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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema,Allergy,sleep disturbance

Hi does anyone know of a good homeopath in london/oxford region of UK who has experience in treating eczema in children under 1 year.
  ZHWmom on 2009-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
my son is currently 8 months old.
At about 6 weeks he developed eczema on his face-cheeks,side of his arms, back of his legs and his ears, it was dry and itchy and went undiagnosed as cradle cap until he was 4 months, when I first introduced his to regular formula milk as I was due to return to work. he developed a severe anaphylactic reaction to formula milk and we had to rush him to A&E where we were told that he has got eczema along with food allergies.
Upon doing allergy testing he was found to be allergic cows milk ,nuts.
I went on a milk free diet as then any contact with milk product made his eczema bleed and crusty.
at about 5 months i gave up breast feeding and he has been on neocate - hydrolysed formula and i started to wean him.He is currently on rice, moong dal,chicken, patato, sweetpatato, green beans , carrots. He reacted to bananas, green peas, wheat biscuits,prunes.
however his weight gain is still very slow 120gs each week
in the mean time we also took him to hoemopath here who prescribed him with 3 doses of gartner , 2 weeks nothing followed by silica 30c everday.
she also suggested i gave him some probiotic.
He broke out into a rash every time we gave him probiotic powder mixed with milk.3 weeks into giving him silica his sleep pattern changed and he would get up eery 2-3 hrs crying,this wen on for about 4 weeks and finally i stopped the silica.
my homeopath thought it may be becoz of teething hence prescribed Chamomile, which didnot try as i felt unsure about her treatment.so faor the past 2 months he is'nt on any homepathic treatment.

Hi eczema is mch less now withonly traces on the afected parts,during a flare we manage it with betnovate and otheriwse we apply emoleint cetaphil on his whole body 3-4 times a day.
last 2 weeks 1 in 3 nights he gets up crying in his sleep and doesnot stop for about 2 hrs.this is really disturbing as he is not a cranky child and basically happy go luck bynature.

I had taken hm to India last month where he settled very well, his sleep became regualar and he would only getup once a night.

last 2 weeks we are back in the Uk and his sleep disturbances have resurfaced causing me great concern.

his routin is

7am- milk-5 ounces
8am- fruit and oatmeal puree
9am short nap whcih he may or maynot take
10am mikl
11. 45am luch- patato and veg puree
12.30 he is meant to take an afternoon nap which at the moment is only 1 hr, he would sleep for 2-2.5 in india
3pm milk
6pm bath
6.15- dinner
7 pm bed- wherein it takes an hour to settle him down- ealrier he would just fall off to sleep straight away
10pm mil-5 ounces
after that he gets ups at 2pm, 5pm and then 7 am,at 2pm and 5 am i just give him water.
but 1.3 night(weeknight) he gets up after 10 am every 3 hrs and at about 4am cries until 6 am and doenot sleep at all.

both I and my husband work full time and he is at home with a lady.most sleep disturbance i have noticed are during the week an not at wekend. i am suspecting the lady but am wondering if that is an aspect i need to consider.

he is physically very active, smiles at everyone, very sociable, likes going out.he is stil nto crawling but is currently trying to hold things and stand up.

my main concern is his sleep disturbance . does anyone have any advice/ insight into what is causing him to be so restless at night and during the day. I have been for the past 3 days giving him some hoempathic granules from boots which contain chamomile 6c 4 tims aday whcih seemed to have bought his teething discomfort down but not his sleep.

it becomes very diffiult to deal with him like that at night and then goto work at 7.30am next mornign, at the moment i am tearing my hair out and donot know in which direction to proceed.
ZHWmom last decade

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