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Phytolacca Decandra:


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Phytolacca for dandruff. Page 2 of 6

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You can use the bottle ie. Phytolacca Decandra
kuldeep last decade
Phytolacca berry and phytolacca dec are available seperately.Berry is mostly used for reducing weight.It is only a clinical symptom.Lot of people are using blindly berry for wt reducing but are facing failure.Phytolacca dec is fully proved remedy and what any body want for dandruff or eruption on scalp or for any glandular problem it is dec.Kuldeep knows much about it. I will request him to send a truck full of berry since it is not available here,only tincture is available which is very very expensive .
sajjadakram635 last decade
In India I bought Phytolacca Berry mother tincture made by two reputable manufacturers. Tincture was supposed to be very pink in color but it was always clear. Upon tasting both times it turned out to be Phytolacca Decandra. Only SBL brand contained berry extract.

That is the main reason I avoid any argument about both Phytolacca products. It is clear that Phytolacca Decandra root extract is highly toxic but Phytolacca berries is not that much harmful if taken in small quantity. (About 2 berries).

Another reason I avoid any arguments about Phytolacca is that either could be used.

It is told that Phytolacca berries are good for reducing weight but I rarely saw any successful case. In last two years I gave Phytolacca Berry extract to many obese people but none reported any relief but almost every body reported that after taking the tincture they never had any sour throat problem or dandruff.

This is the reason I told noname to use whatever he got. Patient is my sole concern not the root or berry extract.
kuldeep last decade
Kuldeep, when are you going to put a post about Belladonna plant? I think you know a lot about it too.

By the way I am dandruff free after using Phytolacca.
silverman last decade
I may put a post about Belladonna but never on belladinna plant. Please stay away from it, four berries are enough to kill an adult and just one is enough to kill a child. Phytolacca Decandra';s berries are very foul tasting and no kid will ever swallow'em but unfortunately Belladonna berries are very tasty.

I remember someone emailed me that they have a belladonna plant in their backyard and how to use it? I replied them to distroy that plant immidiately and buy homeopathy grade belladonna.

Atropine Sulphate is made from Belladonna which is a narcotic grade medicine and lots of countries have banned it because of its abuse.
kuldeep last decade
Thanku very much for your comments.Once you said probably you saved a life of some one with phytolacca.What is that?.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Small 9 months old boy in the mountains and had severe eczema on his scalp. His whole shirt was red with his blood. His pillow was read. He has even scratched off the soft part of his scalp and his brain was visible pulsating. He was not getting any hair on his scalp but only on the back of his head.

No Allopathic medicine worked, family was very poor and they said any medicine or shampoo they tried works only for a day. Everybody in his village assumed that kid will die because his brain tissues were exposed and white liquid oozed from it.

I adopted that kid and brought him to my home and tried this or that medicine. I had an obese woman my next door and I had Phytolacca Berry’s extract brought from USA for that lady and I gave her the tincture and two day later lady said her dandruff is completely vanished, I was not aware of Phytolacca’s this character so I opened Materia Medica again and read “Dry scaly eruptions on head”

I gave just one drop of Phytolacca Berry’s extract to the kid who was now having fever because of infection. Kid’s itching stopped the same day and at night his pillow was full of dry scales which started falling off. Over two days I removed rest of the scales carefully. In a month kid’s scalp completely healed and scales were gone.

Next month his eczema came back but not that severe. This time I gave him a dose of Phytolacca Berry 200 and eczema was gone again same day.

Eczema came back after one year but in very low form and I face another dose of 200.

I adopted him.
kuldeep last decade
Thanku very much for the explaination of the case and much more than that the adoptation of that kind.It is really great.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Kuldeep

Thanks for your reply again. What should be the dose - how much and how many times a day, should one take phytolecca ...

thanks & regards
noname last decade
kuldeep, no wonder why Belladonna is called Deadly Nightshade.
vinnie last decade
noname: take about two drops of the medicines twice a day for few days. Have a gap of 1/2 hours between any food/drink and medicine before and after.
kuldeep last decade
Belladonna and Nux Vomica are two thing still used to assassinate people by poisoning them with food. Nux Vomica is so deadly it was used as arrow poison but a technique is needed to extract poison from it but Belladonna is just deadly.
kuldeep last decade
I usually drink herbal tea. For the las week I am putting about 6 raw phytolacca berries in my tea and yesterday I had severe itching in my head. Today I saw my head full of dandruff. What do I do now?
tamiano last decade
Tamiano, my dear fellow.
I think I mentioned just one berry in one year, my friend.
I never said one berry each hour.
There was no need to be a Homeopathy martyr.
Well you proved Phytolacca very well.
Thanks you.
Now you wait for good 12 month for your next berry.
Everything would be just fine in few days.
kuldeep last decade
Thanks kuldeep, nice poem.
tamiano last decade
I thought you are a poet so I replied in a poem.
I saw your poem in Toad thread.
kuldeep last decade
You are proving phytolacca berry.Stop it immediately,the dandruff will go of itself, if not use phytolacca in potency say 30 or 200 c some doses.Ihope you will get rid of it.You are supersenstive person and you are a good prover.You can offer your services to provers association.This is clear indication that homeopathy is a truth.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks kuldeep and sajjadakram, I am fine now.
tamiano last decade
Hi Kuldeep.
Can you help me in ridding severe dandruff on my
head, eyebrows
and mustaches; rather all hairy parts, exclusively
chest, which itch a
lot sometimes.Hair glands
on my chest look
red and itching. Don't tell me about Sanicula,Arsenicum,thuja,flouric
acid, phosphoros,sulpher,kali sulph or Bediaga. I have
tried them all for
no avail. Let me tell you two other leading symptoms. I have lots of hard nodes here and there under my skin. The other symptom is that whenever I sleep my mouth fills with fatid water and my mouth feels hot and scorched. Whenever I sleep in daytime I feel whole of my body aching up at waking. I can not sleep more than one hour during day time. Do you think phytolaca will do for me?
glenwood last decade
Try Phytolacca Berry 200
if you are unable to obtain
Phytolacca Berry then try Phytolacca Decandra 200
kuldeep last decade
hi kuldeep. im stayin in mumbai and i have tried several things for dandruff. Arnica 200c, kali sulph 30x(biochemic) but all of them seem to be increasing the dandruff! IS it an aggravation of wat!! Phytolaccca berry stops dandruff immediately. Is it suppression or wat.
Im confused.
yogeshnagpal last decade
dr kuldeep,

just read your post .could u
please tell in wat quantites
and in wat potencies one should take nux vomica .......
so that he/she can die

hellboy last decade
dr kuldeep,

plz specify how to extact poision from nv .... n in wat quantities if consumed it will be harmful

hellboy last decade
strychnine is the poison Nux Vomica produces. Just a paint of it on an arrow tip jams respiratory muscles so one must make an intense effort to breath so lungs collapse.

Try 'strychnine' at Google, which is also a homeopathy medicine so does
kuldeep last decade
i cannot understand how to extract it ..but can you plz. tell me how many bottes of 1M or 10M potecy one should drink so the he can die

is there any homeopathic medicine other than nv which

please specify this coz to my knowledge homepathic medicines

can not kill any one

plz. also specify how many bottels of 10ml liquid medicine

expecting a quick reply

hell boy
hellboy last decade
If you want to die by homeopathy you are at the wrong path.

Just for the sake of your knowledge you need to drink several million bottles of 1 or 10M potency or any medicine actually alchol will kill first.

Or one can eat a kilogram of sand/urea/lime/salt/sheetrock/Zypsum/glass powder/ all these things are free.
kuldeep last decade

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