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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ?

PCOS is the most common hormonal disturbance among premenopausal women. It is the leading cause of infertility due to lack of ovulation. Although PCOS is treatable, it cannot currently be totally cured.

Polycystic Ovaries (PCO) affect around one in five women during their lives. Approximately three quarters of these women will experience symptoms of PCOS.

PCOS Symptoms can include:

irregular periods or lack of periods
irregular ovulation or no ovulation
reduced fertility; difficulty in becoming pregnant
recurrent miscarriages
unwanted facial and or body hair (hirsutism)
oily skin, acne
being overweight, rapid weight gain; difficulty in losing weight
The condition has long-term health implications as women with PCOS may have an increased risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

PCOS affects women in different ways so you may not have all the symptoms. Some women may only have a couple of mild symptoms, whilst others may exhibit a wider range of symptoms more severely. No woman is the same.

Homoeopathy treatment for PCOS:
there are so many remedies in homoeopathy but the following are very useful for pcos.
Calc Carb
Agnus castus
Calc iod


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has a different approach to disease and remedy from that of conventional or Allopathic medicine. In the Allopathic approach, medicines are used that work against diseases and their symptoms. In Homoeopathy, the symptoms of an illness are viewed as a direct manifestation of the body's attempt to heal itself and a Homoeopathic substance is given that is capable of producing similar symptoms if given to a well person. In so doing, Homoeopathic attempts to stimulate the body's own natural healing capacity with Homoeopathic remedies acting as a trigger for the body's own healing forces.
THE LAW OF THE MINIMUM DOSE: micro-dose ( micro dilution) the highly diluted substance in homoeopathic medicine means using as little of a medicine as possible to stimulate the body's own healing mechanism. Give one dose (in this case one small pill) and wait to see what relief it brings. If you have a reaction to the remedy (either an improvement or an aggravation of symptoms) do not take any more medicine. Only repeat the dose if the symptoms stop improving before a full recovery is reached or if the same symptoms return (i.e. the case relapses). If the symptoms change significantly select a new remedy to fit the new picture. If in any doubt, wait. Giving the body more medicine than it needs will not improve or speed up the action of the medicine, if anything it may stop the medicine from being effective.

Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
  shamid on 2004-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Dr. Hamid, I value your information greatly. Please will you take some time and give us a discription of the RESULTING possible life-threating activity of NOT getting surgery for craniosynostosis???

It is easy to look up WHAT it is, we need to know how it affects the child during the growing stages and possible danger to the child when not having surgery to correct while an infant. Can you help clarify this? Thank you very much from a lot of interested people. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Premature closure of sutures:
Craniosynostosis is a congenital (present from before birth) defect, characterized by premature closure of one or more sutures (connections between plates in the skull), which causes an abnormally shaped skull.

The cause of craniosynostosis is unknown. In an infant's head, the sutures mark the boundaries between the bony plates that make up the skull. Premature closure of these sutures stops bony growth and results in deformity of the skull. The shape of the deformity is determined by which sutures are involved.

The condition may be hereditary and caused by a genetic defect, or it can occur sporadically in a family with no other affected relatives. The hereditary form often occurs in conjunction with other defects, which can cause seizures, diminished intellectual capacity, and blindness.

Absence of the normal feeling of a "soft spot" (fontanelle) on the newborn's skull
Disappearance of the fontanelle early
A raised hard ridge along the affected sutures
Unusual head shape
Slow or no increase in the head size over time as the baby grows.

A neurologic exam would help diagnose the condition, including:

measurement of the infant's head circumference
doctor palpating (feeling) the skull
X-rays of the skull and/or a CT scan of the head.

The main treatment for craniosynostosis is surgery during infancy. The surgical goal is to relieve intracranial pressure, assure that the skull has the capacity to accommodate the brain's growth, and cosmetically improve the appearance of the child's head.

In the sporadic from of craniosynostosis, the post-surgical results are generally good. Craniosynostosis associated with inherited syndromes usually has less optimal outcomes, because these syndromes are also associated with seizures, developmental delay, and blindness.

Overall, the prognosis for craniosynostosis varies depending on whether single or multiple skull sutures are involved and the presence of other associated abnormalities. The prognosis is better for those with a single suture involved and no other abnormalities.

Untreated craniosynostosis results in deformity of the head that can be severe and, if uncorrected, permanent. Raised intracranial pressure, seizures and developmental delay can occur.

Genetic counseling for people with hereditary (familial) craniosynostosis may help prevent some cases. Also, your pediatrician should routinely chart the growth of your infant's head over time to recognize the problem early if it occurs.

Thanking you,

Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
shamid 2 decades ago
PCOS affects women in different ways so you may not have all the symptoms. Some women may only have a couple of mild symptoms, whilst others may exhibit a wider range of symptoms more severely. No woman is the same.

Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
shamid 2 decades ago
PCOS Symptoms can include:

irregular periods or lack of periods
irregular ovulation or no ovulation
reduced fertility; difficulty in becoming pregnant
recurrent miscarriages
unwanted facial and or body hair (hirsutism)
oily skin, acne
being overweight, rapid weight gain; difficulty in losing weight
The condition has long-term health implications as women with PCOS may have an increased risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
shamid 2 decades ago

Dear Dr.Saleem Hamid,

Really appreciate your contribution to the FORUM.

Pl. do not be disturbed by the offensive remarks of John Stanton.

best regards,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago


Thank you, I do appreciate.

Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
shamid 2 decades ago
This is Faheema Dr Saleem,
I have been trying to get pregnant since three year and got pregnant once but had miscarriage. I have irregular cycles,I dont get periods for several months or in other words you can say I get period 6 months in a year. I am taking Gossypium to regualte my menstrual cycle as well as hope that I will get pregnant on it since it regualtes the system so I want to make sure that can gossypium regulate my menstrual cycle and also is there any chance of getting pregnant on it?
faheema last decade
We can treat infertility with homeopathy.
Homeopathy is a safe, non-toxic and an effective system of medicine.
shamid last decade
dear sir,

plz can i contect you.can you help me in my problem? i have irregular periods and infertility too.
kitipk last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.