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bach remedies help
dear doctorsi m 64 year old female widow living alone ,
i have taken help of bach flower remedies questionnaire and identified 10 remedies on which answer of all three questions are in yes
...please help me further about dosage
the remedies are
star of bethlehem
red chestnut
rock water
water violet
lifecycle31 on 2010-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i m uploading the questionnaire for your kind reference
Agrimony Are you distressed by arguments and quarrels, often 'giving in' to avoid any conflict?
Do you find yourself hiding your worries behind a cheerful, smiling face in an attempt to conceal your pain from others?
When you feel lifes pressures weighing you down, do you often turn to alcohol or to drugs or other outside influences to help you cope?
Aspen Do you awaken with a sense of fear and anxiety of what the day will bring?
Do you have feelings of apprehension, anticipation, or uneasiness with no known causes?
Do you worry that something bad may happen but you are not sure what?
Beech Are you annoyed by the habits and shortcomings of others?
Do you find yourself being overly critical and intolerant, usually looking for what someone has done wrong?
Do you prefer to work or be alone because the seeming foolishness of others irritates you?
Centaury Are you unable to say no to those who constantly impose upon your good nature?
Do you often deny your own needs in order to please others?
Do you tend to be timid and shy, easily influenced by those stronger nature than yourself?
Cerato Are you often seeking advice and confirmation from other people, mistrusting your own wisdom?
Do you change direction often, first going one way, then another because you lack the confidence in yourself to stick with one direction?
Do you constantly question your own decisions and judgment?
Cherry Plum Are you afraid of hurting yourself or others?
Do you fear losing control of yourself?
Do you have tendency to act irrationally and violently, exploding into unexplained fits of rage and anger?
Chestnut Bud Do you fail to learn from your experiences?
Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again such as choosing the wrong type of partner or staying in a job you dislike?
Does it take you longer to advance in your life because you are slow to learn from past mistakes?
Chicory Are you possessive and manipulative of those you care for?
Do you need to be needed?
Do you often feel unloved and unappreciated by the loved ones 'after all you have done for them'?
Clematis Are you drowsy and listless, sleeping more often than necessary?
Do you find yourself preoccupied and dreamy, unable to concentrate for any length of time?
Do you often feel spaced and out of touch with the 'real world'?
Crab Apple Are you embarrassed and ashamed of yourself physically, finding yourself unattractive?
Are you obsessed with cleanliness?
Do you tend to concentrate on small conditions such as pimples or marks, neglecting more serious problems?
Elm Are you often overwhelmed by your responsibilities?
Do you become depressed and exhausted when faced with your everyday commitments?
Do you feel inadequate when it comes to dealing with the tasks ahead of you?
Gentian Are you easily disheartened when faced with difficult situations?
Do you become discouraged and depressed when things go wrong?
Does your pessimism prevent you from making an effort to accomplish something?
Gorse Do you believe that nothing can be done to relieve your pain and suffering?
Do you feel despondent and hopeless, at the end of your rope both mentally and physically?
Do you lack confidence that things will get better in your life and therefore make no effort to improve your circumstances?
Heather Are you totally self-absorbed, concerned only about yourself and your problems and ailments?
Do you dislike being alone, always seeking the companionship of others?
Do you talk incessantly, not interested in what anyone else has to say?
Holly Are you full of jealousy, envy, or hate?
Do you feel generalized anger toward other people?
Do you mistrust others intentions, feeling that people have 'ulterior motives'?
Honeysuckle Are you dissatisfied with your accomplishments?
Are you unable to change present circumstances because you are always looking back and never forward?
Do you find yourself living in the past, nostalgic and homesick for the 'way it was'?
Hornbeam Do you feel overworked or bored with your life?
Do you lack enthusiasm and therefore tend to procrastinate?
Do you often feel too tired to face the day ahead?
Impatiens Are you impatient and irritable with others who seem to do things too slowly for you?
Do you feel a sense of urgency in everything you do, always rushing to get through things?
Do you prefer to work alone?
Larch Are you sure that you will fail and therefore do not even attempt things?
Do you feel inferior and often become discouraged?
Do you lack self-confidence?
Mimulus Are you shy, overly sensitive, and often afraid?
Do you have fears of known things, such as illness, death, pain, heights, darkness, snakes, etc.?
When you are confronted with a frightening situation, do you become too paralyzed to act?
Mustard Do you feel deep gloom that seems to quickly descend for no apparent reason and lifts just as suddenly?
Do you feel depressed without knowing why?
Do you feel your moods swinging back and forth?
Oak Are you exhausted but feel the need to struggle on against all odds?
Do you have a strong sense of duty and dependability, carrying on no matter what obstacles stand in your way?
Do you neglect your own needs to complete a task?
Olive Are you totally drained of all energy with no reserves left to carry on?
Do you feel utterly and completely exhausted, both physically and mentally?
Is everything an effort, does your life lack zest?
Pine Are you full of guilt and self-reproach?
Do you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, including the mistakes of others?
Do you set overly high standards for yourself, never satisfied with your achievements?
Red Chestnut Are you distressed and disturbed by other peoples problems?
Are you excessively concerned and worried for your loved ones?
Do you constantly worry that harm may come to loved ones, family members, or others you care for?
Rock Rose Do you become helpless and frozen in the face of your fear?
Do you feel terror and panic?
Do you suffer from nightmares?
Rock Water Are you inflexible in your approach to life, always striving for perfection?
Are you overly concerned with diet, exercise, work, and spiritual disciplines?
Are you so rigid in your ideals that you deny yourself the simple pleasures of life?
Scleranthus Do you find it difficult to decide when faced with a choice of two possibilities?
Do you lack concentration, always fidgety and nervous?
Do your moods change from one extreme to another: joy to sadness, optimism to pessimism, laughing to crying?
Star of Bethlehem Are you numbed or withdrawn as a result of recent traumatic events in your life?
Have you suffered a loss or grief that you have never recovered from?
Have you suffered a shock in your life such as an accident, loss of a loved one, terrible news, illness?
Sweet Chestnut Do you feel as though the future holds nothing for you?
Do you feel that you have reached the limits of what you could possible endure?
Do you suffer from extreme mental anguish?
Vervain Do you feel tense and highly strung?
Do you have strong opinions and only yours are the right ones?
Is your over-enthusiasm almost to the point of being fanatical?
Vine Are you inflexible and feel you know more than anyone else?
Do you feel the need to always to be right?
Do you tend to be domineering and overbearing?
Walnut Are you distracted by outside influences?
Are you experiencing any change in your lifea move, new job, loss of a loved one, new relationship, divorce, puberty, menopause, or giving up an addiction?
Do you need to make a break from strong forces or attachments in your life that may be holding you back?
Water Violet Do you appear to others to be aloof and overly proud?
Do you bear your grief and sorrow in silence?
Do you have tendency to be withdrawn and prefer to be alone when faced with too many distractions?
White Chestnut Are you unable to sleep at times because your mind seems to be cluttered with mental arguments that go round and round?
Do you relive unhappy events or arguments over and over again?
Do you find your head full of persistent, unwanted thoughts that prevent concentration?
Wild Oat Are you displeased with your lifestyle and feel dissatisfied with your achievements?
Do you find yourself in a complete state of uncertainty over major life decisions?
Do you have ambition but feel that life is passing you by?
Wild Rose Are you apathetic and resigned to whatever may happen in your life?
Do you have the attitude, 'I will just live with it'?
Do you lack the motivation to improve the quality of your life?
Willow Do you feel life is unfair and find yourself taking less and less interest in the things you used to enjoy?
Do you feel resentful and bitter?
Do you have difficulty forgiving and forgetting?
Agrimony Are you distressed by arguments and quarrels, often 'giving in' to avoid any conflict?
Do you find yourself hiding your worries behind a cheerful, smiling face in an attempt to conceal your pain from others?
When you feel lifes pressures weighing you down, do you often turn to alcohol or to drugs or other outside influences to help you cope?
Aspen Do you awaken with a sense of fear and anxiety of what the day will bring?
Do you have feelings of apprehension, anticipation, or uneasiness with no known causes?
Do you worry that something bad may happen but you are not sure what?
Beech Are you annoyed by the habits and shortcomings of others?
Do you find yourself being overly critical and intolerant, usually looking for what someone has done wrong?
Do you prefer to work or be alone because the seeming foolishness of others irritates you?
Centaury Are you unable to say no to those who constantly impose upon your good nature?
Do you often deny your own needs in order to please others?
Do you tend to be timid and shy, easily influenced by those stronger nature than yourself?
Cerato Are you often seeking advice and confirmation from other people, mistrusting your own wisdom?
Do you change direction often, first going one way, then another because you lack the confidence in yourself to stick with one direction?
Do you constantly question your own decisions and judgment?
Cherry Plum Are you afraid of hurting yourself or others?
Do you fear losing control of yourself?
Do you have tendency to act irrationally and violently, exploding into unexplained fits of rage and anger?
Chestnut Bud Do you fail to learn from your experiences?
Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again such as choosing the wrong type of partner or staying in a job you dislike?
Does it take you longer to advance in your life because you are slow to learn from past mistakes?
Chicory Are you possessive and manipulative of those you care for?
Do you need to be needed?
Do you often feel unloved and unappreciated by the loved ones 'after all you have done for them'?
Clematis Are you drowsy and listless, sleeping more often than necessary?
Do you find yourself preoccupied and dreamy, unable to concentrate for any length of time?
Do you often feel spaced and out of touch with the 'real world'?
Crab Apple Are you embarrassed and ashamed of yourself physically, finding yourself unattractive?
Are you obsessed with cleanliness?
Do you tend to concentrate on small conditions such as pimples or marks, neglecting more serious problems?
Elm Are you often overwhelmed by your responsibilities?
Do you become depressed and exhausted when faced with your everyday commitments?
Do you feel inadequate when it comes to dealing with the tasks ahead of you?
Gentian Are you easily disheartened when faced with difficult situations?
Do you become discouraged and depressed when things go wrong?
Does your pessimism prevent you from making an effort to accomplish something?
Gorse Do you believe that nothing can be done to relieve your pain and suffering?
Do you feel despondent and hopeless, at the end of your rope both mentally and physically?
Do you lack confidence that things will get better in your life and therefore make no effort to improve your circumstances?
Heather Are you totally self-absorbed, concerned only about yourself and your problems and ailments?
Do you dislike being alone, always seeking the companionship of others?
Do you talk incessantly, not interested in what anyone else has to say?
Holly Are you full of jealousy, envy, or hate?
Do you feel generalized anger toward other people?
Do you mistrust others intentions, feeling that people have 'ulterior motives'?
Honeysuckle Are you dissatisfied with your accomplishments?
Are you unable to change present circumstances because you are always looking back and never forward?
Do you find yourself living in the past, nostalgic and homesick for the 'way it was'?
Hornbeam Do you feel overworked or bored with your life?
Do you lack enthusiasm and therefore tend to procrastinate?
Do you often feel too tired to face the day ahead?
Impatiens Are you impatient and irritable with others who seem to do things too slowly for you?
Do you feel a sense of urgency in everything you do, always rushing to get through things?
Do you prefer to work alone?
Larch Are you sure that you will fail and therefore do not even attempt things?
Do you feel inferior and often become discouraged?
Do you lack self-confidence?
Mimulus Are you shy, overly sensitive, and often afraid?
Do you have fears of known things, such as illness, death, pain, heights, darkness, snakes, etc.?
When you are confronted with a frightening situation, do you become too paralyzed to act?
Mustard Do you feel deep gloom that seems to quickly descend for no apparent reason and lifts just as suddenly?
Do you feel depressed without knowing why?
Do you feel your moods swinging back and forth?
Oak Are you exhausted but feel the need to struggle on against all odds?
Do you have a strong sense of duty and dependability, carrying on no matter what obstacles stand in your way?
Do you neglect your own needs to complete a task?
Olive Are you totally drained of all energy with no reserves left to carry on?
Do you feel utterly and completely exhausted, both physically and mentally?
Is everything an effort, does your life lack zest?
Pine Are you full of guilt and self-reproach?
Do you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, including the mistakes of others?
Do you set overly high standards for yourself, never satisfied with your achievements?
Red Chestnut Are you distressed and disturbed by other peoples problems?
Are you excessively concerned and worried for your loved ones?
Do you constantly worry that harm may come to loved ones, family members, or others you care for?
Rock Rose Do you become helpless and frozen in the face of your fear?
Do you feel terror and panic?
Do you suffer from nightmares?
Rock Water Are you inflexible in your approach to life, always striving for perfection?
Are you overly concerned with diet, exercise, work, and spiritual disciplines?
Are you so rigid in your ideals that you deny yourself the simple pleasures of life?
Scleranthus Do you find it difficult to decide when faced with a choice of two possibilities?
Do you lack concentration, always fidgety and nervous?
Do your moods change from one extreme to another: joy to sadness, optimism to pessimism, laughing to crying?
Star of Bethlehem Are you numbed or withdrawn as a result of recent traumatic events in your life?
Have you suffered a loss or grief that you have never recovered from?
Have you suffered a shock in your life such as an accident, loss of a loved one, terrible news, illness?
Sweet Chestnut Do you feel as though the future holds nothing for you?
Do you feel that you have reached the limits of what you could possible endure?
Do you suffer from extreme mental anguish?
Vervain Do you feel tense and highly strung?
Do you have strong opinions and only yours are the right ones?
Is your over-enthusiasm almost to the point of being fanatical?
Vine Are you inflexible and feel you know more than anyone else?
Do you feel the need to always to be right?
Do you tend to be domineering and overbearing?
Walnut Are you distracted by outside influences?
Are you experiencing any change in your lifea move, new job, loss of a loved one, new relationship, divorce, puberty, menopause, or giving up an addiction?
Do you need to make a break from strong forces or attachments in your life that may be holding you back?
Water Violet Do you appear to others to be aloof and overly proud?
Do you bear your grief and sorrow in silence?
Do you have tendency to be withdrawn and prefer to be alone when faced with too many distractions?
White Chestnut Are you unable to sleep at times because your mind seems to be cluttered with mental arguments that go round and round?
Do you relive unhappy events or arguments over and over again?
Do you find your head full of persistent, unwanted thoughts that prevent concentration?
Wild Oat Are you displeased with your lifestyle and feel dissatisfied with your achievements?
Do you find yourself in a complete state of uncertainty over major life decisions?
Do you have ambition but feel that life is passing you by?
Wild Rose Are you apathetic and resigned to whatever may happen in your life?
Do you have the attitude, 'I will just live with it'?
Do you lack the motivation to improve the quality of your life?
Willow Do you feel life is unfair and find yourself taking less and less interest in the things you used to enjoy?
Do you feel resentful and bitter?
Do you have difficulty forgiving and forgetting?
lifecycle31 last decade
I've had 10+ years experience with the Bach flower remedies, and I must say that they are an ok supplement to homoepathic treatment, but...
Homeopathic medicine is essential. Please explore homoepathy, and use the Bach remedies in addition to homeopathy.
Those interested in advanced treatment for Cancers can look into Robert Cooper's work, that was similar in some ways to Bach's techniques, but more homoepathic.
Homeopathic medicine is essential. Please explore homoepathy, and use the Bach remedies in addition to homeopathy.
Those interested in advanced treatment for Cancers can look into Robert Cooper's work, that was similar in some ways to Bach's techniques, but more homoepathic.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Bach remedies can help you.But it is better to limit the combination to 3 or 4 remedies.A personalized combination works better than random selection.
If you need a personalized combination, just send me details about your mental/emotional problems.
Wish you wellness.
If you need a personalized combination, just send me details about your mental/emotional problems.
Wish you wellness.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
i m uploading my symptoms
and homeopathic medicines taken till now
i m very sensitive and emotional person
suffer from great fear and anxiety
fears in the afternoon of being to be alone
changeable mood
silently brooding
melancholic sad
sometimes do not feel like communicating and feel disappointed but do not let others know about these characteristics
i m very particular about keeping things in order
want to know everything well in advance
i get very upset when something comes up all of a sudden maid not turning up and power going of .
i m never sure of things which i myself has done like i keep checking locks and phone locks and if burners of cooking stoves are off or not ...i keep checking and i m never too sure of things.
i lack enthusiasm in life never going out for myself ...only attending to urgent things like bills and other dead lines
i dress my selfup nicely and am very particular about keeping good care about my hygine and cleanliness..
head sometimes heavy
nails brittle and has distinct ridges
mouth:no bad taste sometimes bite of cheeks from inside .
dry mouth without thirst
want to wash frequently relieved by holding cold water in mouth
like to drink cold water in summer
and luke warm in winters
tooth ache ...despite of taking a lot of care cavities are easily developed two of my molars were extracted at the age of 28 and 29 because of deep cavities one more was extracted at the age of 31
skin:dry in winters
also cuts appear on my lips and fingers in hot weather
stools :normal
sometimes from grief worries and tension
i am getting an average sleep of 3 to 4 hours and sometimes remain awake the whole night i keep going to bathroom and drinking water
sometimes i sit in my bed and read news paper shoulders ache due to changing posture the following afternoon after lunch i feel sleepy and half an hour of afternoon sleep disturbs the whole nights sleep i am a patient of chronic insomnia
sir i like to add that my sleep started getting affected due to my worries for my ailing husband he developed hypoglycemia and i use to remain very alert and worried for him during the day as well as night ....i use to wake in between my sleep around 2 am or so to check on him ...this had a lasting effect and i still wake up around 2 am (he passed away 13 years back)
remains fine
i am careful about my diet
i eat green vegetables curd fruits sometimes egg(but no other non veg)
at night i have craving for sweet
sensitive to loud noises of hawkers in street and shrieking of children playing in street
very very sensitive to bad odor of others in the crowd and bad breath to the extent that i feel like vomiting and avoid such situations
Legs and feet
ache at night due to exertion and this leads to cramps and muscle pull (especially in rainy season)
these cramps are so painful that i fee like shouting on the top of my voice
i am paranoid of these cramps
usually it happens in the middle of the night
very rarely in the afternoon or evening
it occurs while stretching leg the pain is unbearable it starts from the calf muscle and goes upto thigh i can see and feel stiffness in the calf muscle for 1 to 2 minutes it brings tear in my eyes i m very scared of this problem ,
someone once adviced me to rub copper coins and eat coconut everyday i tried but it didnt helped
i want to get this rid of this malady
i have been visiting a homeopath for sometime now but there has been no improvement so far i m posting the prescription:
13/nov opium200c and leuphyllin200c
30/nov opium200c
14/dec opium200c and rt 30c
29 dec opium 200 acid phos30
15 jan opium200 acid phos30
30 jan arnica200 /acidphos30c
13 feb arnica200c /rt30c
26 feb coffea200/rt30c
12 march rt200c
13 march Coffea 200c
25 mar cal flu 1m
cali aid (combination of calcium salts)
1 april Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
16 April
Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
30 April Kali Phos
1 June Cal flu 1 m /Wild hope 200c
i was also advised to take a combination remedy for anxiety and stress it had (arbus precatorius/aconitum napellus /atropa belladona /calendulla/chelidonium majus virbunum opulus/Kali Phos/zincum picricum all in 6x potency)
also sir i have been having sever pain the left knee since last eight months i was observing the above prescription my homeopath suggested me to take glucosamine tablets for about 2 months which i took in april and may and now i have stopped as i had a little relief in my knee pain ..
this is it
i came to know about this forum from a man in my neighborhood i have detailed out my symptoms with his help and he is helping me with posting on this forum.
and homeopathic medicines taken till now
i m very sensitive and emotional person
suffer from great fear and anxiety
fears in the afternoon of being to be alone
changeable mood
silently brooding
melancholic sad
sometimes do not feel like communicating and feel disappointed but do not let others know about these characteristics
i m very particular about keeping things in order
want to know everything well in advance
i get very upset when something comes up all of a sudden maid not turning up and power going of .
i m never sure of things which i myself has done like i keep checking locks and phone locks and if burners of cooking stoves are off or not ...i keep checking and i m never too sure of things.
i lack enthusiasm in life never going out for myself ...only attending to urgent things like bills and other dead lines
i dress my selfup nicely and am very particular about keeping good care about my hygine and cleanliness..
head sometimes heavy
nails brittle and has distinct ridges
mouth:no bad taste sometimes bite of cheeks from inside .
dry mouth without thirst
want to wash frequently relieved by holding cold water in mouth
like to drink cold water in summer
and luke warm in winters
tooth ache ...despite of taking a lot of care cavities are easily developed two of my molars were extracted at the age of 28 and 29 because of deep cavities one more was extracted at the age of 31
skin:dry in winters
also cuts appear on my lips and fingers in hot weather
stools :normal
sometimes from grief worries and tension
i am getting an average sleep of 3 to 4 hours and sometimes remain awake the whole night i keep going to bathroom and drinking water
sometimes i sit in my bed and read news paper shoulders ache due to changing posture the following afternoon after lunch i feel sleepy and half an hour of afternoon sleep disturbs the whole nights sleep i am a patient of chronic insomnia
sir i like to add that my sleep started getting affected due to my worries for my ailing husband he developed hypoglycemia and i use to remain very alert and worried for him during the day as well as night ....i use to wake in between my sleep around 2 am or so to check on him ...this had a lasting effect and i still wake up around 2 am (he passed away 13 years back)
remains fine
i am careful about my diet
i eat green vegetables curd fruits sometimes egg(but no other non veg)
at night i have craving for sweet
sensitive to loud noises of hawkers in street and shrieking of children playing in street
very very sensitive to bad odor of others in the crowd and bad breath to the extent that i feel like vomiting and avoid such situations
Legs and feet
ache at night due to exertion and this leads to cramps and muscle pull (especially in rainy season)
these cramps are so painful that i fee like shouting on the top of my voice
i am paranoid of these cramps
usually it happens in the middle of the night
very rarely in the afternoon or evening
it occurs while stretching leg the pain is unbearable it starts from the calf muscle and goes upto thigh i can see and feel stiffness in the calf muscle for 1 to 2 minutes it brings tear in my eyes i m very scared of this problem ,
someone once adviced me to rub copper coins and eat coconut everyday i tried but it didnt helped
i want to get this rid of this malady
i have been visiting a homeopath for sometime now but there has been no improvement so far i m posting the prescription:
13/nov opium200c and leuphyllin200c
30/nov opium200c
14/dec opium200c and rt 30c
29 dec opium 200 acid phos30
15 jan opium200 acid phos30
30 jan arnica200 /acidphos30c
13 feb arnica200c /rt30c
26 feb coffea200/rt30c
12 march rt200c
13 march Coffea 200c
25 mar cal flu 1m
cali aid (combination of calcium salts)
1 april Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
16 April
Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
30 April Kali Phos
1 June Cal flu 1 m /Wild hope 200c
i was also advised to take a combination remedy for anxiety and stress it had (arbus precatorius/aconitum napellus /atropa belladona /calendulla/chelidonium majus virbunum opulus/Kali Phos/zincum picricum all in 6x potency)
also sir i have been having sever pain the left knee since last eight months i was observing the above prescription my homeopath suggested me to take glucosamine tablets for about 2 months which i took in april and may and now i have stopped as i had a little relief in my knee pain ..
this is it
i came to know about this forum from a man in my neighborhood i have detailed out my symptoms with his help and he is helping me with posting on this forum.
lifecycle31 last decade
Dear madam,
The following Bach flower combination can help you.
Preparation and Dosage-Take a 30 ml glass bottle with dropper(wash it thoroughly).Fill half of this container with pure still water.Add 2 drops of each flower essence(the above said remedies) to the water in the container.
Now your Dosage bottle is ready.This can last for a week.
Take 4 drops of the combination 4 times a day (in little water).
Hold the medicated water in mouth atleast for 30 secs before swallowing.
Just relax after taking this combination for atleast 2 minutes.
*Also try Mag phos 6x- 4 tabs/4 times daily for a week.(This tissue salt is a good remedy for cramps)
Both Bach flower remedies and tissue salts are complementary to Homeopathic treatment.
keep me informed about the changes.
If you need, i shall work out and find an individualized homeopathic remedy for you.
Wish you wellness!
The following Bach flower combination can help you.
Preparation and Dosage-Take a 30 ml glass bottle with dropper(wash it thoroughly).Fill half of this container with pure still water.Add 2 drops of each flower essence(the above said remedies) to the water in the container.
Now your Dosage bottle is ready.This can last for a week.
Take 4 drops of the combination 4 times a day (in little water).
Hold the medicated water in mouth atleast for 30 secs before swallowing.
Just relax after taking this combination for atleast 2 minutes.
*Also try Mag phos 6x- 4 tabs/4 times daily for a week.(This tissue salt is a good remedy for cramps)
Both Bach flower remedies and tissue salts are complementary to Homeopathic treatment.
keep me informed about the changes.
If you need, i shall work out and find an individualized homeopathic remedy for you.
Wish you wellness!
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear dr
i want to add that all my problems have (worries insecurity insomnia gloominess depression sensitiveness) have aggravated after my husband's demise
please help me find relief and contentment in my life.
thank you
i want to add that all my problems have (worries insecurity insomnia gloominess depression sensitiveness) have aggravated after my husband's demise
please help me find relief and contentment in my life.
thank you
lifecycle31 last decade
Kindly provide answers for the following questions.
*How is your appetite?
*Desires and aversions for food items?
*Do you have any dreams during sleep?
*How is your bowel movememt?
*Give details about perspiration and urine.(anything abnormal)
*details of lab investigations (if any).
*How is your appetite?
*Desires and aversions for food items?
*Do you have any dreams during sleep?
*How is your bowel movememt?
*Give details about perspiration and urine.(anything abnormal)
*details of lab investigations (if any).
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear Dr
i m answering your queries :
*How is your appetite?
appetite is normal
*Desires and aversions for food items?
desires: sweets specially at night...
aversions:dont like drinking milk but i take for its benefits sake.
*Do you have any dreams during sleep?
even if i have i dont remember on waking up.
*How is your bowel movement?
*Give details about perspiration and urine.(anything abnormal)
in summers i get very less urine ...else in cool weather like damp and cold weather it is frequent.
*details of lab investigations (if any).
lab reports are normal
i forgot to mention i have both longsightedness and short sightedness(when i was 13 years old)
thank you
i m answering your queries :
*How is your appetite?
appetite is normal
*Desires and aversions for food items?
desires: sweets specially at night...
aversions:dont like drinking milk but i take for its benefits sake.
*Do you have any dreams during sleep?
even if i have i dont remember on waking up.
*How is your bowel movement?
*Give details about perspiration and urine.(anything abnormal)
in summers i get very less urine ...else in cool weather like damp and cold weather it is frequent.
*details of lab investigations (if any).
lab reports are normal
i forgot to mention i have both longsightedness and short sightedness(when i was 13 years old)
thank you
lifecycle31 last decade
lifecycle31 last decade
I have repertorized your case.
You can try Ars.alb 0/1 (1 LM potency)
Preparation:Add 5-10 granules of Ars.alb 0/1 to 15 ml pure water in a pure glass container with dropper.Give 10 succussions.
Now your dosage bottle is ready.
Take 10 drops (in a tablespoon of water) from this dosage bottle twice daily for a week.
Also continue the Flower essence combination and the tissue salt.
Kindly inform me about the changes.
Wish you Health and happiness!
You can try Ars.alb 0/1 (1 LM potency)
Preparation:Add 5-10 granules of Ars.alb 0/1 to 15 ml pure water in a pure glass container with dropper.Give 10 succussions.
Now your dosage bottle is ready.
Take 10 drops (in a tablespoon of water) from this dosage bottle twice daily for a week.
Also continue the Flower essence combination and the tissue salt.
Kindly inform me about the changes.
Wish you Health and happiness!
Dr.Saravanan last decade
thankyou dr sravanan for you prescription
i have already been taking some medications is it ok to start with ur prescriptions withoout any antidotes and all
i have already been taking some medications is it ok to start with ur prescriptions withoout any antidotes and all
lifecycle31 last decade
13/nov opium200c and leuphyllin200c
30/nov opium200c
14/dec opium200c and rt 30c
29 dec opium 200 acid phos30
15 jan opium200 acid phos30
30 jan arnica200 /acidphos30c
13 feb arnica200c /rt30c
26 feb coffea200/rt30c
12 march rt200c
13 march Coffea 200c
25 mar cal flu 1m
cali aid (combination of calcium salts)
1 april Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
16 April
Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
30 April Kali Phos
1 June Cal flu 1 m /Wild hope 200c
along with these in the mentioned period ....glucosamine in april and may
30/nov opium200c
14/dec opium200c and rt 30c
29 dec opium 200 acid phos30
15 jan opium200 acid phos30
30 jan arnica200 /acidphos30c
13 feb arnica200c /rt30c
26 feb coffea200/rt30c
12 march rt200c
13 march Coffea 200c
25 mar cal flu 1m
cali aid (combination of calcium salts)
1 april Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
16 April
Cal flu 1m
Wild hop 200c
30 April Kali Phos
1 June Cal flu 1 m /Wild hope 200c
along with these in the mentioned period ....glucosamine in april and may
lifecycle31 last decade
Its better to stop all other Homeopathic/herbal medications, if you want to follow the regimen given by me.
Wishes for wellness!
Wishes for wellness!
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear dr sarvanan i have taken ur prescritption for last 8 days
i m afraid to inform you that the benefits i m seeking is yet to come sleep pattern remains same ....insomnia follwed by a night of sleep follwed by insomnia again ....the pain in the knee is surfacing slowly as i have stopped glucosamine ....
though i think mag phos is working for me as tha cramps have not occured for last 8 days ....
looking forward to your evaluation ...
i m afraid to inform you that the benefits i m seeking is yet to come sleep pattern remains same ....insomnia follwed by a night of sleep follwed by insomnia again ....the pain in the knee is surfacing slowly as i have stopped glucosamine ....
though i think mag phos is working for me as tha cramps have not occured for last 8 days ....
looking forward to your evaluation ...
lifecycle31 last decade
dear dr sarvanan i have taken ur prescritption for last 8 days
i m afraid to inform you that the benefits i m seeking is yet to come sleep pattern remains same ....insomnia follwed by a night of sleep follwed by insomnia again ....the pain in the knee is surfacing slowly as i have stopped glucosamine ....
though i think mag phos is working for me as tha cramps have not occured for last 8 days ....
looking forward to your evaluation ...
i m afraid to inform you that the benefits i m seeking is yet to come sleep pattern remains same ....insomnia follwed by a night of sleep follwed by insomnia again ....the pain in the knee is surfacing slowly as i have stopped glucosamine ....
though i think mag phos is working for me as tha cramps have not occured for last 8 days ....
looking forward to your evaluation ...
lifecycle31 last decade
dear dr..
your question: can you feel a sense of well being ?
how is your general health
evrything is fine except for the things i have mentioned
teeth prone to cavities
pain in left knee
emotionally very sensitive
want to have a control over things
sir please allow me to add that i visit my aged father every week ...i find him getiing stubborn by the day his attitude towards me and my sister has been indifferent throughout the life
also i m having small growth like warts on my left eyelid
your question: can you feel a sense of well being ?
how is your general health
evrything is fine except for the things i have mentioned
teeth prone to cavities
pain in left knee
emotionally very sensitive
want to have a control over things
sir please allow me to add that i visit my aged father every week ...i find him getiing stubborn by the day his attitude towards me and my sister has been indifferent throughout the life
also i m having small growth like warts on my left eyelid
lifecycle31 last decade
you can take Ars alb 1 LM( LM1 OR 0/1 )for 5 days, increasing the succusions to 20.
Continue with Mag phos 6x- 4 tabs/ 4 times daily.
Stop the previous Bach combination and try the following combination;
Continue this regimen for 5 days and report me.
Continue with Mag phos 6x- 4 tabs/ 4 times daily.
Stop the previous Bach combination and try the following combination;
Continue this regimen for 5 days and report me.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
i m pleased to inform that i am feeling a little better with ur prescription
still my problems remain the same
2.depression (especially in 3.afternoon and on waking up )
pain in right knee
please update my prescription
i m pleased to inform that i am feeling a little better with ur prescription
still my problems remain the same
2.depression (especially in 3.afternoon and on waking up )
pain in right knee
please update my prescription
lifecycle31 last decade
You can stop Ars alb 1LM.
Take the Bach flower remedies in combination-Whitechestnut+Mimulus+Impatiens+Mustard.(Prepare the combination as explained earlier)
Take 4 drops/4 times/ 1 week.
Also take Kali.phos 6x- 4 tabs/ 4 times daily for a week.
Report me after a week.
Take the Bach flower remedies in combination-Whitechestnut+Mimulus+Impatiens+Mustard.(Prepare the combination as explained earlier)
Take 4 drops/4 times/ 1 week.
Also take Kali.phos 6x- 4 tabs/ 4 times daily for a week.
Report me after a week.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear doctor
i have followed your prescription and i m reporting the progress...
1.very litte improvement in sleep
2.knee pain is improved
3.not much imrovement in
depression and gloominess
4.cramps seems to be getting back after a long time i got a light cramp in my left leg ...also i m getting pain in my feet
please update me with prescription
thank you
i have followed your prescription and i m reporting the progress...
1.very litte improvement in sleep
2.knee pain is improved
3.not much imrovement in
depression and gloominess
4.cramps seems to be getting back after a long time i got a light cramp in my left leg ...also i m getting pain in my feet
please update me with prescription
thank you
lifecycle31 last decade
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