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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


i went through 'Remedy Finder' and i found LYCOPODIUM which is best relevant to my symptoms.
now someone tell me that how to use that remedy?what should be the accurate potency?
i am waiting for quick responses here........
  pleasehelpmebuddy on 2009-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I answered you in the other post.
srisri last decade

Had this person a prior post? When I clicked just now on his username, his post on 12/15 entitled 'lycopodium' was the first post listed.


I defer to srisri, but in case there was a misunderstanding I will add: Did you have a prior post that was deleted, or have you posted under a different username?

Selection of potency, dose, and indications for possible repetition of dose -- this subject is called 'posology.' Some homeopaths seem to gloss over it. Perhaps this is because it is a more quantitative art, whereas the selection of a remedy is more of a verbal art. I hope that someone has helped you with it or will. But you will need to provide them enough information that they can gauge your sensitivity.

I am just beginning to teach myself homeopathy, so all I can tell you so far is that on a few occasions, some of my physical symptoms have responded quickly to 6C and some of my mental ones to 200C. 30C is also easy to find in health food stores where I live. Higher potencies tend to have deeper action -- more likely to reach a 'cause,' which homeopaths generally tend to believe is mental (mind over matter). But each person's sensitivity is unique; you may respond to 30C as another responds to 6C, or vice versa. A U.S. based couple named Ullman have written some homeopathy guides for lay people, which you may find useful. There is not likely to be a quick fix unless you have patience to examine your symptoms deeply so that you or another can see the patterns in them; this act alone can be curative. I wish you good luck.
madscientist37 last decade

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