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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Unable to sleep

1. Each symptom in as much detail as possible. For example, for a headache, describe the type of pain (ie sharp, dull, stabbing, pulsating etc etc)

For last 3 days i am unable to sleep. i have hypertension which is being controlled with allopathic medication.i keep thinking about it which may be causing the anxiety.

2. Where each symptom is located (ie at right temples)
3. What first started it off (ie walking in a cold wind)

3 days ago when there was a reduction in allopathic medication for hypertension.

4. When it's worse (ie on seeing bright lights, on stepping, before period, etc)

5. When it feels better (ie lying down in a dark room, when warm, when cold)

6. Your sleep pattern and details of any recurring dreams.

Unable to sleep. even if i am able to sleep for a little while, i get up again

7. What you are sensitive to (ie, heat, cold, touch, criticism, etc)


8. Your state of mind (fears, anxieties, attitudes, moods, etc)

anxiety on hypertension
9. Any desires or aversions for particular foods, and wether certain foods make you feel better or worse.
10. Details of any major diseases suffered in past.

None. only hypertension started 4 months ago.

11. Detals of any reactions to other medicines taken.
12. History of homeopathic treatment if any.
13. All other symptoms you have (ie watering eyes, cold feet, thirst).
  nk33333 on 2010-01-20
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