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Constipation & Inflammation Page 8 of 11

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks for the mail and the post.
Son: Don worry about the wheezing spells, keep giving the foods to him. Give one dose of Tuberculinum once in a month, and calc carb 200 once in 15 days. calc flour and ruta on a daily basis.

YOU: For you i should suggest take causticum 1M only once in a month. and calc flouride on a regular basis. nothing else to be taken and also Thuja 1M monthly once as well.

For your father one dose frit thing in the morning not every 4 hours.

if there is any wheezing attach for your son in between then give him a dose of pulsatilla 200 it should take care of the problem, but do not use regularly, only if needed.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Thanks for the response.Will do as you prescribe.

Do you do anything with pets and homeopathy? I know I have seen online people doing it with pets. We still have the cat we borrowed, returning soon, but just noticied she has dried blood on outside of Left ear. She is about 9 years old. Just wondering your thoughts?

Thanks! Will check in with a separate post for next steps for husband.
congested last decade
About pets, sorry i don do anything with this regards, but looking at the presentation and what i read, i think your cat is having some ear mites, and the blood could be that it has scratched the ear due to discomfort. If it is a dry blood then it is purely due to scratching, but if there is fresh blood oozing then you will need to take her to a Vet. I will check and see if there are some medicines.
Oh just saw a book, Causticum is indicated, so you can give a dose of causticum 30 in milk or water, and let me know how it goes.
Hope this helps, Thanks.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Thanks for the tip regarding the cat. We actually gave the cat back to it's owner today and I didn't have any liquid Causticum so didn't end up giving her anything. But told the owner what I noticied and she said she will take care of it.

Just wanted to run something by you regarding symptoms I have been having for weeks now. It started with the extreme pain on face/sinuses and then they drained and felt better but never totally gone. It would switch sides of which bothered me but mostly now it has been on the Left side, around my eye, right below my eye and around my nose. There is some puffiness on the cheek, my nose gets itchy as well as my eye, tightness is felt on that side of face. Recently I took pulsatilla for 2 days and things did get better but like I said this is just lingering. I still wake up and cough up yellow mucous first thing in am and even right now while cleaning up after the cat, sweeping, washing linens, etc. I feel like it is really irritating my eye and nose but isn't limited to dealing with cat; has been happening off and on since the big episode of stuff I had going on the same time you were dealing with the chest stuff.

So please advise if there is anything I can do to help move through this or should I just wait it out.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.
Son had another wheezing spell the other night and then again tonight after going to the gym, in fact wanted to leave early because he was wheezing. I picked him up from school and thought I detected a little but he said it wasn't. So in the last week he has had 4 wheezing episodes. Last week did finally give him a dose of pulsatilla 200.
I was looking at old posts and saw I gave him dose of Tub on 3-5 but at the time you didn't say a dose of calc carb. Then in later post you said to give once a month a dose of Tub and a dose of Calc carb. So just wondering should he get a dose of that now? Just wondering what is going on with all these episodes. Have been giving him the Calc Flour for 3 days. One question with that, if I don't give first thing in am is it alright to give later as long as no food or drink 30 min. prior or after? The reason I ask many times he does not want it first thing since he is hungry. Also most things have been pellets and this is liquid and he just doesn't like drinking a little water with the drops.

Mom - I already sent a post earlier today so hopefully you can recommend something. I have localized swelling in left cheek, I am sneezing some and my nose is real itchy and my eye aches. Not too long ago took pulsatilla for 2 days, it helped but didn't resolve it so just wondering if I should do more of it. Only left side of nostril has something coming out and it is clear. Not stuffy but nose sore and irriated from all the rubbing and itching and kind of feel twitching in left eye and it is itchy and feeling irriated from the rubbing. Also if I touch top of scalp the left side is sore.

congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son had the wheezing episode last night and probably a little this morning. He went to school but when I picked him up at 12 is was wheezing again and coughing alot. I am going to give a dose of Pulsatilla 200 but also wondering if I should do the Calc carb since we didn't do along with last dose of Tub. Also need clarification about is it okay to do the Calc flour later in day, just away from foods, since morning is a hard time to get him to take the drops with water.

Not sure what to make of all the latest episodes of wheezing. Is there any changes to the plan that need to make or just continue the course?
congested last decade
Do not worry about your son's episodes, just give him pulsatilla 200 on a regular basis for about a week. Both morning and evening form today or tomorrow. May be my mistake i did not mention properly, Tuberculinum and calc carb are to be given once in every month a dose each, and it is alright to give calc flour after food, but give enough time like say 30 min after food.
Thats alright. About the recent wheezing spells i am still unable to comment on them as why they are back, but i attribute it to the lack of immunity still present. Which is not like before but just a bit still present, so is the idea of giving pulsatilla for a weeks time.

About you, also can do pulsatilla for a weeks time and see how the stuffy things are, you should resolve quickly with this otherwise continue the same medications as you are doing.
Hope things are clear now. And also i think you are giving all restricted foods to your son?
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

The wheezing spell is about over without the pulsatilla. We were waiting to give it, but needed to wait for 30 min. after he ate, and then after waiting it is mostly over. But I will give him am and pm doses starting today. I am not restricting foods but he is still not eating dairy, from not asking for it or me not really cooking using milk or butter but I may try to do so and see how it goes.

And as for me, do I continue with the pulsatilla 30c, which is what I have always taken or do I do the pulsatilla 200?

congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son is not feeling well today, well it started yesterday afternoon. His body is very hot and he says his throat and neck hurts. He is talking very softly because he says it hurts his throat.

He had an incident a few days ago where he was coughing and wheezing slightly for about 3 or 4 hours. I gave him a dose of pulsatilla, which I have been doing morning and night for about a week now. He was okay next day. Then Mon. night we had fish and french fries and he was up coughing some. Yesterday he took an early nap, which is unusual to take a nap at all and that is when he woke up he was very hot, didn't eat anything at all last night and didn't want much that morning.

Anything we should give him today? I haven't given him his morning doses of calc flour or pulsatilla yet. I did give him a dose of arnica last night since he complained of his neck hurting. Seems like glands are swollen and when I touch around his neck and asked if it hurt he said yes.

Please advise. Thanks!
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

My son is starting to feel better now. I did give him one dose of arnica last night and then today his ruta but nothing else. Wanted to see if I am clear on what I need to give him.

I gave him Tub on 3/5 and don't think I ever gave him the Calc carb. You later said give him Tub once a month and Calc Carb every 15 days. In addition to doing that once a month continue to give him Ruta and the Calc flour for a month.
So just want to make sure I got this all correct since if that is the case will be giving him the Tub & Calc carb in a couple of days.

congested last decade
The spell of fever and glands can be attributed to the food and mild infection which is not a big issue, he is responding well to the circumstances, so please give him a dose of hepar sulph 30 he should be fine.

Also give him one dose of Tuberculinum on the first day and then give calc carb the next day only one dose, both early morning empty stomach.
otherwise continue ruta and calc flour on regular basis.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Son - Gave him a dose of hepar sulph the day or two after the last incident of hot body, swollen neck glands and sore neck this past week. He had some days of nose running, sneezing, yesterday the nose ran alot, then last night he was stuffy and breathing through mouth. Today feeling much better. Gave him a dose of Tub on Sat. and next day did the Calc carb. Also noticed there hasn't been any itching in quite sometime.

Mom - I have really been trying to not focus on my pains so trying to be patient and let the remedies work. But do have to say lately I am real bothered by the discomfort in my right side, actually more near pelvic and hip area. I was constipated for days now, just small amounts passed. Had alot of tension all over my belly, feel lots of lumps and bulges, not sure if lymph or muscle tension or what but really congested in overall belly area. So finally last night after 3 days or so of not having a complete bowel movement had one that was very mushy, not diarrhea but mushy. Today alot of discomfort in the area just right of belly button. I massage, press around in that area, some spots very sore, tight, etc. I am walking everyday but it doesn't really seem to get things moving in the belly area. I am going to increase physical activity this week and see if it changes anything.

I took my dose of thuja not long ago and then my dose of causticum 1M shortly after. While I do continue to feel as if things are continuing to release overall in the hips, belly, etc. there is some serious tight areas in the stomach, hardened areas. Also I am ovulating now and notice each month I do I really feel more discomfort in the right lower belly.

Okay, not sure if anything can be done to help with the constipation or will it resolve in due time. I have also noticed that I have had the itching spells for sometime now. But I do get off and on an itching in the roof of my mouth, way towards the back and an urge to put fingers in my ears and move around as to scratch them. Will eating prunes help with the constipation?

congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

Had a question. When my son falls while playing and get a bruise on his legs and/or skinned knee, etc. should I give a dose of arnica? Or maybe I should ask under what circumstances of everyday falls and bumps should I administer arnica? My son has a skinned knee and about 3 bruises on legs, a splinter in palm that he removed so a little piece of torn skin...stuff like that and so should I give him arnica?

Also just saw previous post and in last paragraph should say I haven't had any itching spells involving my legs and belly in quite sometime...only the roof of mouth and back of throat.

We are enjoying wonderful warm weather!
congested last decade
Hi if he gets bruises you can give arnica, but if there is cut or serrated injuries then calendula is a the best remedy, it can be given both internally and externally as well.
For you the constipation and stiffness in the back can be easily resolved, you don have to take anything, but you can take something external like you said prunes to help it.
Wait for 15 days and see if there is any change if not we will start something for it.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hello Dr.,

My son had a wheezing spell last week. He ate some candy which I believe had chocolate on it but not 100% percent sure. Later he got hives, redness on throat. He was wheezing some that night, give a dose of pulsatilla, next day went to school and they called me to come get him. He was wheezing and he was red and had bumps on his throat again. Gave another dose of pulsatilla and shortly after he was breathing fine. Then he had a large bowel movement and then good after that.

I just saw that I have Calc carb 200c in liquid and Calc carb 1M in tiny pellets. I realize that I gave him the pellets last time and maybe time before. I just saw in your post you said calc carb 200c. So not sure if we ever said 1m or if I just misunderstood, not sure how this affects things.
So I see you wrote to give Calc carb every 15 days not just once a month.

Also wanted to see if you could help out a friend of mine. I had her fill out the questionaire. Thanks for considering! Here's her answers:

1.How often do you get irritated or angry?
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )

1. C

2. Very small incidents affect me really badly:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )

2. B

3. Seek consolation from others for my problems:
a) always/ feel better when consoled ( )
b) never/ problems get aggravated ( )
c) makes no difference ( )

3. A

4. Contradiction aggravates me / I don't like to be opposed:
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )

4. B

5. I am an extrovert/ i mingle with others very easily.
YES/NO- explain.

5. YES

6. Even minor incidents and happenings hurts me a lot.
a) very often ( )
b) often ( )
c) occasionally ( )
d) never ( )

6. C

7. Such incidents or happenings stays for a very long time in my mind.
YES/NO- explain.


8. I think of some bitter happenings in my life and brood or dwell on them.
a) always ( )
b) sometimes ( )
c) never ( )

8. B

9. I get resolved of my past experiences and bad feelings.
a) on my own. ( )
b) with the help of others/ family/ friends.( )

9. B

10. I am sympathetic
a) to my own self or problems ( )
b) to others problems and sufferings.( )
c) to nothing. ( )

10. B

11. I am anxious
a) to meet other new people. ( )
b) before a presentation / stage performance.
c) during a presentation / stage performance. ( )
d) after a presentation / stage performance. ( )
e) for everything that i have to do. ( )
f) every morning when i get up and think of the days duties. ( )
g) never.( )

11. E

12. My appetite is
a) good
b) reduced
c) poor
d) very bad

12. A

13. Thirst/ how many glasses of water you drink a day?
a) very thirsty
b) moderate
c) mild or nil

13. B, 8 - 10 glasses

14. sweat
a) profuse
b) little
c) which part of the body you sweat the most-
d) does you sweat has any odor or does it stain you clothes-

14. A, sweat most on my face and legs, no smell

15. Cravings: Those food items which you long for/ which you cannot resist eating.

15. chocolate

16. Aversions: Those food items which drives you away form them/ those which you don like at all.

16. eggplant & cauliflower

17. Disagrees: Those food items which does not agree with your body, if yes then explain what happens when you eat them?

17. Dairy - wheeze, joints hurt and feel dizzy next morning

18. Bowel and bladder: How many times you pass stool and urine in a day? any difficulties associated with that- explain.

18. Stools, 1- 3 a day; Urine, approx. 6

19. Menstrual history:
a) no. of days of flow:
b) nature of flow (eg: clots) :
c) profuse/ scanty :
d) other aches/ pains associated with menstruation:

19. had a hysterectomy

20. Did you suffer form any illness like TB, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, and Jaundice.

20. Hypertension

21. Did you undergo any surgery in the past?
a) if so for what and how long did you stay in the hospital?

b) Was there any blood transfusion done before, during or after the surgery?

c) Were there any complications associated with the surgery?

21.a. kidney stones - 1 week in hosptial (approx. 30 years ago), tonsilitis 3 days (35 years ago), appendix 3 days (35 years ago), C-section 4 days (20 years ago), gallbladder removed 3 days (approx. 5 years ago), hysterectomy 1 week (10 years ago)
b. No
c. No

22. Please do elaborate / detail the present complaint with which you are suffering from. Like when it started, how it has progressed and when the complaint is more and how do you feel better etc.

Pain in my knees, heels and back & high blood pressure all starting around 5 - 6 years ago.
congested last decade
Hi i think there are many confusions with the power and the remedy timings, so here is the final instructions,
calc carb 1M once in a month, he will be fine, just an episode will not disturb the process, lets see how things go for a month and then we will think of change or stopping the treatment.

About your friend i need some more details, will go through the case and let you know. Give me a days time.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Yes I think I got mixed up with the power, I looked back over old posts and never saw Calc carb 1M, maybe I ordered just in case, not really sure. It has been alot to keep up with. The eye is still misaligned but doesn't seem quite as bad. Okay, I will let you know when the month is up, will be first of next month and then you can reevaluate my son.

Okay, no problem with friend's case, thanks for taking it on.
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

Having a rough day. Constant sneezing, eyes tired and itchy, nose itching and above lip, feel exhausted, feel light tension in forehead, mainy on left side. Get itchy on roof of mouth, throat, and ears. Something I wanted to asked you. I have these frown marks between my eyes, something I have done most of my life. What I have noticied lately after trying not to do it is there is tension in my forehead area, mostly above left eye. Anyway thought I would mention it and see what you thought.

congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

I have been trying to not write you unless absolutely necessary, since I feel I have taken up so much of you time in the past with myself, my son and other family members. I know my personality is to want things to be all better like now and still learning that things take time. So I have been feeling like this for a bit but hestiated in writing.

I am feeling not so great these days. While on one hand I feel better than I have over the last 5 years and that is great but in the last few weeks I feel yucky quite a bit. I either have days where my spine is out of alignment in many places and that creates tension and discomfort all over or I am constipated. While there is starting to be more loosness in low back which before seemed to be stucked this is constantly shifting. The left side of my face and head flares up and it is intense, the swelling of the sinuses, the tension in my head and neck and I can't hardly do anything when this happens. This is what I am experiencing now, that face and head tension. I took pulsatilla 30c last night and this morning and things are starting to feel a little better but my head just hurts so much.

So I guess my question is really is this all part of the healing process? Does things feel great then get worse for long periods of time to get to next higher level of healing?

Okay, guess I just need to have some reassurance of the process. Also tomorrow Day 15 for me since taking my remedies and constipation is still a issue. My bowel movements are just all kinds of things, small, slimy, dark, mushy, etc. While I do pass something almost everyday it is very small compared to that of my child's bowel movement (his long and soft) mine comes in pieces, skinny pieces, fat pieces but never do I feel as if I have had anywhere near to a full bowel movement.

Thanks and have a great day!
congested last decade
Hey don worry about the time taken, it is fine. Regarding your case the changes are very unstable that you feel better once and bad the next time, but my question is how often is this shift and is the period of well being sustained for a long time or the misserable feeling is sustained for a long time. If you can analyse and see that if the good feel has prolonged then you are going on the right path of healing, if not then we have to re take the case and decide on the remedy, please think it over and let me know i will do the needful.

Regarding your friends case, i need some more information like the nature of pain and the modalitites like when it is more and when it is less, how often is she getting this, is there any stiffness associated with the pain etc, other wise just give her arnica 30 in the mornings and bryonia 30 in the evenings for about 15 days and then let me know with the answers.

Hope our son is doing fine.
As far as i think the action of the medicines are over and we need to re take the case, so better if you could forget the past ailments and let me know what happens right now in detail then we can think over the remedy again.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

I feel like there has been alot of tension released in my hips/pelvic region, etc. but there is still some areas, like left hip and right side near public bone that still feels kind of stuck. But overall there has been much release. Which I think is making me more aware of the weakness in my core. The other day I had popped a few different areas in my back and felt great but then sat down and just had this sense of total unsupport feeling, like front of body/abs not strong enough at this time. So what I think is happening is when I give massages or do some advanced exercises then different muscles tighten up in hips and abs and I feel again alot of discomfort, spinal misalignment, etc. This lasts for 2 - 3 days and then I have 2 - 3 days that I feel pretty good. I feel as if my thighs, mostly inner just don't function fully. They appear flabby and this is where I get the intense itching and redness when it happens. That does happen alot less than before but did have a couple of instances this past week. Also entire belly is flabby but appears less so than in the past but doesn't seem to function well either. If I do certain exercises, did leg lifts the other day and everything in my back and abs seem to tighten up in knots. I feel also when I sit that I am not able to sit up totally straight and breathe from the very low belly. That is the area by C-section scar and I have a feeling of being pulled in at that area. I practice sitting and breathing and can get my body more upright but it takes tremedous focus. It is the same thing when I sit on a toilet, try to sit and breathe but usually end up pushing myself down with legs extended straight out in front of me in order to have the bowels to pass. Do it less now than in the past, but it is as if I have no energy in that area, no force to move the bowels, etc.

Lately I get itchy eyes, itchy throat, nose, roof of mouth, etc. and that has been off and on for weeks. But it is bearable but the last incident of my neck and face pain was when things really felt bad. The sinuses felt totally swollen, achy, and then days later my face was extremely dry.

I do sense I need to do more basic core exercises and will start that this week.

So I guess between the body aches, sinuses issues, and bowel issues some days I just feel like yuck. Where before when I was taking the causticum each week it seemed like I had days of just feeling great, high energy and now I am feeling sort of blah. But I know I have come a long way and am thankful for that. But if I can feel better then of course I would choose to feel better.

Son - Okay, will do my best to keep my focus on present. He is wheezing, had an incident last week and this week. We give him a few doses of pulsatilla and he gets through it but they are occuring. One day did have to go get him at school earlier due to the wheezing. He is eating most things but still not doing dairy. I think he had dairy with some candy one day and that is the day he got the bumps/hives on throat, started wheezing, etc. He seems to have an issue with fruit juice. I don't usually let him have it because I always noticed in past he was could red, sweaty, itchy and wax in ears, etc. But over time he is tolerating small amounts of apple juice and does fine with lemonade. However, a friend gave him a 100% fruit pouch the other day with 3 fruits (pear, strawberry and something). About an hour after drinking it his Left outer ear got very red, he took off shirt because he was hot, later scrathing his head alot. He still gets itchy inner thighs sometimes and this week it happened. He scratches and he gets alot of red bumps. His left eye is misaligned. Still notice some issues with right hip, right foot turned out slightly. When he rides bike or rollerblades I can see the struggle with it. He complains sometimes of his knees hurting. When he is having some wheezing or something going on he seems to wake around the same time in the evening, between 10 and 12, wanting lemon tea or come to find us, etc. He does seem to be going through a breaking away from Mom. A for a few days he was being very rude, like come into my room first thing in am but not speak and when I spoke to him he got up and left. Telling me he loved Dad more that more, etc. But I figure it is just a nature thing going on, the breaking away. But I had a talk about his behavior and while I understood his independence and fully supported it he did not need to be rude about it. Also said I loved the fact he was spending lots of time with his Dad. So it went on for another day or two and then he became more kind and Dad mentioned one day he had talked to him about the rudeness he was showing and now he is back to being more loving and wanting to be with me some.

Okay, I think that is about it, or all I can think of for now. Thanks for taking my friends case. Will get you the additional info soon. In the meantime having her do the arnica and bryonia.

We are heading home to see my family in a few days so I will get to see my father and see first hand how he is doing. I am not hearing good news. But my family has not given him the Nux vomica that I sent them. They are struggling themselves with finding peace in dealing with him because of his rudeness/angry towards them. But it is frustrating to be here and not be able to walk over and give him the pellets. So that will occur soon and I can let you know what I observe.

Have a great weekend! Thanks!
congested last decade
Hi Dr.,

I forgot something. I sweat some under armpits and it has unpleasant odor. Has been more noticeably in the last month. I don't wear regular deodorant, I use a product that has some alcohol and lemon essential oil or I wear nothing. But lately it has been worse, the odor.
congested last decade
Hey thanks for the update, i see a lot of changes and only a few residual difficulties left to be resolved with you as well as your son, so after reading the case i should suggest you to take the following.

Causticum 1M (once in every 15 days).
and Rhus tox 30 Daily 4 in the morning and 4 at night.

Pulsatilla 200 once in every 15 days,
calc carb 200 once in every month.
Tuberculinum 1M once in every month.
Calc flour 30 regularly morning and evening.
Ruta 30 regularly.

we are quite there towards of the end of treatment so things are going fine, should ask you to adjust with the changes you get so that we can see through.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Thanks for the update and we will do as instructed. A question: If my son has the wheezing should we still give a dose or two of pulsatilla 200c, in addition to the every 15 days?

May have questions about my Dad over the next day or two. I am taking all the remedies I have in case we need to give him something. Last time I was home he had alot of bruises from falling out of the wheelchair. If I see bruises should I give him a dose of arnica?

Thanks so Much!
congested last decade
Ya you can do pulsatilla if he is wheezing in between, also for your father get calendula 30 or Q if you have so that you can apply external on the injuries as well.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Hi Dr.,

Unfortunately I didn't have access to computer while home and didn't see your message about the calendula. They don't sell it as pellets at store near me so will have to order some for him. Also what is 'Q'? I can order some but not sure what it is. What I have for calendula is a small bottle of olive oil with calendula in it for applying to skin. His left arm is really black and blue. It is the side affected by the stroke, he doesn't move it, it can move but he keeps it down by his side, says he is keeping his shoulders from riding up. I got him to take his next dose of nux vomica 1M but he is still very angry he is in that place (nursing home) thinks his family isn't helping him, mainly my Mom because she won't take him home and put him in that place, etc. I had a talk with him because he was calling my Mom and the staff ignorant and stupid and was screaming loudly about not wanting the 2 lbs. dumbbells they said they would let him have (he wants 40 lbs). I was calm but asked why he felt he needed to scream at me. He finally settled down and we talked a bit and I just heard the fear of dying in that place, the fear of thinking he has no control, my Mom has the control of him, he says and he says he is going to lose hope in that place. So I just tried to reassure him he can and will get better, he does have control over his actions and also for him to direct his angry/upset feelings about the dumbbells to the doctor who wrote the prescription not at his family. I said try to work with the system a bit, show them you can use to 2 lb and then ask for the next size, and on and on. So he agreed to take the next doses of the pellets when it is time to take them and I told him to let me know of things that are going on so I can report back to you and see if we can help. He says he doesn't sleep well, just feels overall uncomfortable. Also he doesn't lay his neck back on the bed, says he can't. He says his arms and shoulders hurt. His muscles, tendons are just sticking out on his neck, looks very tight and uncomfortable. He has had for many, many years pain in one shoulder and he says it feels as if it is riding up and he trys to pull it down. He complained about the physical therapy in the beginning when he was first there because they wanted him to stand on walker and he said it bothered his shoulder and neck and they weren't able to help with that so he got frustrated and refused to do therapy at all. He gets no movement now. I think for awhile they had him walk down the hall once a week but not sure if he does that now.
So his main complaint is shoulders and arms ache/hurt, don't sleep well, and fear of dying in that nursing home and not able to go home.

Mom - bodyaches definitely less since doing the rhus twice a day! Had a rough week in the South. Sneezing alot, eyes itching(more left than right), face swollen (sinus areas, mostly on nose, around nose and cheek, more left side). I had some different remedies with me and took some out of desperation, took Nat. Mur 6c, it helped temporarily. Now I am back home and feel better but still have some itching in left eye, blowing nose constantly yesterday, face a little tender and swollen. Also I noticed that my head was a little swollen at top back of head and the area that was cut by fan when I was a child had a scabby area near it. I mention this because it reminded me how when I was young and had that scar with stitches and it was healing I would scratch it at school everyday.

Son - had a major wheezing spell the day after we got to my Mom's house. He started wheezing in evening after being outside playing for quite sometime. We gave him pulsatilla, it went through the night, he was clawing the backs of his legs like I had never seen all night, had 3 or 4 poops, next morning wheezing some, gave another dose of pulsatilla, and later in day was just coughing some and got better. Then he did fine next days and is doing well now. I did notice he has a swollen Right forearm. Just happened to see it looked swollen and touched it and he said ouch. Not sure if he fell on it or we played tennis right before our trip and he loved it and was hitting alot of balls.

Okay, that is our update. Not sure if there is something I can take to help out with all this sneezing, itching stuff. They ran out of pulsatilla 30c so I have been using 6c and doesn't seem to be helping much.

congested last decade

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