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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help for adhd son

Hello. I have posted separately for my autistic daugher and am posting here for help with my ADHD son, Joey.

Joey is now 8.5 years old. He was a late talker. Was evaluated and placed in an early intervention program. Speech therapy worked for him and he began using phrases like "I want..." at age 3 yrs 2 months and steadily progressed from there. he is now in an inclusion 2nd grade class and doing pretty well. At the age of 6 he was Dx as ADHD due to his inability to sit and focus at school and even at home couldn't sit a watch a TV program without getting up 10 times and running around the house. He was put on regular Ritalin 2x's perday but had too many highs & lows throughout the day. So we put him on Adderall XR. The extended release formula worked great for him. however afer abouy 9 months on it he bagn acting very emotional. Crying at the slightest thing. For example if we were looking for his shoes and I found them first he would become very upset to the point that I had to put the shoes back and let him "find" them just to calm him down. We switched him to Concerta and this seemed to diminish until about 2 months ago. Now, he's back to the dramatic, emotional, sometimes incolsoleable boy he was.

Pregnancy with Joey was uneventful with exception of morning sickness for 1st 6 weeks. He was born 1 day early via vaginal birth with pitocin and epidural. He was developing normally and was ahead of other children his age in many areas including gross motor. His verbal skills were on target. He would point and name things and if I asked him, "Where's the light?" He understood what I said and would point to it without hesitation. Then, at 18 months he got his MMR booster and his development started to unravel. He lost the vocabulary he had, started becoming more distant and would not respond when we called his name. We had his hearing tested which came back perfect. We had him evaluated by the local children's hospital's speech/lamnguage department. the SLP suggested that he had more than just a language delay and suggested we get him into a preschool program to get him around more children who spoke. We did this but he would not engage in the program with the children. Would not sit in circle time unless he was in someone's lap. An aide was approved by the school district but we opted to put him in a special ed preschool with a trusted friend who was the special ed teacher. he did well there but they began to suspect autism after about 3 months. We had him evaluated by the local Autism Program and 3.5 years. The director told us "He's interesting but he's not autistic". I suspected this since he knew his colors, alphbet and #'s up to about 50. So, when he turned 4 he was placed in a special needs school. He did great there and after that year they decided he was ready for inclusion Kindergarten. he did well but we decided since he was a young 5 when he started kindergarten we owuld have him repeat. He wnt to a new school and entered his "senior" year of kindergarten. It was 1/2 way through this school year that his hyperactivity began to really emerge and become a problem at school and at home. After 2 years of med changes we finally got it right or so it seemed. Now at 8.5 he's back to being emotional, defiant and very oppositional.

His favorite foods are chicken nuggets, fish sticks, pizza and french fries. He won't drink anythink except water and sprite. If it has a color he will not drink it. he drinks more water than anything. He's always thirsty. He sleeps well however. He tucks his hand and arms underneath himself and sticks his bum in the air. He likes to be tucked in and covered up at bedtime including a pillow on top of his head. He has a few flat light brown birth marks on his body...one on his right temple and one on his rear end. He has clear blue eyes, typical blunt chin and well shaped head. Although when he was born he was a definite "cone head". His cheeks and ears turn bright red when he is warm and/or excited. As I said before he is very emotional and hates to lose. If he and his dad are playing a video game, he has to win or it's a huge drame. Luckily, he is better at most video games than his dad. Which brings me to the fact that he he very bright. A math whiz. Can install/uninstall programs on his computer by himself (this started at age 4). Does not like to write however which is a problem when it's homework time. He has very dry hair and skin with frequent bouts of eczema.

I guess that's it. Please let me know what you all think. I'll answer any additional question you have.

Thanks so much.
  deannap203 on 2005-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Experiment with Belladonna-30 and Sulphur-30.

Both medicines could show some improvements. Belladonna will work in the day to calm the hyperactivity and Sulphur will work during the night.

A great homeopathy book "Ritalin Free Kids"

has helped many people. The book is written for the parents.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hi All!

I just posted an update for my autistic daughter in another thread and thought I'd update you on my son who has ADHD and a mild developmental delay.

We started seeing a homeopathic Dr. in April. What's nice is that he is also an MD so our insurance covers most of his visits.

We got our first remedy and I kept a close record of his response. After a month there was little to report. So, we moved onto the next remedy. It was absolutely amazing. My son was actually more hyper on the ADHD meds than off. So, we took him off of them and he was awesome! No more giant flucuations in his emotions and behaviors, he was paying better attention in school and he was much more independant at home whereas before he needed us to keep him busy at all times. It was dramatic to say the least.

So, school ended and he was still off the meds. The next month he gave us the same remedy. But after about 2 weeks, he began to regress. We realized we had antedoted the remedy by using a camphor based ointment for a rash he had. We went back to the dr. and he gave us the same remedy in a higher dose and Joey was right back on track. Just before school started we got the ADHD meds filled because I still had doubts he would be able to handle the demands of school. Boy was I wrong. He has the same teacher this year as last and she called me after the 1st day of school and said "Who is this kid?". I was thrilled! So, we're 2 weeks into school and he's doing great. Still gives me a fuss with homework but what 9 year old doesn't?

Oh, did I mention that our Dr. doesn't like to tell us what remedy he's giving us so I don't research it and have false expectations? I peeked at my daughter's file and learned that our latest remedy is Bufo 200c. I'm going to try to peek at my son's chart as we have an appt. next Thursday. I'm just so curious. Is this pretty common practice among homeopaths?

deannap203 last decade
you are entitled to know the remedies given if you want to know them.
erika last decade
I don't tell patients what remedies they are on simply because of the arguments that have developed when the Patient thinks they know enough to disagree with the remedy, ignoring the proccess of arriving at that remedy. If they feel like self diagnosis, so be it, but I don't want to be involved. If the patient wants to know I tell them but there can be no further input from me because of the interference that can be involved with dissagreements over remedies, dosage and timeing. Trust must be afforded to the Hpath treating, no one, can see the complete picture of themselves to prescribe the correct remedy.
parachute last decade
dear parachute - it's a shame you have experienced such aggression and problems when telling the patient the remedy. Fortunately I have never experienced this.
I just feel it is too secretive to hide information from a patient as this interferes with the trust of patient/therapist.
erika last decade
We had our monthly visit with our homeopath yesterday. And, yes, I peeked at the chart. He is giving him Tarent. I think the strength is 10M. He is ordering 50M for him as the 10M is only lasting about 2 weeks or so.

Joey is doing so well with this remedy, I can't tell you. His being off the adhd meds is the biggest relief for us.

deannap203 last decade
Excellent, I'm pleased for you all. Best regards
parachute last decade
really glad to read of your good progress!
erika last decade
I find this problem is usually a great dose of chemical poisoning,
Take him off ALL processed food.Only food cooked at home from scratch. proper Meat and veg. NO softdrinks or cordials or juices etc. NoSugar, food aditives. Gethim cleaned out from chems and you will have a new kid very fast. Strict diet control is essential
Good luck
twiggy last decade

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