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Phytolacca Decandra:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Phytolacca for dandruff. Page 3 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you want to die by homeopathy you are at the wrong path.

Just for the sake of your knowledge you need to drink several million bottles of 1 or 10M potency or any medicine actually alchol will kill first.

Or one can eat a kilogram of sand/urea/lime/salt/sheetrock/Zypsum/glass powder/ all these things are free.
kuldeep last decade
Good reply Kuldeep to Hell boy.
khan-kamran-khan last decade
Nothing against hellboy, just saw humar in his quest so I responded.

Hellboy: I went throught all your posts, death is not neccessary a solution, one needs to change lifestyle also. I been busy for last several months but I will look into your case, in Homeopathy some times first medicine works or tenth. Instead of querring medicine to die you should querry your own case and educate yourself for yourself and then beyond. That's how I came into homeopathy.
kuldeep last decade
dear dr. kuldeep

i look ugly now ...n thats creating prob. for me , now i have given up coz i know nothin can be done anymore

i even took 23"compose" but nothing happened ...

suffering n sayin are two different animals ... the first one being difficult to mess with n the second one can be easily concurred

i saw a person who took poision but was saved n now he is crippeled ..so i did not wanted to consume it

urea, sand etc. r difficult to consume

as far as consultation is concerned ..i don think that
anything can be done now

medicine don work on me anymore

hellboy last decade
I just read an article which says the plant is highly poisionous, but u say eating one berry for the yr is good,is it safe to be given to a 3 yr old and also is it safe to plant at homewher it may be easily accesseble to pets in the house. What happens if u by chance consume more than one berry??
Monika last decade
Dear Hellboy.

I have gone through all of your posts. I can feel that you are an excellent person, who is so senstive about his hair loss.I am just three years elder of you. I have lost my hair too. In the beginning of my hair loss, I was very upset. Then I started dam-caring about the hair. I used to think that no girl will like me now. But I was wrong. I did not lose my confidence. Now, I have love-married a beaufiful girl. She loves me as if I were prince. She did never ask about my hair loss, ever. If anybody makes fun of my hair loss,instead of feeling bad at their comments,I join them in their fun. Next time they don't make fun.

I don't know which backward society you are living in, where people make fun of your problem to the level of humilation. However, I suggest you following.

1) you can get transfusion done on your head. This is an artificial method but look like natural hairs.

2)Medical rearch is constantly experimenting, I hope within one or two year a very effective medicine for baldness will arrive. I will publish latest reaseach very soon on this forum.

3)Move to any other western courntry where people don't make fun of other's problem, like Canada, USA or so.

4) please specify country of your residence so that I could suggest you something more specifically.

5) If homepathic medicines are not working on you, pease consult any good dermatallogist for eczima. Once your eczmea gets cured, there are very good chances that your hair will regrow, with homeopathic medicines.

6) I will give you link of site which cures baldness and all the hair problems with herbs. That site is canadian site and contains many pictures in which it is shown that people get their hair back.

Bye for now.

See you tomorrow.
glenwood last decade
Phytolacca root is more irritant rather poisonous. Eating few berries won't do any harm, let say three.
If you have access to berries you can dring its herbal tea.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep,
Can this Phytolacca berry 30 be used for 9 year old kids with dandruff? What is the dose for adult and for children and how long should it be taken? Is it taken under the tongue?
dinos last decade
my mother's hair are very thin and they fall alot because of dandruff shall i try this medicine on my mother's hair.
rania last decade
I started this post when there were about 3 people looking for dandruff remedy so wrote the title 'Phytolacca for Dandruff' Phytolacca is not just for dandruff or head eruption but for many other things.

Just to remind you all that in September-October berries would be ripe for harvesting. I have seen this plant all over USA.
kuldeep last decade
Can somebody tell me if I can find Phytolacca plant in Dominican Republic, Haity or Purto Rico.
hoolio last decade
I don't think so.
lopez last decade
Dear Hoolio Tamiano, I think Lopez is correct. I saw this plant only in USA, not even in Canada. Wait till October.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep
My Daughter is 3&1/2 yrs , she gets eczema only in winters so do I give it when she getsthe eczema or anytime?? Is it not available anywhere in Canada?? How do I give the homeopathy does if I don't find the berry??
Monika last decade
Sorry meant dose.
Monika last decade
In eczema cases Phytolacca-30 works, that you can purchase from stores and also from this site. This is only for head eruptions not for the general eczema.
kuldeep last decade
This thread is all very interesting. Gowing up in SE USA, every kid had to learn to not eat the poke berries. The entire plant is poisonous - in quantity - so I guess one berry wouldn't hurt anyone, but any part of the plant can be toxic if too much is ingested.

Elvis Presley sang a song called 'Poke Salad Annie' (first recorded by someone else), and I often heard about poke salad, and how the leaves had to be boiled twice to remove the poison. But I think poke salad is mostly from an earlier era in rural America.

But around my garden and other areas I don't always mow, I can have about as many poke plants as I choose, and they reach 6 feet or higher. Might read up on it more and see if I can make any use of it later this year when the berries are ripe.
Will88 last decade
I need to join this thread. For some reason, I think I'm going to become obsessed with this berries.

I think Kaldeep did say it was poisonous.

Will let him speak for himself though.
Pat2006 last decade
Pat, I saw this plant in Modesto residential area, just one plant. I am sure there would be more in the wilderness.
kuldeep last decade

Can you post how to make home made remedies with the berries?

Now that I have tried one of your home made remedies, I am able to deal with reading about your braveness here. LOL
Pat2006 last decade
Hello Pat, I checked USDA site:

This plant occurs in all over California. In the beginign you can identify it only in Sepetmber when berries are ripe. A small plant can have thousands of seeds so if it is there, it must be in abundance.

You can extract juice of berries, it has low PH value so you can store it. I make tea of fresh or shade dried berries. You can also make Pie of the berries (some berries mixed with other furits)

Root (Rhizome) is a bit more poisonous. Whomever read this post and tried it, got rid of dandruff or scaly eruptions on the head.
kuldeep last decade
Hello Kuldeep

I did find a post here where you indicate that you did bite into a plant and it made you sick.

What do you do when this happens? Do you have a remedy to antidote?

Takes a lot of guts to experiement.
Pat2006 last decade
Today I made a curry of phytolacca. Boiled the plant (without roots, roots are dangerous, then discarded the water and stir-fried it with spices. Tastier then any other green herb like spinich, medicago or mustard. Whoever ate it, asked for the recipe.
kuldeep last decade

What do you mean by:

Whoever ate it, asked for the recipe.

You mean you gave it to someone without telling them what it was? LOL

And do you have any idea who this so called 'whoever' person is? LOL
Pat2006 last decade

It take a lot of courage to be both the doctor and the patient. LOL
Pat2006 last decade
Hello folks, Phytolacca berries are appearing on the plants but still green. In a month it would be the harvesting time.
girilal last decade

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