely alone and likes someone in the other room!

Its very complex remedy.

I think the totality of your symptoms is closer to lyco.

lets see what Neil has to say.
gumby last decade
Thank you very much Gumby for your valuable contribution. Lets see what Dr.Neil has to say on the same. I hope I can be helped by homeopathy as I dont see any other hope for this unwanted anger
jovial2306 last decade
I have gone through your posts after you used the word 'unwanted anger'

Have you been dominated by anyone through your childhood?

Do you have a habit to suppress anger?

Do you tend to throw away things when you are angry?

DO you forgive easily?

How do you react to injustice?

Do you tend to think over and over for days if someone insults you?

Have you ever experience trembling from emotions?
gumby last decade
Hi Gumby

following are the answers to queries raised by u:

Have you been dominated by anyone through your childhood?


Do you have a habit to suppress anger?

No. Infact I just can't control myself and burst out

Do you tend to throw away things when you are angry?


DO you forgive easily?


How do you react to injustice?

Nothing very particular about it. Ofcourse I don't like injustice but do not feel very strongly about it

Do you tend to think over and over for days if someone insults you?

No. I forget and forgive easily

Have you ever experience trembling from emotions?

jovial2306 last decade
Dear brave soldier ,

How sensitive are u to efficiency .

How sensitive are u to orderliness and tidiness .

Would u call yourself a restless person .

How much careful u are with spending money .
vikas_grower last decade

Nux Vomica cannot be the remedy here because it is pre-eminently a remedy for chilly patients.

Lycopodium does not seem indicated because despite a typical Mr. Lycopodium being a warm patient, he is intolerant of cold drinks and craves everything warm which is clearly not true with this case.

The totality of symptoms, particularly the factors like extreme irritability, extraordinary thirst, stiff painful knees and most importantly the physical constitution of Mr. Jovial strongly point to the famed Wild Hops of Homoeopathy.

Please take Bryonia Alba 30c, three wet doses separated by 20 minutes each in the morning before breakfast. Thereafter, take one wet dose each for the next three days and report back after a week.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade

Nux Vomica cannot be the remedy here because it is pre-eminently a remedy for chilly patients. Lycopodium does not seem indicated because despite a typical Mr. Lycopodium being a warm patient, he is intolerant of cold drinks and craves everything warm which is clearly not true with this case.

The totality of symptoms, particularly the factors like extreme irritability, extraordinary thirst, stiff painful knees and more important the physical constitution of Mr. Jovial strongly point to the Wild Hops of Homoeopathy.

Please take Bryonia Alba 30c, three wet doses separated by 20 minutes each in the morning before breakfast. Thereafter, take one wet dose each for the next three days and report back after a week.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Dear Vikas

Answers to your questions are as follows:

1. How sensitive are u to efficiency .

Very much

2. How sensitive are u to orderliness and tidiness .

I am very very particular about these things.

3. Would u call yourself a restless person .


4. How much careful u are with spending money .

Not much. Infact I am spend thrift

Dear Dr.Neil

Thanks a lot. I will get Bryonia Alba 30 this weekend and start the treatment and will report accordingly.
jovial2306 last decade
'Lycopodium does not seem indicated because despite a typical Mr. Lycopodium being a warm patient, he is intolerant of cold drinks and craves everything warm which is clearly not true with this case.

Dear Neil,

I agree with you, however, Lycopodium is a very tricky remedy.

Even though a lyco may crave everything warm, at the same time many of his complaints are better with cold and worse from heat.

I have seen many Lyco who are not intolerant to cold drinks.

In my opinion the aggravation from heat, wants everything cold, sensitive, irritable, extra ordinary thirst,likes fatty food, stiffness of knees, laziness.

All these are covered by Lyco.

However lets see how the patient reacts to broynia. Which In my opinion has one thing for certain which is aggravation from motion. It is also a very short acting remedy.
gumby last decade
Hi Gumby

I agree with most of what you have mentioned, that's why I wrote 'does not seem indicated' in place of 'is not indicated'.

Bryonia seems to me a better fit.

And the fact that a remedy is short acting is not a big deterrent. If it is the simillimum, it will act anywhich way.

Thanks and regards

Niel Madhavan last decade
You are welcome.

Lets hope for a fast recovery of the patient.

gumby last decade
Dear Neil and Gumby ,

Please also carefully review the answers given by our dear Soldier .
vikas_grower last decade
Dear doctor

I started with Bryonia 30 yesterday and will report back in ten days.

However, one thing important I missed to mention earlier. Though I like everything cold but I dont take bath with cold water. For bathing I always use water on warmer side. I thought may be that was important.
jovial2306 last decade

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