The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need Remedy for Heartburn and Acidity...?
Hello All,I have been suffering from acidity and heartburn for last more than 2 years.
Symptoms get worst when pain and burning increases in heart region (chest).
I also feel burning in stomach region as well. Can any one suggest how to get rid of this.
thanks in advance!
ezeevivek on 2005-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Any suggestions for eating and working habits.
What are the doses for these medicines........ I mean how many drops or pills (golies)?
Any suggestions for eating and working habits.
What are the doses for these medicines........ I mean how many drops or pills (golies)?
ezeevivek 2 decades ago
No other suggestions at all. Try to be moderate in food habits, just use common sense.
Two pills or drops (if liquid) under the tongue. Try to have a gap of half hour between any food or drink before and after medicine.
Results will be immidiate but gastritis must heal so take the medicine for two months.
Two pills or drops (if liquid) under the tongue. Try to have a gap of half hour between any food or drink before and after medicine.
Results will be immidiate but gastritis must heal so take the medicine for two months.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hello Doc,
Will this medication give me relief from these:
- Cronic nature of my probs
- Acidity
- Excesive Gas formation
- Heartburn & pain in chest
- Irregular motion habits
- Sleeplessness
Please help Im suffering from these and I need to get rid of.
Will this medication give me relief from these:
- Cronic nature of my probs
- Acidity
- Excesive Gas formation
- Heartburn & pain in chest
- Irregular motion habits
- Sleeplessness
Please help Im suffering from these and I need to get rid of.
ezeevivek last decade
kuldeep last decade
Please read this posting: "Exruciating Pain Feeling of Air Bubbles in Windpipe & Back Pain."
This is the amount of information we need. You are not letting us help you as there is not enough information.
Blessings, Sabra
This is the amount of information we need. You are not letting us help you as there is not enough information.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra last decade
Bismith 30 + carbo veg 30 + arg nit 30 + Capcicum 30 + Patelia 30
Compound 3 times a day
Ars Alb 200 + Phos 200 + Casticum 200 Compound one dose at bed time.
Compound 3 times a day
Ars Alb 200 + Phos 200 + Casticum 200 Compound one dose at bed time.
tanveerawan last decade
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