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Attn Dr.Neil: Extreme anger & Insomnia Page 2 of 3

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Dear doctor

I started with Bryonia 30 yesterday and will report back in ten days.

However, one thing important I missed to mention earlier. Though I like everything cold but I dont take bath with cold water. For bathing I always use water on warmer side. I thought may be that was important.
jovial2306 last decade
Dear Dr. Neil

I had the three doses of Bryonia alba 30 almost two weeks back. I think there is nothing to report or may be i am not able to understand what should I report back as I dont have any physical symptoms so may be its a bit tough to judge tat whether the medicine acted on me. Please suggest next course of action
jovial2306 last decade
Would like to add few things more. As I told you that there is some stiffnes in my knee joints for last many years. Also there is some kat-kat kind of sound coming from my knees while making movements and now I am witnessing this sound more often. Secondly my wife told me that sometimes while sleeping there is some jerking movement in my lower limbs. If anything else will come to my mind I will let you know further

jovial2306 last decade

Let me get back on this by this evening.

Niel Madhavan last decade

Please take three more doses of Bryonia 30 in a similar fashion and report back in a couple of days.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Dear Dr.Niel

I am the patients wife. He has omitted very important info in his case history regarding the illness running in his family. Besides arthritis, blood pressure and kidney problems there is also history of cancer. Both his grandfathers died of cancer. I thought that was important for you to know.

He has taken second dose of Bryonia in the morning
spark2306 last decade

This is very important information indeed.

I will re-assess the case and get back in a couple of days.

Also let me know about your current situation.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade

Updates on the current mental state please. Also, how's the pain and the cracking sound in the knees.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Dr.Niel

Thanks for your concern. Mental state is fine. Was cool and calm for whole last week. There were instance when I was angry but controlled my anger and went in a shell and didn't speak for quite sometime. After sometime I was fine. About pain and cracking sound, the sound is still there when i move my leg in a particular manner and not always. There was never pain in it only its tough to get up on some occassions.
jovial2306 last decade

Only two doses of Benzoicum acidum 30c separated by 2 hours each on a single day.

Report back in 7 days.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Dr.Niel

We couldn't get benzoicum acidum 30 with my pharmacy. I have asked the shopkeeper to get the same by next week.

I would also like to add that I have noticed significant changes in my husband. He is a completely changed person. I haven't seen him more calm earlier in last 10 years. No anger no moodswings for last 2-3 weeks. he listens to everything very patiently and even if he has different opinion he keeps on smiling and doesn't agitate at all. Yesterday even he said that I am feeling much better and I think the medicine might have worked for me to some extent. But sleep pattern is still the same. He had difficulty last night to get up and his knees are getting lot of crackling sound on every movement. We are really worried what will happen in old age when this is the condition in early 30s. I hope the treatment will take care even of his knee problem. Also I would like to add few more things about him that he is very indecisive and confused about his actions most of the time.

Will keep you posted after a week of hise ben acid 30 dose.
spark2306 last decade
Benz should take care of that.

Else, we will start a biochem regime. Don't worry. He will be fine.

Mail me pics of the current status of your acne.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks Doctor. I will mail the pics tonight once I am home
spark2306 last decade
Hi Dr.Niel

He took the two doses of Benz Acid 30 today morning. He is very much concerned about his sleep. Will it take care of his sleep as well?
spark2306 last decade

It will be a gradual process. Improvement has started. It may take sometime before all the layers clear.


Niel Madhavan last decade
if u wont get angry at me i can prescribe something ....lol

anacardium 1m
chamomilla 1m
aurum metallicum 1m
nux vomica 1m

mix thsese medicine together

take 4 drops once every forth day for one month
zambian last decade
Niel Madhavan last decade
surprised dr neil,

we do that everyday ,and it cures ......lol
zambian last decade

Not surprised dir, aghast at this cocktail of 1M.


Good Night
Niel Madhavan last decade
Good morning Dr.Niel

I had benz 30 yesterday. As soon as I took it I felt some sort of dizziness for a while. I think sleep pattern was bit better last night but I know its too early to judge. Still wanted to inform you that I slept quite early yesternight (before anyone else). My wife told me that she was calling my name but I was not listening to her (shows deep sleep). If the same continues or improves I will be really happy. We will be going for holidays and I will report back to you after 8-10 days. Thank you so much for your kind help
jovial2306 last decade
dear Dr neil
we even use cocktails of 10m and cm ...and even that cures ..u should try that out sometime ..

fear is the greatest obstacle in learning ,Dr neil!
zambian last decade
case study for Dr neil

mr x a 8 year old child ,would always get fever and pain in throat on eating ice -cream since chilhood.
we prescribed a mixture of
belladonna 1m
baryta carb 1m
phytolacca 1m
acid nitric 1m
merc sol 1m
hepar sulphur 1m

6 pills 3 times a day
the kid now eats a lotta ice cream and ....YA NO FEVER ...LOL..his dad is really happy.says he has never been this well in his life !
tuberculinum 1m was given in weekly doses also ...its now 4 years he never had any problem since then ....is it suppression or cure or what ?
zambian last decade

Don't take this Zambian seriously.

This is his first post.


someone help! From zambian on 2009-06-23
3 replies 93 views
Dear doctors,

i am a 37 year old male .for the last 4 years i have had this various problems before which i was very healthy.
my left nostril is mostly blocked . feel suffocated due to that sometimes .major gas problem .abdomen feels bloated . both tonsils swollen . uvula hanging low rests on tongue .tongue swollen touches soft palate and uvula leaving very little space between them .feel better by depressing tongue with hand.
problem started suddenly after my dog died 4 years ago (maybe ) tried ignatia and nat.m etc
also sometimes my chest feels tight as if i could not breath anymore .
great fear of robbers at night ,cant sleep properly .hv to keep all windows closed .lately i feel very depressed due to financial problems
hv been to 4 ent specialist ,no improvement, to the gastroentrologist done endoscopy too but he says evrything is fine
kindly suggest some medicine for me


gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr.Niel

I am back after a long holiday. Following is the update:

1. Sleep pattern improved from the day one and it continues till today. I am sleeping really well these days and I am really thankful to you.

2. Anger and irritability is back from last 4-5 days. even though I was holidaying my mood became irritable in the middle of holidays without any reason. I was feeling angry and agitated on small issues e.g. while driving, while the group was talking too much and such other reasons. I would withdraw from everyone and keep silent for a long time. In all at times i was spoiling everyones trip :(

3. The cracking sound in the knee has become persistent and there is pain in the inner side of my right knee. At times its unbearable and its tough for me to get up. Also I am witnessing some back pain on the upper right side and some pain below the ribs. I dont know its just fatigue or there is some problem there as well. Some toothache also.

Thanks a lot Murthy for your advise as well

jovial2306 last decade

Please start taking the following biochems:

-Kali phos 12x
-Nat phos 6x
-Ferrum phos 6x
-Calc phos 6x

Dilute 2 tablets each in half a glass of likewarm water and sip it slowly for one dose. Take three such doses a day for 7 days and revert.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Dr.Niel

He is leaving within two days for his job. Can he take the tablets in dry form as it wont be possible for him to manage warm water at regular intervals keeping in mind the nature of his job. Also please let me know will these tablets help him in controlling his anger? Do you think it was bryonia which helped him to change so much, though for a short while? Will you repeat Bryonia at some later stage?

Thanks a lot for all yr help
spark2306 last decade

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