The ABC Homeopathy Forum
3 remedies for a condition?
Hi,Is it common for a homeopath to give 3 remedies for a symptom?
I have always thought that it is single remedy.
My son is having nose congestion (without flu). Went to see a homeopath, she prescribed :
1) Calcarea Carbonica
2) Bryonia
3) Pulsatilla
She said to finish the whole bottles. I have also always thought that to discontinue when symptoms are gone.
Please clarify.
homeo12242 on 2009-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
some doctors follow this kind of prescription and claim that it works, eventhough it might work (only for very few cases) it is totally not homeopathy. This system follows only single medicine, minimal dose for the condition, in certain cases for example very high blood sugar and very high blood pressure co exist in a patient, and if the doctor is in a situation to control both of them by homoepathy medicines, then two medicines can be prescribed for a short period to reduce and get them in control and then have to frame a totality and get a remedy.
considering your case, i don know where are you form, but still giving calc carb, bryonia and pulsatilla for nose congestion is totally wrong, and also medicines like calc carb are deep acting and have to be given with care.
it is not common for a homeopath to do so.
All the best.
considering your case, i don know where are you form, but still giving calc carb, bryonia and pulsatilla for nose congestion is totally wrong, and also medicines like calc carb are deep acting and have to be given with care.
it is not common for a homeopath to do so.
All the best.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
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