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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Fissure remedy

Hi all,
I have a 10 week old baby and since birth have suffered from what I at first thought were hemorrhoids but my gyno now said they are very likely to be fissures.
My baby is taking Nux Vomica for his colic.
Once I took Sepia for some of my symptoms, and since I am breast feeding my babys remedy stopped working and his colic got worse, so I took Nux for him again. Now I'm scared to treat myself because I don't want him to get worse, though I'm at the point where I cannot take the pain anymore. Every BM is so painful that I begin to sweat. Sometimes there is bright blood and the area feels sore for the rest of the day after a BM.

My baby also sweats when he is in pain, mostly cold sweat on hands and feet. He has trouble passing gas and is very windy.

I also suffer from back pains at night when going to bed, throughout the night with movement and in the morning getting out of bed. Getting up and moving helps.

The last complaint is vaginal discharge which was found to be an imbalance of the flora. It's white and smelly.

Hope someone can help me :) Let me know if you need more info..
  fafinette on 2009-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
silicia seems to be suitable remedy for this kid. Please give him in 6x potency three times a day and report after 2 week.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I hope it's clear that I'm the one suffering from the fissure :) Thanks for your reply
fafinette last decade
Sorry for inconvenience. Please take the medicine as mentioned above.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you, but I only have 30C here, is that ok?

His symptoms match that of Dioscorea (The tummy is rumbly and windy. He stretches out when in pain. Screams and cries with the pain. Wants to be held upright (does not want to lie down) and the belly rumbles a lot.) and it seems that Nux is not working for him anymore.

I am thinking of giving him Dios today with his next pain attack instead of taking something for myself, unless the Silicia will work for him as well?

Thanks for your time!
fafinette last decade

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