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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Epilepsy :Dr.Joe Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Glad to learn that your 'jerks' are OK.

Please note that it is essential that you take the Arnica 30c in the Wet dose daily for as long as you feel that it is doing you some good.

It is best to suffer the cough as I am concerned that any drugs or homeopathic remedies may set your jerks off again.
Joe De Livera last decade
hi i am 22 year old male and i am suffering from epilepsy from last 4 years my seizures are during night only of approx 3 minutes. i have been taking homeopathic medicines but still i am suffering. my attacks are usually once in a period of two months. all of the doctors keep on changing drugs and they say that the period will increase finally to an end . but in a period of 4 years i have not seen any remarkable change .kindly help me .....how much time will it take to cure

please help
manish_gautam last decade
To Manish

Please study the therapy that Sachin Ram has used which has helped him precisely as per my prescription.

You will start with Arnica 200c in the Wet dose and you will report your progress weekly.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks Dr.joe for your kind concern.Presently i am taking some ayurveda medicines from last 8 months and i have got only 1 seizure in these days. Hope it is working. I want to ask if i could take both ayurveda and homeopathy at a time or not.The arurveda doctor has told to continue with the medicine for 6 months more and then to stop medicines.after that they will decide what to do ..Rest of the body is fine and i have no problem other than epilepsy.

Kindly guide me.
manish_gautam last decade
To Manish

You have to make up your mind about which therapy you will use as you cannot use both Homeopathy and other alternative medicine to help your Epilepsy which you stated you have suffered from for the last 4 years.

I have prescribed the remedy that has helped Sachin Ram and it is up to you to use it or forget it.

I prescribe the remedy and if you do not wish to use my therapy you are free to seek other alternate therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe

I have got good improvement after taking Arnica.Now jerking has stopped 95%.

I have a doubt on Arnica in general terms.Will Arnica will be able to regenerate dead cells in brain.If so,why medicine world is not prescribing this medicine for old peoples who are suffering from Dementia/alzheimer disease/Parikson.Im asking this as people say there is no cure for this diseases.
sachinram230 last decade
To Sachin

I am glad that you asked the question:
'why medicine world is not prescribing this medicine for old peoples who are suffering from Dementia/alzheimer disease/Parikson'

I do not think that Arnica can help with Parkinson's as there are other remedies that can help them. It will however help Alzheimer's patients within 3-6 hours after they take their first Wet dose. You may like to know that aa 21 year old boy who was in a coma was also helped by Arnica 1M which was inserted drop by drop into his mouth.


I have given Arnica 1M to many senior citizens 2 of whom were virtually living vegetables for about a year as both had lost their ability to walk before they were referred to me by their sons both of whom are employees in my organization. Both were over 85 years of age and were confined to their chairs to which they were placed by their family daily after they were fed or were otherwise put to bed.

Both had lost their motor functions in the extremities and in both cases the potency I gave them was Arnica 1M in the Wet dose. Both patients responded as if by magic in about 10 days and discovered that tactile feeling had returned to their extremities in about a 5 days. They were able to get up from their chair for the first time in a year or more in about 2 weeks after they started on my Joepathy when they were slowly able to walk again.

I regret to record that both died this year after about 3 years of independent life when they were mobile. The first patient to go had a fall in the toilet as a result of which he broke his hip and was fitted with a hip replacement which did not permit him to be mobile again. He also suffered from intense pain every after. He died at age 87.
The second choked on a glass of milk which he always drank raw straight from his cow which he milked himself for many years. He later got a cough and this was followed by Pneumonia which was the direct cause for his death at age 90.

In your case Arnica 1M is NOT indicated as it can cause other aggravations. You have responded nicely to Arnica 200 in the SPLIT dose and you can continue to take it for life.

How often do you 'jerk' today?
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

This week,i have totally 3-4 jerks alone.That too i had heavy work in office and i had burning,compressed feeling in my back head.As got tired,i got those jerks.
sachinram230 last decade
Hi Joe

For last two days im not having proper sleep.There is also some mood changes.Is it anywhere connected to sensitiveness of Arnica.In daytime, i feel little bit tired.
sachinram230 last decade
I believe that it is now time to move you over to Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as I believe that the 200c has done its function in 'resetting' your brain and the lower potency is indicated.

Order the 30c and make the Wet dose and report your response after a few days.

You will notice that you will sleep more soundly and that your 'jerks' will also cease.

Do not accept any work overload in office.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe

Im already started using Arnica 30 after you advised me as per your update on July 17th.
sachinram230 last decade
Thank you for reminding me. As you will appreciate I try to help many patients who present a variety of ailments and unless I do some research on every one for which I cannot afford the time, I do not remember the remedies I have already prescribed for each.

In your case I would like to assure you that Arnica was NOT responsible for your insomnia. You must try to cultivate the demand for sleep by exercise daily and you should find that you sleep normally.

You can use Ferr Phos 6x dose 2 tablets twice daily for a week and report results. This remedy will increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood which can hopefully help your condition.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe

Sure i will follow your advice.I want to inform you im allergic to Belladonna.Also from yesterday i feel like i have brain fog.I have some difficulty in thinking,co-ordination,thought gaps.Also when i stand straight,i feel like falling down even though nothing happened.Always im trying to be positive in mind but negative thinking or mood changes comes very often.Im not sure whether these are due to physical exhaustion as i have heavy work in office.
sachinram230 last decade
Hi Joe

Adding to my last update,in last 3 days there is no jerking.I have got full confidence on Arnica which solved my problem in 1 month even though im having this problem for last 5 years.Yesterday i slept well for 8 hours.
sachinram230 last decade
I can't remember prescribing Belladonna for you. Why are you using it ?

Glad to note that you have overcome your jerking from which you suffered for the last 5 years. I also note that your insomnia is history.

You will have to make up your mind whether or not your health and by this I do not mean just aches and pains which many suffer from is important for your future survival. Yours is far more serious as it pertains to your brain which has some malfunction which I was able to help with Arnica. It would have been very unlikely that other medical doctors could have helped you unless you were given some powerful drugs. It is also very unlikely that even Homeopaths could have helped you as Arnica is not indicated normally in classical homeopathy for any malfunction of the brain.

I have had some experience in helping some senior citizens and a 21 year old boy accident victim in a coma who had all been given up for lost but were cured by me with Arnica. In your case too I was experimenting with this remedy in various potencies and it worked admirably.

It is now in your hands to lessen your workload in office which has obviously caused you so much distress during the past 5 years.

I cannot help you there.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe

I used belladonna 3 yrs back which aggrevated my disease but after that i stopped using it.I know i have a problem in my brain and offcourse Arnica helped to cure.Even MRI scan and EEG didnt help in this cause.I was just looking for a medicine which can rejuvanate any dead brain cells,increase the blood,oxygen flow.

Also i will use ferrous phop as advised by you.Will this medicine will solve brain fog problem?

sachinram230 last decade
Ferr Phos 6x increases the Oxygen carrying capacity of your blood and will help your brain to function better.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Dr.Joe

I was feeling better upto now.But for last 3 days,i was on travel and i didnt use Arnica.Immediately i got jerks.Is it any way i can find out what the exact problem on my brain so that i can get suggestions for the permanent remedy from you.Is any MRI or any other scans help on this.Really Arnica is helping me to keep jerks in control.

sachinram230 last decade
To Sachin,

I have been wondering how you were faring during the past few months and I was interested to read your post today where you state:

'I was feeling better upto now.But for last 3 days,i was on travel and i didnt use Arnica.Immediately i got jerks.'

There is no doubt now that it is the Arnica 30c that you take daily that has helped to suppress your 'jerks' which are medically defined as Myoclonic Jerking or Twitching for which the standard drugs used are Barbiturates which are recognized to be dangerous when used in the long term.

I cannot advise you of a permanent remedy for you and as you have already seen MRI's and Brain Scans have not shown anything abnormal in your Brain.

I prescribed Arnica 200c in the Wet dose originally and I prescribed the lower potency of Arnica 30c which you are taking daily in the Wet dose. It is absolutely safe to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and you may like to know that I have taken it myself nightly since 1996 and at age 82 I believe that I owe my state of wellness to this remedy. My BP is
Joe De Livera last decade
Why are you asking someone to take a remedy for life if you are confident they are cured? What would happen if they stopped taking it?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

Are you addressing your question to me?
Joe De Livera last decade
Yes I was - your prescription is life-long daily use of arnica. Do you believe this patient is incurable?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I am indeed surprised that you do not seem to have read Sachin's report of his Myoclonic Jerks which reappeared in a matter of just 3 days without his daily dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose.

The answer to your question is very clear in his own statement:
'I was feeling better upto now.But for last 3 days,i was on travel and i didnt use Arnica.Immediately i got jerks.'

I can personally reassure you that there is absolutely NO DANGER whatsoever in anyone taking Arnica 30c in the WET DOSE. As you may be aware, I have taken a dose nightly or more often depending on need for the last 15 years and have proved conclusively that there is absolutely no truth in the classical teaching that no remedy may be used over a continuous period. I have also many patients in Sri Lanka who use Arnica in this manner who are eternally grateful for introducing Arnica to them.

In the case of Sachin he does not have any alternative but to take it for life in the manner prescribed by me (Joepathy) which therapy has helped him to overcome his Myclonic Jerks which he was convinced were due to Epilepsy. I do not believe that he will ever be cured of his ailment and it is a small price for him to pay to use Arnica in the manner prescribed for life.

Since I note that you are very concerned with my Joepathy and the 'danger' that it may cause patients may I suggest that you take this case over instead of sitting on the sidelines and criticizing my therapy?

I do not know if you are aware that another homeopath with a classical background who was once my patient and coined the term 'Joepathy', also adopted your hypercritical attitude and you can read about the manner we ended our dispute on the links below which may not be in a chronological order as I have not checked them tonight as it is late here in Colombo:



Joe De Livera last decade
Unfortunately, your insistance that homoeopathic medicines cannot harm does not make it true. Those of us who are actual trained clinical practitioners understand the power of homoeopathy.

Actually it has occurred to me that Joepathy is not the correct term for what you are doing. It is Allopathy. As an Allopath I will always have a lot to say about your use of our medicines.

I have been looking over the various posts where you are prescribing. You get more failures and side-effects than you like to admit. Because of this, I will continue to offer my advice to minimize the harm that might be done.

So you have answered my question - you do not believe you can cure this man. This was what I was wondering. Arnica is not the miracle drug after all I guess.

I am not here to get into an argument with you. I have already made it clear in other posts I do not agree at all with your Allopathic use of potentized medicines. As a professional and qualified homoeopath, my role here is only to offer advice to those who do not understand homoeopathy. I will not be goaded into attempting to treat on a forum, and threatening to abandon innocent people looking for your help will not discourage me either.

Provings are real. People who take medicines for a long time run a risk of developing proving symptoms. This is the truth, verified for over 200 years by homoeopaths. It happens to the patients you treat on this forum, and when it happens I will be there to remind them (and you) of that truth.

I do the same for my newly graduated students who's clinical experience is still small, and who are still struggling to put the philosophy into practice with real people. Whether you are happy to take this advice is entirely up to you.

I have no problem with you personally, I just disagree with your method.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
As for those other posts, Mr Murthy, while I respect his knowledge, is not a trained or professional homoeopath. In fact he and I know each other from other forums and we have disagreed over a variety of issues.

However, one thing I do greatly respect about Mr Murthy, is his acknoweldgement that we all have a right to express our views, and that those views can sometimes lead to new discoveries. Suppressing other people's opinions (assuming they are not just personal attacks) is not the way to genuine scholarly discussion.

I am certainly not here to get into that sort of argument with you. I will however offer my opinion where I think it is appropriate to do so.

Just as an aside, I don't call myself a Classical Homoeopath. I practice according to the guidelines in the Organon of Medicine and Chronic Diseases, but I also incorporate the newer case-taking methods developed my modern homoeopaths. Classical is a loaded term now, it does not carry one meaning and can often be used as a weapon in arguments.

I understand that you do not practice homoeopathy. You acknowledge that with integrity. If people accept your prescriptions then that is their choice, but I am obliged to offer my 'dire warnings' where my experience and training deems it appropriate.

Every practitioner SHOULD have some kind of peer review. If you do not have a mentor, do not have a circle of colleagues, then I suppose this forum will be the closest thing to it.

Peer review should happen in a non-critical way. It is difficult when we are all so passionate about something to not let that passion show through. But it should not become personal.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

I am simply amazed at your statement:
'I have been looking over the various posts where you are prescribing. You get more failures and side-effects than you like to admit. Because of this, I will continue to offer my advice to minimize the harm that might be done. '

I cannot understand how you can state this obvious untruth which I would classify as a Bare Faced LIE, on a forum such as the ABC which is visited by over 10000 visitors daily. It will take me too long to collate the number of patients whom I have helped with my Joepathy and those patients whom I have treated will testify to how they were cured, some after many months even years, of suffering from the 'tender loving care' of classical homeopaths, the majority of whom are more interested in milking the patient instead of curing them as every patient represents an unending source of revenue and the patient, once netted cannot escape other than by referring his/her case to a forum such as the ABC.

You will discover if you do an unbiased count of the cases that I have CURED with my Joepathy that they outnumber by far, the cases that other classical homeopaths have succeeded in doing individually with their own therapy.

I can see that your main intention in your threats to interfere with my posts is motivated by your desire to show off your academic prowess which I do not pretend to, as I do not possess that piece of paper that qualifies you to be addressed as a 'doctor'. It is not the qualification that matters in curing a patient which as you perhaps are aware I do completely without charge, which in Sri Lanka I also give the remedy without charge. It is more the projection of the love and care from the prescriber to the patient that is paramount in treating a case of a patient who in some cases seeks some solace from his ailment by posting on the ABC as a last resort after having been through the gamut of doctors and specialists and later even classical homeopaths who were not successful in helping and I take the case and the patient is often cured or at least helped as can be proved by reference to the cases that I have treated.

It seems a shame that you have so far refused to put your theoretical knowledge into practice by treating a single patient on this Forum and I remember in one instance you requsted the patient whom I had advised to consult you to do so in your clinic in Brisbane ! I presume that a fat fee will be levied by you in the unlikely event of the patient agreeing to do so.

I do not wish to waste my time on the ABC and other Forums that I visit in bickering with types like you who pretend to know all the answers to a patient's ailment yet refuse to take a single case. I do wonder what your motivation is in inflicting your presence and ideology on the ABC as this is a Forum to which many patients turn to today as Simon Broadley was as far as I am aware, the first person to establish a Homeopathic Forum in 2002 after which many others followed. I joined the ABC in 2003 with other dedicated Homeopaths and we have all tried to help patients with our joint knowledge of this Science which you are only interested in criticizing with a view to showing off your supercilious knowledge in which both I and the patient are not interested. In the case of the patient, s/he is only interested in a CURE and not in the niceties of the methodology used in the process. In my case I am only interested in CURING the patient not in defending my Joepathy. I note that you even take exception to this word Joepathy which you state is Allopathy. This statement seems very strange as it is my understanding that Allopathy abhors the use of Homeopathic Remedies.

I shall now deal with a few of your statements on your 2 posts in brief :-

'So you have answered my question - you do not believe you can cure this man. This was what I was wondering. Arnica is not the miracle drug after all I guess.'

I am again surprised that a professional homeopath can make a foolish statement such as this, as there are many other diseases that cannot ever be cured although they can be controlled. Can Diabetes be cured? Can Hypertention be cured? These are just 2 diseases that come to my mind and there are hundreds of others that can be controlled but never be cured.

In the case of Dhanywad Sachin, this patient was very fortunate that I dared to take the challenge of helping him to overcome his Myoclonic Jerks which he had been diagnosed as Epilepsy, with my Joepathy and I am certain that a classical homeopath would have first given him the run around for 2 hours answering the 200+ questions which are posed to the patient during the standard classical case taking process before that illusive 'single' remedy to treat the 'totality of the symptoms that the patient presents' is prescribed which invariably will not help the patient.

The Homeopathic remedies that I use in treating these diseases with my Joepathy cannot ever cause any side effects like Insulin and Metformin which eventually will destroy a Diabetic's kidneys after a few years of use.

I have proved that Arnica 30 taken in the Wet dose has not 'Proved' in my body and I have many hundreds of patients to whom I have given this remedy and have discovered that it did them a world of good and saved them from other more serious diseases pertaining to the Heart, Brain, Kidneys and other organs.

'However, one thing I do greatly respect about Mr Murthy, is his acknoweldgement that we all have a right to express our views, and that those views can sometimes lead to new discoveries. Suppressing other people's opinions (assuming they are not just personal attacks) is not the way to genuine scholarly discussion.

I am certainly not here to get into that sort of argument with you. I will however offer my opinion where I think it is appropriate to do so.'

You are only wasting your time in shadowing the therapy I prescribe to my patients as those patients whom I have treated and cured have often expressed their gratitude, some in ways that were embarrassing to me personally both on this Forum and in person.

'I don't call myself a Classical Homoeopath. I practice according to the guidelines in the Organon of Medicine and Chronic Diseases, but I also incorporate the newer case-taking methods developed my modern homoeopaths. Classical is a loaded term now, it does not carry one meaning and can often be used as a weapon in arguments.'

This scenario occurred in the past and I had the pleasure, after about 5 years of writing in defense of my Joepathy, to have this same classical homeopath, Gavini to accept that there is indeed a lot of goodness in my therapy which is based on studying this science since 1968 and practicing it for the last 25 years. Here is what Gavini stated on the link below and I would request you to visit this link to read how a diehard classical homeopath was gracious enough after over 5 years of criticizing my Joepathy in a manner that sometimes descended to levels that were objectionable, to state:

'I now appreciate that homeopathic medicines are capable of curing even when used in the non classical way. '

As you are aware, I am 82 years of age and I do not relish the thought of wasting my time on replying to your inanities which I presume will increase from strength to strength in the future in justifying my therapy which has been proved to work in spite of your obvious dislike of my direct 'this for that' attitude which is similar to the allopathic attitude. I am glad to state that I am not by any means the only homeopath to do so as other qualified and world recognized Homeopathic Institutes also use this same 'this for that' therapy as you can read from the link below:



Banerji Protocol of Treatment

The Banerji Protocol is a new method of treatment using homeopathic medicines. Specific medicines are prescribed for specific diseases. Diseases are diagnosed using modern/state of the art methods. This is done because modern diagnostic approaches incorporate and help in the selection of medicines so that specific medicines could be easily prescribed for specific diseases. This is not practiced in classical homeopathy.

The concept of specific homeopathic medicine for a disease based on symptoms was first perceived and practiced by Late Dr. Pareshnath Banerji. With the passage of time and the availability of new diagnostic tools like Ultrasonography, MRIs, cancer markers and other advanced tests, we were able to further streamline the treatment protocols accurately. The efficiency of this streamlining is reflected by the encouraging results of The Banerji Protocol.

In The Banerji Protocol of treatment, mixtures of remedies or frequent repetitions of the remedies are used when required. This is not practiced in classical homeopathy. The combination of two potentized medicines, we use, are made in a meaningful way based on years of clinical experiments and observations by us. They are mixed for special advantages in treatment, so that the aggravation due to drugs can be checked, side effects of the medicines can be abated, quick and uneventful recovery can be ensured in a much shorter time.

Specific homeopathic medicines are also used for supportive care. Homeopathic medicines prescribed on constitutional grounds may play a useful role in supportive and palliative for patients with malignant disease.

The Banerji Protocol is scientific, logical and is based on all modern diagnostic tools and is very realistic.

It is unfortunate that you have decided to replace Gavini Murthy to whom I referred in my last post to you and after this last rejoinder to your posts which I consider objectionable, I shall ignore them in future as they are a direct anthesis of the love and care that I project even on a Homeopathic Forum such as the ABC to my patients. Replying them will also take too much of my time away from my professional duties as the Chairman of my organization which I can ill afford to waste on defending my Joepathy which has been subjected to many peer reviews and proved to be as good as or even better than the classical homeopathy that you promote. If the success of any therapy in curing the patient is the criterion, there is no doubt that Joepathy wins hands down.

It seems unfortunate that I have to waste time in replying to you as no purpose will be served as you seem to have a lot of free time away from your professional duties which can perhaps give an indication to how busy you are on a day to day basis. I presume that you fill up your working day with your inane posts which are calculated to cause annoyance to me and can interfere with the therapy that I will prescribe in the future to my patients.

It seems very strange to me that you hide behind your pseudonym 'brisbanehomeopath' to criticize me as I have always posted my therapy under my name Joe De Livera which can give you an indication of my character and that I am not at all fearful of those like you who derive some vicarious satisfaction in criticizing instead of in helping a patient. Your pseudonym can give an insight to the true character of the person behind your writings as it seems to me that you are not sufficiently convinced and willing to take the responsibility of your criticism of me and others on this forum. I wonder if Jealousy is a reason for your belligerent attitude.

In direct contrast, f you care to type my name 'Joe De Livera' into Google you will discover that there are about 27000 Hits on this Search Engine which refer to some of the cases I have treated. Each hit contains the entirety of the case giving the patient posts and my responses. Another reference you can make is to 'Joepathy' which lists 873 hits today each of which have about 5 of my more interesting cases which you might care to read and which can give you a deeper insight into the therapy I use which was identified by Gavini Murthy as 'Joepathy' about 6 years ago. You might also care to visit my own Forum Joedelivera.com which I established a few weeks ago at the request of grateful patients who requested me to share my therapy on a Forum which all who are interested can refer to as and when necessary. My forum is yet in the course of being written and is being added to as often as I can spare the time to do so.

Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka.
Joe De Livera last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.