The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hello! I have been recently diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis. I am a novice in the homeopathic world and feel overwhelmed by the amount of remedies available. Some other information that may be needed:-I am a 25 year old female
-My TSH levels are normal
-Other symptoms: insomia, fatigue, horrible migraines and cramps a few days before my period
-I feel mentally drained at times and suffer from random mood swings
-there is no specific time of day when symptoms are worse than others
-I've had severe problems with digestion lately (so much so I had to see an gastroenterologist
I am currently dosing with pulsatilla nigricans (200C) as needed to keep my ears dry and to stop them from itching and arnica montana (200C) as needed for hip and wrist pain.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you,
recattoi on 2012-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop taking Pulsetilla and Arnica 200c.
Take Ruta G. 200c 5 Doses at continuous 5 days one dose per day at night before sleep. Take 2drops of medicine in a cup of water and sip it slowly as a dose of medicine.
It will remove ur wrist and hip pain. Use a vary little heated mastered oil drops in ur ears at those days at night before sleep. Report me after five days.
As it is easy to remove this two problems of itching ears and wrist, hip pain in short time by only one medicine, do it first and pls take no other remedies during this 5 days. I will inform u after 5 days what to do for other problems.
Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Wed, 11 Jan 2012 21:49:06 GMT]
Take Ruta G. 200c 5 Doses at continuous 5 days one dose per day at night before sleep. Take 2drops of medicine in a cup of water and sip it slowly as a dose of medicine.
It will remove ur wrist and hip pain. Use a vary little heated mastered oil drops in ur ears at those days at night before sleep. Report me after five days.
As it is easy to remove this two problems of itching ears and wrist, hip pain in short time by only one medicine, do it first and pls take no other remedies during this 5 days. I will inform u after 5 days what to do for other problems.
Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Wed, 11 Jan 2012 21:49:06 GMT]
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
Thank you so much! I finally found some Ruta G, and will start dosing tonight!
recattoi last decade
Dr. Showrav,
I have dosed with Ruta G, 200C for the five days as per your suggestion. I am still suffering from insomnia; however, I do wake up more refreshed than I have been with the few hours of sleep that I do get. I also wake up with no stiffness in my hips or wrist. However, once I start using my wrist, the pain returns. My hip feels wonderful, and actually, I feel like the ruta g helped my ears a little as well.
My ears are dry and itch free as well:)
So, I have some improvement, but my wrist and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis are still problematic. So what is the next remedy you recommend?
Thank you for your help so far!!
I have dosed with Ruta G, 200C for the five days as per your suggestion. I am still suffering from insomnia; however, I do wake up more refreshed than I have been with the few hours of sleep that I do get. I also wake up with no stiffness in my hips or wrist. However, once I start using my wrist, the pain returns. My hip feels wonderful, and actually, I feel like the ruta g helped my ears a little as well.
My ears are dry and itch free as well:)
So, I have some improvement, but my wrist and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis are still problematic. So what is the next remedy you recommend?
Thank you for your help so far!!
recattoi last decade
Take a dose of Staphysagria 200c at morning 2 hours passed after breakfast and report me after 7 days.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
recattoi last decade
I dont think u will need that. report me after 5th days have passed while taking Staphysagria one dose. If I think that u will feel better with Ruta than I will tell u thn.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
Hi Dr. Showrav!
The Staphysagria relieved my wrist pain after the first dose! I could not believe how effective this remedy was for the wrist pain. However, my ears filled back up with water and are itchy. The Ruta G worked much better for my ears and I also felt more focused, balanced and happier after dosing with Ruta G than with the Staphysagria.
I just want to say thank you so much for your guidance so far! I am learning a lot from this experience:)
I look forward to your next advice!
[message edited by recattoi on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 15:03:25 GMT]
The Staphysagria relieved my wrist pain after the first dose! I could not believe how effective this remedy was for the wrist pain. However, my ears filled back up with water and are itchy. The Ruta G worked much better for my ears and I also felt more focused, balanced and happier after dosing with Ruta G than with the Staphysagria.
I just want to say thank you so much for your guidance so far! I am learning a lot from this experience:)
I look forward to your next advice!
[message edited by recattoi on Tue, 24 Jan 2012 15:03:25 GMT]
recattoi last decade
This was an example for them who believes Homeopathic medicine starts working slowly. Actually some body gives reflex slowly but medicine of homeopathy works faster than any other medicines on earth if it is given in perfect way. I m glad to know that u r happy.
What is ur problem now to advice u?? If itchy ear is ur problem than give mastered oil 2 drops in ur ear and after 12 hours wash it dry with a cotton bud. I think no medicine will required if water gone inside due to bathing or somehow but if the water is producing by ear itself than u might need some medicine. Describe me more clearly about ur problem.
Dr. Showrav
What is ur problem now to advice u?? If itchy ear is ur problem than give mastered oil 2 drops in ur ear and after 12 hours wash it dry with a cotton bud. I think no medicine will required if water gone inside due to bathing or somehow but if the water is producing by ear itself than u might need some medicine. Describe me more clearly about ur problem.
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
My ears do not drain very well. I have been battling eustachian tube dysfunction for a while. They generally are wet when I wake up in the morning. Having this stagnet water in my ears makes them very itchy. I don't think water is getting in them from taking a shower, since i dry them with an ear dryer every night.
I hope this explains my problem
I am also wondering if there is anything homeopathic to take to help reduce the thyroid antibodies caused by the hashimoto's thyroiditis. My doctor wants to put me on thyroid medicine, but I'm only 25 and don't want to be dependant on that my whole life!
[message edited by recattoi on Wed, 25 Jan 2012 01:32:21 GMT]
My ears do not drain very well. I have been battling eustachian tube dysfunction for a while. They generally are wet when I wake up in the morning. Having this stagnet water in my ears makes them very itchy. I don't think water is getting in them from taking a shower, since i dry them with an ear dryer every night.
I hope this explains my problem
I am also wondering if there is anything homeopathic to take to help reduce the thyroid antibodies caused by the hashimoto's thyroiditis. My doctor wants to put me on thyroid medicine, but I'm only 25 and don't want to be dependant on that my whole life!
[message edited by recattoi on Wed, 25 Jan 2012 01:32:21 GMT]
recattoi last decade
Describe ur food habit, Thirst, hunger and bowl movement in details. What is ur all body symptoms of Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism?? How Dr. told u that u have problems of Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism?
I will advice u next medicine after next dose of Staphysagria. U will have it after 7th day from the first dose. Follow same rules to take another dose of that.
Dr. Showrav
I will advice u next medicine after next dose of Staphysagria. U will have it after 7th day from the first dose. Follow same rules to take another dose of that.
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
My food habits:
I usually wake up at 7:00 am and drink a cup of coffee. Around 9:30, I eat breakfast (granola bar or piece of fruit or some cereal) and have another cup of coffee.
Around 12:30 I eat lunch, consisting of whatever was left over from the night before (pizza, subs, burger or sandwich). This is when I am most hungry. I do not eat breakfast early, as it makes me nauseous.
I drink water, lemonade or juice (about 3 bottles worth) for the rest of the day. I do not like soda.
Dinner is around 5:00 and consists of a meat and veggie or a pasta. We then have a small dessert to satisfy my sweet tooth. I try not to eat after that.
I recently had problems with bowel movements, including excessive diarrhea after every meal and an inability to hold it in, but that has since passed and was attributed to an influx of bacteria accumulated in my stomach. I do have trouble every now and then, but that can be attributed to my lactose intolerance, and I know that I sometimes eat things that I should not. Normally, I have a bowel movement once a day in the morning.
In regards to the Hashimoto's:
I went to a rheumatologist because of the wrist pain. I had blood work done that reported I had a positive ANA level and high CRP levels. Then, I had the thyroid various antibodies bloodwork and found that I have a high level of the thyroid antibodies. I am currently waiting on an ultrasound of my thyroid. My symptoms include excessive fatigue followed by bouts of hyper activity, joint pain (wrist and hip), heavy menstrual cycles and always feeling cold.
I usually wake up at 7:00 am and drink a cup of coffee. Around 9:30, I eat breakfast (granola bar or piece of fruit or some cereal) and have another cup of coffee.
Around 12:30 I eat lunch, consisting of whatever was left over from the night before (pizza, subs, burger or sandwich). This is when I am most hungry. I do not eat breakfast early, as it makes me nauseous.
I drink water, lemonade or juice (about 3 bottles worth) for the rest of the day. I do not like soda.
Dinner is around 5:00 and consists of a meat and veggie or a pasta. We then have a small dessert to satisfy my sweet tooth. I try not to eat after that.
I recently had problems with bowel movements, including excessive diarrhea after every meal and an inability to hold it in, but that has since passed and was attributed to an influx of bacteria accumulated in my stomach. I do have trouble every now and then, but that can be attributed to my lactose intolerance, and I know that I sometimes eat things that I should not. Normally, I have a bowel movement once a day in the morning.
In regards to the Hashimoto's:
I went to a rheumatologist because of the wrist pain. I had blood work done that reported I had a positive ANA level and high CRP levels. Then, I had the thyroid various antibodies bloodwork and found that I have a high level of the thyroid antibodies. I am currently waiting on an ultrasound of my thyroid. My symptoms include excessive fatigue followed by bouts of hyper activity, joint pain (wrist and hip), heavy menstrual cycles and always feeling cold.
recattoi last decade
I think now u dont have any wrist and hip pain!! Though u have to take Staphysag second and third dose to cure ur problems permanently with always feeling extra cold. report me after 14 days bcs u will take one dose of staphy sag after 7 days from the previous one. Stop taking excessive tea or coffee and lemonade water. It will help u to cure ur bowl movement problems.
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
I just want to say thank you again for helping me! My wrist and hip pain is now well managed with the Staphysagria.
I have also stopped drinking tea and lemonade and have noticed a huge improvement in bowel movement regularity.
I have also stopped drinking tea and lemonade and have noticed a huge improvement in bowel movement regularity.
recattoi last decade
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