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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Question about wet dose

Perhaps a naive question. Let's say if I buy one vial of 80 pellets and use 3 pellets in a bottle of 400 ml, then is each teaspoon a dose of the same potency as that of the original vial? if so, then I get 80 doses (1 tsp = 5ml) from 3 pellets and approximately 26 such 400 ml remedy bottles from that one vial of 80 pellets. Is this the way to interpret this or am I missing something?

Also, for hair growth is arnica 6C better than 30C or vice versa?
  bom2105 on 2009-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Perhaps a naive question. Let's say if I buy one vial of 80 pellets and use 3 pellets in a bottle of 400 ml, then is each teaspoon a dose of the same potency as that of the original vial? if so, then I get 80 doses (1 tsp = 5ml) from 3 pellets and approximately 26 such 400 ml remedy bottles from that one vial of 80 pellets. Is this the way to interpret this or am I missing something?
You are right.
kadwa last decade

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