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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst Still

I have just finished up what I thought would be a successful treatment. I followed the treatment suggested many times in many forums by PANKAJ VARMA. Things looked good a couple of weeks ago as the bloody discharge had stopped and the hole looked like it was closing up. I stopped the treatment and a few days later the discharge started again. I would like to start the treatment again, I am wondering if there is any suggestions as to what is happening. I don't have any pain really, just discomfort once in a while and the discharge. It is located in the center of the crack a couple inches away from the anus. I would really like to see this thing go away. It has been over a year now and after considering surgery for 6 months I decided against that and found this site. The treatment seems like it is successful, I may need more direction.

  chopper on 2009-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
My dear,
In the first place I don't post on many forums...only on ABC and homeopathy and more.

You have said many forums.

Now: could you tell me under what name ..in the past...you have been taking my guidance ??

I am glad you have found the past guidance to be useful and successful for you..

Pl. also state the latest position.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pl. also state medication taken by you in the past for this problem.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Please don't misunderstand my statement. I only meant many forums within the ABC site. I should have said many posts or topics. This is the first time for me posting.
We did speak thru email a couple of times and you had me on the same treatment listed in the posts I have seen within this site. I greatly appreciate your time and efforts put forth here.

I started with Myristica Seb. 200CK, 3 doses 1 hour apart then wait for cyst to burst. I was never quite sure this happened. After a week or so I started on the Silicea 30C, three doses a day for a week or two. Then moved to Silicea 200 and Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 200 in alternation 1 dose a day for a month.
That ended a couple of weeks ago and now I still see bloody discharge after going to the bathroom.

How can I really tell that the cyst has burst if it just continues to do the same thing which is the slight discharge.

Thanks again for all your help, with not just me, but everyone on this site.
chopper last decade
I need to explain this again...there are three or four passages that bring the flow of pus to a single point or two on the surface of the skin ...in case of a pilonidal cyst.

All these passages have to be cleared of the pus. Myristica is the fasted in doing so.In your case the pus has not fully drained out.

I suggest to you to take Myristica 30...one dose every morning for 5 consecutive days.

After 7 days let me know the progress. Don't jump to the next meds until I have reviewed your situation.

If I miss your post, just send me an e-mail.

Thanks for your compliments and best wishes,

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I did not know about the multiple passages, thanks. I have not read every post here, there are quite a few. I will get the Myristica 30 and begin treatment.

Thanks Again
chopper last decade
Latest update to condition:
When I started this post I had taken a dose of Myristica 200 to get the process going again, this was before talking to you. After your last post I ordered the Myristica 30, nothing was happening with the 200. I had to leave town before the 30 was delivered. While I was out of town the cyst must have burst, I say this because the flow was greater than I have seen since being diagnosed. I had nothing with me on the trip to take and was only gone for a few days. The flow pretty much dried up by the time I got home. The Myristica 30 was delivered while I was away and I started your plan when I returned. I am currently on day 4 of taking one dose every morning. The flow or discharge is still quiet.
chopper last decade

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