The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hello,I have Hashis and gluten intolerance and lactose or caesin intolerance and lately am having swollen lymph glands and depression.
As a child I had mono. At 19 was diagnosed with hypothyroid and given T4 only meds. As an adult was diagnosed with Hashis and found that T4 did not work and was given T3 which seems so much better for me. Then discovered I was depressed but after taking antidepressants for 6 years and gaining 100 pounds found out I am gluten and lactose intolerant. My husband died of cancer and I became severely depressed. Worked hard on my diet and began to get better, but lately feel depressed, anxious, swollen glands, high triglycerides, hi testosterone, painful body aches, Vit D deficient, dry skin, tired.
I prefer colder environments and love the rain.
I hate to be around people and find it hard to leave the house. I lay around too much.
seafish on 2009-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is one remedy indicated for Hashimoto's, it is LUFFA OPERCULATA. I do not have any personal experience in using this remedy. Please try. Good luck.
aconite last decade
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