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Phytolacca Decandra:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Phytolacca for dandruff.

I used Phytolacca Berry 30 on a case. Head was itchy, dry and scaly. Hairs were just very thin, hard on itchy on scaly part of the head. Back of the head was more of less normal. Head was so dry, even after applying lots of oil it used to get dry in just half hour.

Anti dandruff shampoo worked just for a day to relieve scales or dandruff and itching but next day dandruff came back again.

Just one dose of Phytolacca Berry 30 was given and patient cured completely. Actually I recommended several doses but patient just took one dose and misplaced the medicine bottle.

Later on I used phytolacca berry on more and more patients with dandruff. Most of them responded to it.

There are two medicines with Phytolacca. One is Phytolacca Decandra root tincture dilutions and othere is Phytolacca Decandra's Berry's dilutions. I prefer Phytolacca Berry.
  kuldeep on 2005-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since past one year I am occasionally taking Phytolacca for sore throats. This year I didn’t have dandruff.

I am wondering it must be Phytolacca keeping me away from dandruff. I used to have it a lot. This is the first shampoo free year of my life.
vinnie 2 decades ago
Noted.. will try on someone.
Qutab 2 decades ago

My head stays dry in winter and lots of itch and dandruff. Is Phytolacca good for me too, or I need to be treated as a whole with all of my symptoms and my character?
alexi 2 decades ago
It worked on me. Thanks.
alexi last decade
What potency did you use??
kuldeep last decade
Will this also help in pimples on the scalp. my brother and his son have this. Brother has quite a few symptoms, but the son is a 21 yr old youth who is into teaching dancing to people. So quite healthy.
Nkjaya last decade
I really don't know but I will find out?
kuldeep last decade
I am pasting you some content from my post about Silice. It will remove pimples from the head.

You need following three things.

1. Hepar Sulphur Cal. 30
2. Safi
3 Azadirachta Indica Q Hepar Sulphur Cal. can be bought from Homeopathy vendors.

Safi (A must otherwise whole treatment will fail) People in East Asia know this but people living in other countries must take some trouble to obtain it.
It is available in all Indian/Pakistani departmental stores.

Azadirachta Indica Q (Not available everywhere but if it is available you use it otherwise forget it.

Always keep Hepar Sulphur Cal. Bottle in your pocket and take an hourly dose.

Safi just one dose in a week. Pick a day of week and take a nightly dose.

10 drops of Azadirachta Indica Q in a cup of water.

Acne/pimples will be gone in a month. Take the medicine for 2 months. Later on anytime in your life you feel acne are about to come you take few doses again.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Dr. kuldeep,
Regarding the Hepar Sulphur Cal and the Azadirachta Indica Q what potency do these have to be?
Also, how much of the hepar sulphar Cal do you have to take every hour? How often do you take the Azadirachta Indica Q?
Regarding the Safi, how much of it do you take?

Sorry about all of the questions,
I am about to purchase them all and need to be cleared up on these,
Thanks alot.
windwaker last decade
You may not be able to obtain Azadirachta Indica.

To by Safi you must take some trouble to find some Inidan/Pakistani store.

If Hepar Sulphur-30 is in pellets, dissolve some pellets in a small mineral water bottle and sip hourly. If it is in liquid put few drops in mineral water bottle and sip hourly.
kuldeep last decade
I have found all remedies on the internet and am bit confused about how much to take of each and potencies.
windwaker last decade
Phytolacca berry must be taken mother tincture for scars.
kuldeep last decade
Just to remind you all folks, that it is the season to harvest Phytolacca Berries. This time I got a huge bush of phytolacca so I got lucky.

Indeed it is a wonder medicine. If you take this you may never have sore throat again.

Lots of readers have informed me that they really got rid of their dandruff. This time I will be drying berries so I can add'em in hair oil otherwise liquid tincture does not solve in the oil, or you can do it Joe's way. Put some liquid tincture in the oil and bang the bottle few times.
kuldeep last decade
Kuldeep, from where do I get Phytolacca berries in Calcutta, India?
maya_hari last decade
I doubt if you would be able to get the berries in Calcutta, I never saw this plant in India. You can get mother tincture and soak a clean cloth with it and let it dry then put that cloath in the oil. I love that plant because it saved a life.

In USA it is everywhere, this is the season and I can fill up a truck.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep

My husband also has this dandruff problem, dry scalp, itchy and scaly. He has tried numerous shampoos/oils etc. but it is still there. He also tends to get sore throats very easily. So, i just wonder if this remedy will work for him. Can I get Phytolacca Berry 30 from a homeopathy drug store in Canada? What potency should I buy and what should be the dose?

Thank You
Komal K.
noname last decade
Sorry for the late reply. Yes go for Phytolacca Berry. First try Phytolacca Berry-30.
kuldeep last decade
I want to add one more thing to this Post that these days Phytolacca is under clinical trials as an AIDS drug because of its anti-viral characteristics.

When I was harvesting Phytolacca Berries in the State of Delaware, one person stopped his car on the curb and walked to me and asked what I was going to do with those pink barriers. I told him that I use it as medicine.

The guy turned out to be an American Native Indian and said that it was the tradition of their tribe to eat one berry at least once each year because it keeps one free from many diseases. I asked him if he ate his one berry for this year and he said no because most of those traditions are dead and he is not even sure if this is the right berry and if it is really healthy to eat it. I ate one berry just to show him that it can be eaten but again he refused and said who knows what it may do tonight or tomorrow and then left.

kuldeep last decade
It needs lots of courage to do thing what you are doing kuldeep. That person just chickened out, probably he would have eaten a berry if his whole tribe took it together but standing alone is not an easy deal.
harsh last decade
Courage is neessary to be my patient.

Anyway just one berry of Phytolacca is not enough to do any harm, but root is highly toxic. I just try to taste it and it made me sick. So phytolacca makes two medicines

1. Phytolacca Decendra (Poke root)
2. Phytolacca Berry (Berries of Poke)
kuldeep last decade
As native Indian said that it keeps one free from many diseases:

I agree. Since I took Phytolacca, I have no sore throat or fevers, my dandruff too are gone (which was persistent). Now as you said in a thread, I crush berries and soak the cloth and after cloth dries I put it in my oil. This gives oil a pleasing pink color.

It really needs courage to try something as well as prescribe some thing new. I see many people on the form who say they are watching a particular thread and will act only if some one brings those results. They don’t realize that that a thing may work upon them but may not work on someone for whom it was intended in the beginning.

So today I ate one berry for this year.
alexi last decade
Yes many people watch to see a particular result on someone before they may act.

Alexy if you took one berry for this year, you may not need Phytolacca in any other form like in oil etc. (for one year)

But I have seen few people who get instant results with raw berries or Phytolacca Q. but root of problem is always eliminated by high potency of it, otherwise problem comes back (Always)
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep

Thanks for your reply. I had ordered Phytolacca Berry, but what I have received is Phytolacca Deacandra (it is what is written on the bottle) and those guys say that it is the combination of both (i.e. deacandra and berry). Now, what should I do...... Should I buy the one, which is mixture of these two ? Will it be equally good for the purpose of dandruff and sore thorats etc.


Komal Kapoor
noname last decade
And they say that - this is what they can get .......... they can not get just Phytolacca Berry.
noname last decade
You can use the bottle ie. Phytolacca Decandra
kuldeep last decade

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