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Attn Dr.Neil: Extreme anger & Insomnia Page 3 of 3

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Hi Dr.Niel

He is leaving within two days for his job. Can he take the tablets in dry form as it wont be possible for him to manage warm water at regular intervals keeping in mind the nature of his job. Also please let me know will these tablets help him in controlling his anger? Do you think it was bryonia which helped him to change so much, though for a short while? Will you repeat Bryonia at some later stage?

Thanks a lot for all yr help
spark2306 last decade

He can take the tablets with normal water. No need to dlute, ask him to take it like he would take any other allopathic tablet. Kali phos should help him stay calm.

We will think of any other remedy only once Benz has all it can.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks a lot Dr.Niel
spark2306 last decade
Dear Dr.Niel

My husband sends his wishes to you as he can't access net on his own coz he is in remote areas. He is extremely thankful to you for improving his life to great extent. His sleep is much better now and he feels extremely energetic when he gets up in the morning. He has been taking his salts for past ten days now and the last remedy he took was Benz Acid 30 a month back.

He is also able to maintain calmness and has better control over his temperament. But the problem with his knees has aggravated. If he sits for a longer time then he is facing difficulty in getting up and cracking sound is there on every movement.

Please guide further.
spark2306 last decade

Please ask him to take some regular stretching exercises, pranayams(Kapalbhati and anulom vilom) and a little jogging for sometime. These are symptoms arising out f a sedentary lifestyle and lifestyle modifications are crucial to gaining health.

Please continue the biochems for a period of two more weeks. After that, we will review the case and decide on the next line of treatment.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks Dr.Niel

I wil convey the same. But he has been doing his daily jog and physical training daily for many years as it is a routine in his profession
spark2306 last decade

May I know the nature of his work?

Niel Madhavan last decade
He is a Major in Indian Army
spark2306 last decade

What are the biochems he is currently taking?


Niel Madhavan last decade
Kali Phos 12x
Ferrum Phos 6x
Nat Phos 6x
Calc Phos 6x

The same were prescribed by you a month back after his response to Benz 30
spark2306 last decade

Let's persist with these for a week. Please note if he makes any progress and we will review after a week.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks a ton
spark2306 last decade
Please update
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Doctor

I am doing great and feeling extremely energetic these days (for last 2-3 weeks or so). Earlier I use to be extremely lethargic in the morning and its just opposite these days. Sleep improved over a period of time but now again I am having difficulty in sleeping but not too much. Overall its fair if not good. Only thing which is deterioating is my knee pain and cracking sound. Its becoming worse. Also I am not able to take cell salts for last two weeks due to ramadan. Hopefully once i resume them may b it makes some difference to the knee problem. Rest is good. And thanks a lot for everything
jovial2306 last decade

Good to know the improvement.

Aapke poore parivaar ko Eid Mubarak. May God almighty keep you in the best of spirits!

Pease procure Bryonia alba 0/2 and post back for dosing instructions.

Warm regards

Niel Madhavan last decade
Dr.Niel which potency is 0/2?
spark2306 last decade
It is the LM scale of potency. You may have to order for it with a good stockist of Homeo medicines.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks Dr.Niel. I have ordered the same and will get it in few days. I have ordered one dram as suggsted by you on other thread.
spark2306 last decade
Have procured Bryonia 0/2. please guide regarding the dosage
spark2306 last decade

Get a alcohol-washed 4 ounce bottle with dropper from a homeo pharmacy. Fill 3/4th of the bottle with filtered water and let just one no. 10 globule of the remedy to dissolve.

One dose is 2 drop put into half a glass of water.

Please take four such doses at intervals of 12 hours each
and report in 3 days.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Doctors!!

I am back with couple of more problems. My previous complaints are well taken care of. I am not effected by extreme anger anymore and sleep pretty well.

But recently I have been diagnosed with increased level of SGOT (42) and SGPT (105). Report says reflectivity on liver suggestive of grade 1 fatty liver. It is important to mention that I dont take alcohol anymore (left it one year back. Was an occassional social drinker prior to that) My family has a history of cancer and so I am generally worried about this state as it may lead to further problems.

Dr.Vikas or Dr.Gumby if you may please help as you have earlier also given your inputs in my case. I shall be really grateful
jovial2306 last decade

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